Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 520 The Madman Returns

In the Xiuxian Realm, the floating city driven by Zhuo Bufan is flying towards the Temple City in the center of the world.

In the Yunmeng Realm, the fleet of sky battleships led by Zhuo Bufan is also heading towards the Hundred Islands Inland Sea in the center of the world.

This man is finally going to start his finale performance on the central stage of the two worlds.

Whether it is the Xiuxian Realm or the Yunmeng Realm, they will start to boil because of his appearance.

Zhuo Bufan is going to make trouble again.

"Boss, should we be so high-profile!"

Lu Fei said so, but with a smug face, it is obvious that he is eager to be so high-profile.

"Lu Fei, tell me what is the Crazy Gate?"

Zhuo Bufan showed a happy expression, and was also very proud.

When Lu Fei heard it, he laughed.

"My Crazy Gate, we should be arrogant! We must be so rampant and so high-profile."

"That's right, tell me, which camp does the city below belong to?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed to a city below the fleet and said.

Lu Fei took out the Thousand Miles Watcher and looked at it, then compared it with the Yunmeng Map and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, it's the Demon Sect's camp."

Zhuo Bufan pricked up his ears and shouted after hearing this.

"Louder, the wind is too strong, I... can't... hear."

Zhuo Bufan was just trying to use this method to show the arrogance of his next move.

Lu Fei and Zhuo Bufan were completely like-minded, and immediately understood Zhuo Bufan's intention.

He used his hands as a trumpet, opened his throat, and shouted in Zhuo Bufan's ear.

"Boss, the Demon Sect's camp is below."

Zhuo Bufan also shouted after hearing this.

"What are you waiting for? Bomb... me!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, thirty sky battleships and thousands of soul cannons were all aimed at the city below.

The next second, countless black energy balls fell from the sky.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, only a ruin was left below.

The entire city turned to ashes in an instant.

"Lu Fei, do you understand now?"

Zhuo Bufan used practical actions to explain to Lu Fei why they were so high-profile.

Because, they were inflated!

The fleet flew over, and the earth was razed to the ground in an instant, and countless soul cultivators complained.

The role that the Crazy Sect has always played in the Yunmeng Realm is both good and evil.

They are not as upright as the righteous path, but they are definitely not as indiscriminate as the demon path in killing innocent people.

So far, the people of the Yunmeng Realm love and hate them.

Looking at the "Ghost Demon City" that had just been razed to the ground, many people began to sigh.

"He is really back. Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the Crazy Sect who disappeared for more than a year."

"This Yunmeng Realm is going to boil again."

"Yes, as long as he comes back, there will definitely be no peace."

It has been less than five years since the restart of the Yunmeng Realm.

In five years, the cultivators of the world have slowly found the cultivation method of Yunmeng Realm.

Because of the emergence of Yunmeng Realm, people's cultivation of the soul has become easier and easier.

So masters have begun to appear frequently.

However, Zhuo Bufan is a variable.

This guy, leading a group of Wufa Wutian's younger brothers, can fight against the Wumeng Alliance and the Demonic Path in Yunmeng Realm.

Some people say he is a hero, and some people say he is a disaster.

However, Zhuo Bufan only knows how to do his own thing.

He used to be too weak and needed the protection of the Talisman Temple or the Tianyi Sect.

When doing things, he would consider the consequences and was a little restrained.

Now he is already strong.

Yunmeng Realm can no longer restrain him.

Soon, the Xiuxian Realm will not be able to do it either.

It is unknown what kind of drastic changes this Wufa Wutian guy will bring to the two worlds.

Some people are looking forward to it, and some people are worried.


"Boss, we are here, and the Hundred Islands Inland Sea is ahead."

Zhuo Bufan and his fleet finally arrived in the Hundred Islands Inland Sea.

They could actually choose to teleport between soul altars, but because there were too many people, it was more troublesome to teleport.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan wanted to announce to the world in a high-profile manner that he was back.

Although it took a lot of time, fortunately, no one dared to move the eight soul altars in the center of the Hundred Islands Inland Sea.

Each of the eight soul altars was guarded by a powerful soul beast. Sometimes, it took multiple forces and more than ten days of joint fighting to take down a soul beast.

Among them, the soul altar in the center of the world was guarded by a hundred-level soul beast.

This was the only hundred-level soul beast in Yunmeng Realm, and it was also the only hundred-level existence.

Zhuo Bufan's sword of life and death had been upgraded to the top ninety-nine level and could not be upgraded any further.

In other words, a hundred-level soul beast was a BUG.

"Boss, this is the information about the hundred-level soul beast you want."

"I heard that the Golden King of the Tianwu League was not afraid of death and took a group of disciples to the soul altar in the center, wanting to occupy it."

"As a result, they were wiped out before they even saw the island."

"Among them, one disciple took out the Xuanguang mirror in time and checked the information about the guardian beast."

"As a result, the Xuanguang mirror only showed one piece of information, a hundred-level soul beast."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to know the information about the hundred-level soul beast, and Lu Fei collected the information in the first place and gave it to him.

"I understand, it seems that the last soul altar is not easy to get!"

Zhuo Bufan regained his composure and was no longer as arrogant as before.

"Boss, how about I go there myself and try to get more information."

Lu Fei suggested.

This is a road to death, but if you can obtain important information and sacrifice yourself, it will be worth it.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan patted his shoulder, then shook his head.

"There is no need for you to take risks this time. The soul altar in the center is in no hurry."

"Our top priority now is to capture the remaining seven soul altars."

"I asked you to investigate the spheres of influence of the other seven sects. Are there any results?"

"Well, there are results."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he gave Zhuo Bufan another piece of information.

"Now the seven major sects seem to have tacitly agreed to each choose a soul altar and want to occupy it."

"Leave the soul altar in the center alone and no one dares to touch it."

Lu Fei said, and gave Zhuo Bufan another map, which marked the specific locations of the remaining eight soul altars.

The big red dot in the center is the soul altar guarded by level 100 soul beasts.

The remaining seven soul altars were built in a ring around the central one.

"Do you think this looks like a magic circle?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the eight soul altars in the center and said.

After hearing this, Lu Fei nodded and said, "It's a bit similar."

"But logically speaking, magic circles are generally arranged according to the Bagua directions. But there are only seven soul altars around this soul altar."

"I have never seen a seven-cornered magic circle."

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, feeling that Lu Fei was right.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it!"

"In that case, let's start from the one closest to us."

Zhuo Bufan pointed to the location marked by one of the soul altars on the map.

Next to that, there are four words written: Wuji Sword Sect!

Let me inform you that the author has not communicated with you for a long time. Because there are too many things to do during the New Year, and I have been suffering from a cold during this period, I can only barely keep up with updates every day, and I am busy at other times. It ended like this in February, and the updates were very poor. I reflect on myself, but I don’t have the shame to see you. But since March, the book has resumed updating. Four updates a day guaranteed. Thank you for your continued pursuit of drugs! !

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