Although his methods were not very upright, Zhuo Bufan never claimed to be an upright person.

In order to achieve his goal, he can do whatever it takes.

Using the Yin Beast, the Star Master was forced to come out to meet him.

Later, Zhuo Bufan led Yunyun, step by step, to the Hall of Stars.

Along the way, the people from the Star Palace could only follow from a distance and did not dare to get close.

Although Zhuo Bufan is not a terrible threat, he has a dark beast.

Only Zhuo Bufan can tame the Yin Beast.

Once Zhuo Bufan really releases the Yin Beast, the Star Palace will probably be completely annihilated.

The infection speed of this thing is really amazing.

"Yaoguang Peak, there is someone here."

Climbing the stairs to the Star Palace, Yunyun looked at the distant Yaoguang Peak.

From the palace on the peak, curls of smoke rose.

That was where Yunyun and the others lived. There are memories of her and Broken Galaxy.

"Let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan knew what Yunyun was thinking, but now was not the time.

They have more important things to do.

Taking Yunyun to the peak, they were greeted by Song Xiong, the current leader and former peak master of Kaiyang Peak.

After the demon species incident that year, the Star Lord had already retired. Then Song Xiong took the position of temporary head.

He was wearing a black gold robe, and after seeing Zhuo Bufan and the others arriving, he quickly greeted them.

"You two, please come inside."

The two followed Song Xiong into the main hall.

In the main hall, a white-haired old man sat dejectedly on a high seat, waiting for the arrival of Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"You are here."

Seeing the arrival of Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun, the Star Lord seemed a little helpless.

However, when he raised his gaze, Zhuo Bufan seemed to see a glimmer of brightness and relief in his cloudy eyes.

Perhaps, he had been waiting for this moment to arrive.

And now, Zhuo Bufan and the others have arrived.

"Meet the Star Lord."

Zhuo Bufan said with his fists clasped.

Yunyun on the side also bowed slightly to show respect.

"Everyone, please step back!"

Star Lord said to the others in the hall.

"Master." Then Song Xiong was going to say something else.

"I told you to stand down." Star Lord shouted sternly, sending everyone away.

Song Xiong could only take the others and leave angrily.

In the main hall, only Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun were left.

"Star Lord, you must already know our purpose of coming, right?"

Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

After hearing this, Star Master nodded slightly.

"We in the Star Palace have a unique skill called Star Questioning, which can predict the future."

The implication of Star Master's words is that he has already deduced Zhuo Bufan's intention.

"If people don't tell secrets, I'll get straight to the point."

"What happened back then? How did Broken Moon Peak become a demon? Why did your daughter die?"

Zhuo Bufan believed that the secret inside was the reason why Duan Xinghe became the Son of the Demon.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's questioning, Star Master sighed.

"Hey, you're still here."

"Actually, three years ago, I knew that such a day would come."

Three years ago, Broken Moon Peak became a demon and the demon species awakened. At that time, the Star Master already knew that this secret could not be guarded after all.

"Actually, Feng'er is not a demon. The real demon is my daughter, Su'e."

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Bufan frowned. Yunyun on the side even covered her mouth, showing an incredulous look.

"Your daughter? Isn't she already dead?"

"Yes, she is dead. As you know, she was killed by Feng'er."

"Poor Feng'er, he has been burdened with the bad reputation of killing his wife all his life."

"The truth is that in order to save my son, he did not hesitate to transfer the demon seed into his body."

"My daughter was not killed by him, but by me."

The truth, this is the real truth.

It turns out that the real demon is Su'e, the daughter of the Star Lord. It's not Broken Moon Peak.

Broken Moon Peak transferred the demon species into his body in order to save Su'e.

"Why did you kill your daughter now that she has been transferred?"

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

"Haha, because my son is not an ordinary demon. She is also a demon's wife, the wife of a demon."

The star master said, "If you are not shocked, you will never stop." Zhuo Bufan and Yunyun were shocked again.

The daughter of the Star Lord turned out to be the wife of the demon.

The wife of the devil is the woman of the devil.

But isn’t the Star Lord’s daughter the wife of Broken Moon Peak?

"Are you confused about the relationship between my son and Feng'er?"

"Actually, they have nothing to do with each other. Feng'er does admire my son, but it's a pity that my son has become the devil's bride very early."

"The devil knows a kind of obscene art, courting love in dreams. Even in deep sleep, he can use this art to find women, woo them, and use them as a demon seed cauldron."

"It was in that year that my son suffered the cruelty of that beast and became the wife of a demon."

Zhuo Bufan guessed right, there was indeed a big secret in it.

"Many people think that demons are randomly found by demons. But they don't know that the first generation of demons can only be female."

"The first generation of demons? Is there a second generation?" Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

After hearing this, Star Master chuckled.

"Isn't your little son the second generation of demons?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately thought of Bai Zifan.

"When the first generation of demon species dies, if the demon species does not awaken, it will automatically transfer to the second generation."

"Only by killing the second-generation demon species will the demon sleep forever."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized, and then he remembered that Bai Zifan's biological parents were both dead.

After his biological mother died, the demonic seed was automatically transferred to her body.

"Back then, the demon within my son showed signs of awakening. In order to maintain the right path and prevent the demon from resurrecting, I had to kill her out of justice."

"The truly cruel person is me!"

"But what's the use of killing her. She was already pregnant and about to give birth at that time."

"Even if you kill her, the demon seed will be transferred to the child."

"My son begged me hard. She was willing to die, just asking me to let her child go. Her child is also my grandson!"

"At that time, Feng'er was right next to me. In order to protect Xinghe and my grandson, he volunteered to become the cauldron of the demon species."

"If it weren't for him, it would have been Xinghe who became possessed that day."

After hearing this, Yunyun quickly covered her mouth.

Devil, everything is because of this damn devil.

"I regret it, I really regret it. That tragedy was caused by me alone."

"I can't protect my daughter, let alone my beloved disciple and grandson. Incompetent, I am incompetent."

The Star Lord at this moment can be said to be extremely upset.

He has suffered deeply for so many years, because this incident has almost become his disaster and his inner demon.

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