Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 511: The Soul of the Red Emperor

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to stop the King of Yinxu from going out to cause trouble in the world, but he didn't expect to pit himself.

For a period of time, the King of Yinxu forced Zhuo Bufan to tell him about the outside world.

Zhuo Bufan could only continue to fabricate the world he had invented at the beginning.

He fabricated a powerful world, and the whole world was ruled by the four immortal emperors.

Because of the existence of the four immortal emperors, no world dared to have any ideas about the world of cultivation.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan also got some useful information from the King of Yinxu intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, Zhuo Bufan learned from the King of Yinxu that they called the world of cultivation the 'real world'.

And the world they are in is the "virtual world", which is the other side of the real world.

The so-called cultivation of the true is the way of Taizhen.

Yinxu is a region of the "virtual world", which is equivalent to the four continents of the southeast, northwest and northeast of the world of cultivation.

In addition to Yinxu, there are five regions in the virtual world, and different creatures live in each region.

What shocked Zhuo Bufan even more was that Yin beasts were also creatures from the "virtual world".

Yin beasts, once only eight Yin beasts, caused great suffering to the entire world of cultivation.

Imagine that a whole continent of Yin beasts would be enough to destroy the entire world of cultivation.

Yin beasts belong to one of the six major races in the virtual world, and the area where they live is called "Yin land".

In addition, there is another race called "soldiers".

The area where "soldiers" live is called "soldiers' territory".

Then the King of Yinxu also mentioned a race, which he only mentioned once, but Zhuo Bufan remembered it clearly, called "twins".

Twins also belong to one of the six major races.

The King of Yinxu did not explain what race this twin was.

However, of the six races in the virtual world, Zhuo Bufan has now learned about four races.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan learned about the existence of the "virtual world".

"It turns out that there is a 'virtual world' behind the world of cultivation!"

"The virtual world is obviously more powerful than the real world. A simple creature can turn the world of cultivation upside down."

"If the virtual world descends, won't this world be destroyed?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little worried. He was worried about the fate of this world.

"It seems that the Four Emperors are related to the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan fabricated that the virtual world had been sealed by the Four Emperors. But all this was made up by him.

Whether the virtual world is sealed or not, only the devil knows.

But Zhuo Bufan has a feeling that maybe his nonsense is true.

The virtual world is really sealed, and it is sealed by the Four Emperors.

Otherwise, if the virtual world is so powerful, why hasn't it invaded the world of cultivation?

You know, the cultivation civilization of the world of cultivation has been cut off for more than 200,000 years. Even if the virtual world was seriously injured 200,000 years ago, it can easily destroy the world of cultivation if it comes back now.

But up to now, the virtual world has not appeared, which inevitably makes people doubt what happened in the virtual world.

The only explanation is that it is sealed.

Because it is sealed, it will not come out to cause trouble.

It will not descend on the world of cultivation and cause chaos in the world.

In short, all this is just Zhuo Bufan's guess.

Because Zhuo Bufan inherited the cultivation system of Emperor Xuan, he felt that he had to investigate the truth behind what Emperor Xuan did at the beginning.

After staying in the dark abyss for more than ten days, Zhuo Bufan finally had nothing to say to the King of Yinxu, or he had already found out the information he wanted to know from the King of Yinxu.

"It's time to leave."

Zhuo Bufan will not stay in this ghost place stupidly until the end of his life.

Once he finds an opportunity, he will escape. If he can't escape, he will read the file back.

Anyway, the save file has not been overwritten.

However, once the file is read back, the Human Demon Lord will also be resurrected at the same time, which is a problem.

After finally killing the demon king, if he reloads the game, he will have to start all over again, and then he will be kidnapped by the King of Yinxu, which will only lead to a vicious circle.

Therefore, the best way is for Zhuo Bufan to leave this hellhole by himself.

On this day, Zhuo Bufan was bored and prepared to meditate in the void, and then go to Yunmeng Realm.

It is worth mentioning that during the period when Zhuo Bufan was under house arrest, he often entered and exited Yunmeng Realm freely.

The King of Yinxu thought he was sleeping, so he never interfered with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan has ordered Lu Fei and others to rest in Aolai City and wait for him to return.

On this day, he was going to Yunmeng Realm to explain the specific matters.

Then he wanted to occupy the soul altar in the Hundred Islands Inland Sea in the center of Yunmeng Realm.

It is said that the soul altar in the center of Yunmeng Realm has been occupied almost, and now there are less than ten soul altars left.

The last ten soul altars made many forces jealous.

Anyway, being trapped in this dark abyss, Zhuo Bufan was bored and was ready to start his old job of snatching the soul altar.

As a result, just as his soul left his body, a spiritual light suddenly fell from the blood-colored floating platform above his head and poured into the depths of his soul.

Then, Zhuo Bufan's soul trembled.

"Young man, I am Chidi Yunxiao! Nice to meet you!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly heard the sound of the soul of another frequency and couldn't help but tremble.

This sound was something that the King of Yinxu could not hear.

Because they are not on the same soul frequency, only Zhuo Bufan, who knows the soul-sensing spell, can hear it.

Zhuo Bufan responded quickly after hearing it.

"Chidi Yunxiao, are you Chidi?"

"Yes, this is a soul that I left in this blood-transformed body. It is used to suppress this alien beast."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized that it was Chidi who left behind the soul that was proud of the blood-colored skeleton.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, and I have met Chidi."

Zhuo Bufan's awe for the four emperors was beyond words.

It's a pity that he can't worship them in person, and can only express his awe with the sound of his soul.

"Young man, Zhuoer Bufan, what a good name!"

"During the time you spent with this beast from another world, I have seen your character clearly."

"You deliberately fabricated a peaceful and prosperous world in the Four Emperors' Immortal Court in order to prevent this beast from going out to cause harm to the people."

"Your broad-mindedness is something I deeply admire."

It turned out that during this period, the soul of the Red Emperor had been secretly observing Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, he was examining Zhuo Bufan's character.

Zhuo Bufan was in cahoots with the King of Yinxu at the beginning, and he thought Zhuo Bufan was a villain.

But seeing Zhuo Bufan fabricating lies and intimidating the King of Yinxu made him look at Zhuo Bufan with new eyes.

"We are ashamed. The Red Emperor sealed the evil beasts from the other world with his own strength and restored peace to the world. It is our luck and the god we believe in. How dare a firefly compete with the bright moon."

"Wonderful, wonderful! Not crazy or irritable, not arrogant or proud. Young man, what is your relationship with Taixuan?"

The soul of the Red Emperor suddenly asked.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

"Taixuan? Who is he?" Zhuo Bufan had never heard of him.

"Don't you know Taixuan? Emperor Xuan, Jiang Taixuan!"


After writing this, I think the old bookworm should have figured out what this story is and is ready to start filling in the gaps!

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