Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 515: Killing the Demon (Part 1)

Seeing the Human Demon Lord coming to kill him, Zhuo Bufan's eyes condensed, and golden light shone all over his body.

At the same time, the black magic sword spit out from the mouth of the Human Demon Lord was close at hand.

Just when it was about to shoot Zhuo Bufan's head, a halo was born on Zhuo Bufan's body.

The golden halo floated into the air, forming a light crown behind Zhuo Bufan's head.

Zhuo Bufan stood with two fingers together, floating in front of his eyes, tightly clamping the flying sword.

The powerful impact forced him to slide back two steps.


Zhuo Bufan frowned, revealing a trace of determination, and broke the magic sword alive.

The Human Demon Lord saw this and looked terrified.

Under the night sky, Zhuo Bufan was emitting golden light all over his body.

He looked extremely sacred.

Even more shocking was the divine ring behind Zhuo Bufan.

When the divine ring appeared behind Zhuo Bufan's head, the whole person had a god-like temperament, which made people feel worshipful.

The Human Demon Lord was a giant of the demon path, and when facing Zhuo Bufan, he actually felt a little fear.

"You, you are not Zhuo Bufan?"

The Human Demon Lord looked at Zhuo Bufan, revealing a trace of suspicion.

"No? Then who am I?" Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

Now he really is not afraid of a Human Demon Lord whose cultivation has plummeted.

After all, Zhuo Bufan, who has already stepped onto the divine path, can no longer be described by common sense.

Before, he could already be invincible at the same level.

Not to mention Zhuo Bufan, who has already cultivated the divine path, it is not a new thing to kill people at a higher level.

The Human Demon Lord did feel an incomparable threat from Zhuo Bufan, which is why he showed an incredible look.

"Impossible, you give me the feeling that you can't be that brat."

It's only been a year, and the Human Demon Lord would never believe that someone would grow from a Great Unleaked Golden Core Realm to a strong man who threatens him in just one year.

He is in the True Realm, even if his cultivation plummets, even if he is the weakest True Person, he is still a True Person.

There is an insurmountable gap between True Person and Great Golden Core.

A True Person is a person who understands the true meaning of the Great Dao. Such a person has reached the peak of cultivation, and can influence the great power of the world with every move.

Even if his cultivation plummets, he still has this ability, but the power he can mobilize is limited.

But now, Zhuo Bufan, who has divine power, also has this ability.

The Human Demon Lord can feel that the world around Zhuo Bufan has begun to distort with the breath on his body.

This kind of power that only True Persons can do, Zhuo Bufan can now do it.

This is the scene that terrified the Demon Lord.

"This kid has a great power, as if it does not come from himself, but from the world."

"Throughout the ages, who can possess such power, could it be..."

The Human Demon Lord did not take action, he had already thought of something.

After all, Chidi's belief in cultivating gods is not a legend in the cultivation world.

"No way, has he mastered the power of believing in cultivating gods?"

The power to command the people of the world, what else can this be but divine power?

"That halo is the same as the halo of the ancient gods in the Ancient Temple."

"No mistake, this kid has mastered the power of the ancient gods."

Chidi thought of the ancient gods in the Ancient Temple.

When Xuanyuan Hao of the Ancient Temple was fighting, the ancient gods he summoned did have a halo around them.

It is rumored that the ancient gods in the Ancient Temple were alien creatures that were kept captive by a powerful person in the Ancient Temple in ancient times.

They passed down their own power, and now Xuanyuan Hao has inherited most of the power of the ancient gods.

Obviously, the so-called ancient gods in the Ancient Temple came from the virtual world.

Being able to enslave the ancient gods of the virtual world and serve his family and even descendants for life, the founder of the Ancient Temple is also an extraordinary existence.

Chidi has already understood that Zhuo Bufan has mastered the power of the ancient gods, and there is even more murderous aura in his eyes.

"Stinky boy, what is your relationship with the Ancient Temple?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and said, "Ancient Temple?"

He felt a little puzzled, and didn't know why this Chidi suddenly became neurotic and thought that he was related to the Ancient Temple.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know the situation of the Ancient Temple.

Of course, it's not clear now, sooner or later, he will go to the Ancient Temple to complete his mission.

"If you want to fight, fight, why are you talking nonsense?"

"Old devil, you came at the right time today. I want to avenge you for killing me."

As he spoke, Zhuo Bufan suddenly made a move.

The human demon king was confused, and had no idea what Zhuo Bufan was talking about, what revenge for killing him.

Of course, he didn't know that his memory had been erased by Zhuo Bufan's replay.

Zhuo Bufan's moves were extremely fast and ruthless.

With every move, divine power was added to his body, and the surrounding time and space were distorted and deformed.

With just a casual pinch in the air, the chest of the demon king began to collapse. The body began to die on its own.

Seeing this, the demon king stopped talking nonsense.

The battle between masters may be just a thought away.

Zhuo Bufan's divine power can already affect space.

At the same time, the way of life and death he practiced can already begin to affect the body of a real person, which is the most terrifying.

The Human Demon Lord felt the power of death, and his big hand suddenly grabbed the twisted space power on his chest, forcibly twisting it back into place.

At the same time, his body turned into a ball of black magic mist, rushing towards Zhuo Bufan.

Infinite magic power began to sweep over a radius of ten miles, suffocating people.

The power of darkness is terrible. He can make people terrified and confused.

What's more terrible is that his body has turned into a ball of magic energy, and it is impossible to kill him by conventional means.

"Little beast, today it's either you die or I die."

The Human Demon Lord has obviously made a desperate fighting posture.

His hatred with Zhuo Bufan can only end in death.

Instead of waiting for Zhuo Bufan to continue to grow and become an insurmountable peerless powerhouse, it is better to take this opportunity to fight Zhuo Bufan to the death.

"Ten thousand demons are transformed, and the Yin soldiers kill the city! Kill!"

As soon as the Human Demon Lord finished speaking.


There was only a roar from the sky and the earth. In an instant, Zhuo Bufan found that the world he was in had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The sky was no longer full of stars and moon, but the scorching sun.

The ground under his feet was no longer solid, but a bloody desert.

Under the scorching sun, the sea of ​​blood was surging, and this was an endless battlefield.

On the sand dunes, broken halberds sank into the sand, human heads became flags, and blood flowed endlessly.

The Human Demon Lord finally showed his terrifying strength in the realm of the real person.

The real person is a creature who has comprehended the great way he is walking.

The so-called cultivation of the real person is to cultivate this truth.

However, the real is the fake, and the fake is the real.

Before the real person, there was a realm called the virtual realm.

The bloody battlefield and killing land created by the Human Demon Lord is the virtual realm mastered by the virtual realm cultivators.

This is an illusion, but for those whose cultivation is lower than the virtual realm, this is a real world.

This world can kill people.

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