Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 516: Killing the Demon (Part 2)

The Human Demon Lord created a world of killing with his magic.

In this world, countless ghost soldiers and horses crawled out from under the earth.

They were soldiers who died on the battlefield, and they were heroes who died in vain.

Now they were summoned by the human demon and turned into demons.

In the world of killing, Zhuo Bufan was alone, facing thousands of troops and countless demons.

"Little beast, let me show you what the power of the demon king is."

"Millions of demon troops, listen to my orders. Kill!"

As soon as the human demon Lord finished speaking, thousands of troops emerged from under the earth and in the void, and then the wheels rolled, the wind and dust roared, and whistled.

"Is this the power of the realm of the real person?"

Zhuo Bufan looked down on everything, and the divine ring behind him shone high, emitting a thousand-foot light.

Facing the catastrophe killing array, Zhuo Bufan faced it calmly, his face unchanged.

This was the first time that Zhuo Bufan faced a crisis so calmly.

The blessing of the divine ring improved his state of mind.

Even if Mount Tai collapses before his eyes, he can still keep his face unchanged.

Showing the posture of a strong man, who is the unparalleled hero?

Seeing the dark mass in front of him, the entire horizon is full of killing warriors burning with a cold demonic aura.

The whole earth is trembling.

Ten miles, eight miles, five miles, two miles...

The team rushed forward at lightning speed, with enough combat power to flatten a royal city.

Here it comes... Here it comes...

The demon army is getting closer and closer, and it is so close that it will step on Zhuo Bufan under its feet. Countless iron hoofs and demon claws will trample him into meat paste until he is ashes.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his right hand.

The sacred halo behind him began to separate countless golden light particles, and each photon is a power of faith.

When countless photons separated from the sacred halo, they turned into countless rays of light and blasted towards the overwhelming demon army in front of them.

Puff, puff, puff...

For a moment, photons penetrated the camp of the demon army.

Every light of faith had a powerful force, and the resulting implosion bombed the entire skyline into oblivion.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

Everything in front of me was destroyed by Zhuo Bufan's divine power.

The sky and the earth were bombed beyond recognition.

The power from the divine ring of faith made the whole world almost unable to bear it.

The dark killing world that was originally built by the Human Demon Lord with great difficulty began to break under the power of Zhuo Bufan.

Above the sky, the original blue sky and white sun began to be bombed into holes.

Beyond the holes was the real world of cultivation.

The light of the bright moon and stars spread across the entire land.


With Zhuo Bufan's continuous bombing, the world built by the Human Demon Lord began to collapse.

All the demon kings, ghost soldiers and ghost horses that rushed to kill were turned into dust and ashes.

In the end, there was only a world that was constantly broken and withered.

And the demon king was left alone, looking around in confusion, speechless and choking.

The demon king stared blankly at the thousands of troops disappearing in front of him, and finally covered his face with his hands, and then roared hysterically.

"No, it's impossible, this is not true."

"Why are you so strong? You can't be so strong."

The fighting power displayed by Zhuo Bufan far exceeded the understanding of the demon king.

Zhuo Bufan, with his cultivation level of the Great Unleaked Golden Pill Realm, actually suppressed his cultivation level of the True Person Realm.

If this were to be told, it would be absolutely incredible.

However, even more incredible is yet to come.

"I said, I will kill you today."

Zhuo Bufan stretched his right hand forward.


The demon king suddenly felt that his neck was grabbed by an invisible claw.

In the killing world, he and Zhuo Bufan seemed to be at least 20 or 30 miles apart.

However, when Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, the entire killing world was shattered.

The two returned to the real world.

Let's look at the situation of both sides.

Zhuo Bufan's right hand had already tightly grasped the neck of the Human Demon Lord, and on the tiger's mouth of his right hand, a golden light flashed.

"What the hell are you?"

The Human Demon Lord was terrified, and an incredible horror appeared on his face.

However, Zhuo Bufan ignored it at all, and the light in his hand suddenly shone.

The sacred halo behind him suddenly projected a circle of ray-like light, bombarding the Human Demon Lord in front of him.

The body of the Human Demon Lord, under the irradiation of that light, began to disintegrate.

His flesh was actually destroyed by Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn it, I won't give up, I won't give up!"

The Human Demon Lord howled, but he couldn't get rid of Zhuo Bufan's hand at all.

All his strength was suppressed by Zhuo Bufan's divine right hand.

He could only watch his body dissolve under the light of the god.


Finally, Zhuo Bufan crushed the head of the Human Demon Lord.

The demon blood splashed, and under the bright moon, a blood-colored streak was swayed.

"Little beast, I won't let you go, I will never let you go. You wait, wait."

Seeing that the blood sacrifice demon body he cultivated with great difficulty was easily destroyed by Zhuo Bufan before it could exert its true power.

The Human Demon Lord was furious.

His successor Yu Tianlu died at Zhuo Bufan's hands. Would he also die at Zhuo Bufan's hands?

No, the Human Demon Lord would never let this happen.

So he took his weak soul and prepared to flee from his body.

He was a soul in the realm of possession. As long as his soul was still there, he could possess other cultivators and start over.

It was difficult to kill a soul in the realm of possession. Even Zhuo Bufan's divine power was useless to him.

If you want to kill the soul, you can only use a secret treasure that specifically kills the soul.

"Little beast, five hundred years later, I will come to settle accounts with you. You wait for me. I will never let you go. I will be your demon forever, making you sleepless and restless, and making you die with your eyes open."

As the saying goes, if you keep the green mountains, you will not worry about firewood. This Human Demon Lord was obviously ready to run away.

His soul had left his body, and his body had turned into a pool of blood.

But just when the demon king was about to use his soul to escape.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's calm voice came from behind him.

"When facing the soldiers, fighting, all, line up, march forward, go!"

As soon as the voice fell, nine sword lights flew out from Zhuo Bufan's hand.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish!

The nine sword lights, woven into a giant sword net, sank into the demon king's soul one after another.


The demon king screamed, and his soul, which was originally intact, began to break.

How could Zhuo Bufan let the tiger go back to the mountain?

The nine secret swords that cut the gods, cut the Yin gods below and the Yang gods above. This is the strongest secret treasure against the soul.

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