Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 510 Who is the Bug?

Zhuo Bufan was obviously fooling the King of Yinxu.

As for why he was fooling, he naturally had his own ideas.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the seal of the Red Emperor would not last long.

Once the seal was broken, the King of Yinxu would definitely be reborn and bring disaster to the world.

This King of Yinxu could instantly kill the great demon king and become the opponent of the four ancient emperors.

If such a monster crawled out of the seal again, it would definitely be a devastating blow to the world of immortal cultivation.

So Zhuo Bufan wanted to bluff it and let it know how dangerous the outside world is now.

Of course, the King of Yinxu was not so easily fooled.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, it fell silent.

"Bug, is the outside world really like what you said now?"

The King of Yinxu tried to ask.

"What I said is the truth. If you don't believe it, you can catch other people and ask them."

That's what he said, but the only one who can talk to the King of Yinxu is the one who also masters the soul reading spell.

In this world, there are very few people who have mastered this kind of spell.

It can be said that whether it believes it or not, the only way for it to get information from the outside world is Zhuo Bufan.

"Then I ask you, how is the virtual world?"

The King of Yinxu suddenly asked.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

He had never heard of the virtual world, so how could he know what was going on in the virtual world?

But I think the virtual world should be a place.

This prehistoric beast called himself the King of Yinxu, and it was obvious that he was the king of the virtual world.

So Zhuo Bufan responded: "The virtual world, the virtual world has long been destroyed by the four emperors."


As soon as the voice fell, the King of Yinxu suddenly became furious and howled.

But just when he was about to howl, the blood-colored skull on his head suddenly released endless red light.

The blood-colored chain under the floating platform began to carry blood-colored lightning like a fuse, and along the chain, it bombarded the Lord of Yinxu in the darkness.

It was about to get furious, but was instantly bombarded and lost its temper.

"Damn Chidi, damn Chidi."

The King of Yinxu shouted viciously.

After the roar, it fell into the dark calm again.

Faintly, Zhuo Bufan seemed to hear whispers in the dark abyss.

"The virtual world will not be destroyed. Xu Zun is an existence that is not weaker than the real immortal. No one can destroy it."

"Bug, are you lying to me?"

Swish, swish, swish, swish...

While speaking, more than a dozen giant pythons rushed out of the dark abyss, and suddenly bit Zhuo Bufan's body.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly shouted: "I am telling the truth, believe it or not."

"The virtual world was sealed by Emperor Xuan in conjunction with Emperor Chi, Emperor Bai, and Emperor Qing."

"Emperor Xuan has the great magical power of sealing the sky and the earth, and he sealed the entire virtual world."

As the old saying goes, a dying man speaks well.

Zhuo Bufan is a dying man who refuses to repent. He still speaks righteously and talks nonsense to deceive the King of Yinxu.

This time, the King of Yinxu believed it.

"Emperor Xuan, Emperor Xuan, it's that guy. He really dared to seal the virtual world, how abominable, how abominable."

It seems that the King of Yinxu knows Emperor Xuan very well, so after hearing Zhuo Bufan say that Emperor Xuan sealed the virtual world, he actually thinks this is credible.

"The useless thing, Bingzhu, said he could deal with Emperor Xuan."

"King of Yinxu, you should know Emperor Xuan's ability very well. Emperor Xuan's supernatural power can seal the whole world, cut off the cultivation luck of a world, and make a world without practitioners from now on."

"He is the master of life and death, and he is the most terrifying existence among the four emperors. As an immortal emperor, he does not allow the creatures in the virtual world to harm the human world again, so he will join hands with the other three immortal emperors to seal the virtual world together."

Writing, keep writing!

Zhuo Bufan's writing level is so good that he almost believes it himself.

True and false, real and fake.

Zhuo Bufan is not completely lying. At least Emperor Xuan has the ability to seal the sky and seal the earth. This is an indisputable fact.

The King of Yinxu seemed to agree with this and said, "The Emperor Xuan is indeed the most terrifying."

"Among the four emperors, he is the most difficult to deal with."

"At the beginning, he broke into the virtual world alone and killed the three kings of Yinxu and the three kings of Bingcheng. In the end, even the Lord of the ruins was severely injured by him."

"That terrible man, this king will never forget."

The King of Yinxu was silent. He was recalling the legendary posture of Emperor Xuan who made trouble in the virtual world 200,000 years ago.

"Is the world really ruled by the four emperors now?"

After a long silence, the King of Yinxu still asked the fear in his heart.

The King of Yinxu, such a terrifying existence, even so, he also has inner fear.

"That's right, the world is now ruled by the four immortal emperors."

Anyway, bragging is not taxable, so Zhuo Bufan brags hard.

The important thing is that the King of Yinxu actually believed it.

"Why didn't the Red Emperor come back to kill me?"

"He didn't have the ability to kill me at the beginning, but now he has become an immortal emperor, doesn't he still have the ability to kill me?"

The King of Yinxu raised his final question.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and shrugged, "I don't know about that. Maybe Chidi has forgotten about you!"

"After all, to him, you are just a reptile now. Just like I am a bug to you."

Zhuo Bufan said boldly.

"Chongzi, do you dare to humiliate me?"

The king of Yinxu was furious.

"This is not a humiliation, this is a fact. Just like I know very well that I am an insect in front of you. So my life and death now are completely in your hands, I dare not make mistakes."

What Zhuo Bufan said was actually a reminder to the King of Yin Ruins.

If I am a bug in your eyes, then you are just a bug in the eyes of the Red Emperor.

He was reminding the King of Yin Ruins not to think about breaking through the seal and going out to commit suicide, otherwise the Red Emperor would find him and slap him to death.

"Insect, are you threatening me?"

The King of Yin Ruins' tone became much stiffer.

Zhuo Bufan calmly replied: "No, everything I said is true."

"My life is in your hands now, is it necessary to lie to you?"

"After all, in your eyes, I'm just an insect."

Zhuo Bufan lowered his posture, looking like a weak person seeking survival, staring blankly into the abyss.

"If it is true as you say, then as soon as I go out, won't I be killed by the Red Emperor?"

This time, Zhuo Bufan didn't answer.

Let the King of Yin Xu think about the rest.

"No wonder, no wonder at that time, I didn't get a response when I called Xu Zun, and I couldn't feel the existence of the virtual world."

"It seems that we are both bugs."

"In that case, then, Bugs, from now on you will spend the rest of your life with me in this abyss!"

After thinking for a long time, the King of Yin Xu actually kidnapped Zhuo Bufan and asked him to stay in the abyss until he died.

"Here, have I shot myself in the foot again? Have I tricked myself?"

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