Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 521: Forceful and powerful

The Soul Altar must be fought for, otherwise Zhuo Bufan's return to Yunmeng Realm would be meaningless.

At this moment, a circle of warships were moored ten miles around a giant island in the center of the Hundred Islands Inland Sea.

On the warship, the flag of the Wuji Sword Sect was raised.

Wuji Sword Sect, the first sword sect in the Northern Territory, finally came.

The leader of the Wuji Sword Sect, Zhong Shenxiu, known as the Northern Territory Tianjiao.

This person has been rumored to be superb since he was born.

It is said that he was a generation of sword god in his previous life. When he was born, the swords of the world trembled and bowed their heads to serve him.

Zhuo Bufan was also fortunate to meet this sword master once, and he was indeed very strong.

At that time, Bai Su also had to rely on Xuanyuan Mo's help to fight him.

Bai Su's strength is naturally self-evident.

Now, Zhong Shenxiu has become a little real person. This is the second one among the four great Tianjiaos to become a little real person after Xuanyuan Hao.

This time, he is finally qualified to speak with Xuanyuan Hao at the same level.

Finally, he was qualified to talk to Xuanyuan Hao.

Of course, in the world of cultivating immortals, he was indeed the supreme existence of swordsmanship.

But in Yunmeng Realm, he really didn't have the final say.

The soul level of this sword master Zhong Shenxiu in Yunmeng Realm was 77th level.

The level of his soul weapon, the purple sword, was 70th level.

Zhuo Bufan killed him in seconds without blinking. The so-called sword master, in Yunmeng Realm, didn't even have the qualifications to fight Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, that's how awesome!

"Report to the master, everything is ready, do you want to fight?"

A disciple came with a sword on his back and reported to Zhong Shenxiu who was sitting on the sword throne.

Zhong Shenxiu had sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his eyes were fierce, looking coldly at the giant island in the mist.

The island was like a hedgehog crawling on the sea, with countless spikes of hundreds or even kilometers long.

"Have you checked all the information about Qianshou Yu? What are his weaknesses?"

The guardian beast of this island is Qianshou Yu.

It is different from the Qianshou Yu that Zhuo Bufan and his friends had met before.

That Qianshou Yu only had dozens of tentacles, while this Qianshou Yu is a true adult with a thousand tentacles.

"I have checked it out. According to the instructions of the Xuanguang Mirror, Qianshou Yu's weakness lies in its head."

"There is a vent there. It must ensure that its brain is always functioning, so the existence of the vent is particularly important."

"If a vent is blocked or destroyed, it will cause serious damage to it."

The guardian beasts of the last eight soul altars are all at level ninety-nine, and the one in the center is a hundred-level soul beast.

It is impossible to attack such a soul beast by one's own strength. It is necessary to form a certain battle scale and tactical arrangement.

No one dares to be arrogant in front of these soul beasts, not even the arrogant sword master.

In the Wuji Sword Sect, the most powerful one is not this sword master.

There are many elders in the sect whose cultivation is higher than Zhong Shenxiu.

However, Zhong Shenxiu has a promising future, so the elders naturally retreat behind the scenes and support him to take the position.

"Pass the order and prepare to attack. The decapitation task will be handed over to me."

Zhong Shenxiu is confident that he can penetrate Qianshou Yu's fatal point.

Of course, this man has always been so confident, but he is often slapped in the face because of this.

After the order was passed down, Zhong Shenxiu began to gather all his disciples and prepare to attack Qianshou Yu together.

On the sea, iron chains connected boats, and the warships of the Wuji Sword Sect surrounded the island in three layers inside and outside the sea.

Then, without saying a word, a series of flaming cannons fiercely bombarded the central island.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

The war, with this burst of gunfire, was just beginning.

After breaking the tranquility of the sky, the sleeping Qianshou Yu began to tremble.

On the island, layers of stone skin began to fall off the surface of thousands of giant stone cones.

The stone skin fell off, the vegetation collapsed, and the originally hard stone cones turned into huge tentacles.


A kilometer-long tentacle rose high, penetrated the layers of mist, and then suddenly slapped down from the sky.


The huge tentacle slapped on the sea surface, and dozens of warships were instantly smashed to pieces.

It stirred up two huge waves tens of meters high, crushing in opposite directions.


Just one slap, and a huge tsunami was stirred up.

"Everyone prepare, kill!"

Although facing the giant Qianshou Yu, humans are just as weak as ants.

But ants don't mean they have no ability to resist.

Zhong Shenxiu, who was in charge of the command, had already formulated a battle plan.

When the tentacles of Qianshou Yu slapped down. Countless flying swords were ready to slash.

Puff puff puff puff...

At once, thousands of flying swords slashed down from the sky, cutting off the huge tentacle of Qianshou Yu.

"Don't give it a chance to react, Thunder Sword Team, get ready, cut!"

Zhong Shenxiu stood a thousand meters in the air, overlooking the entire battlefield, commanding in an orderly manner.

Everything was under his control.

As soon as the words fell, countless flying swords came down with thunder and lightning.


Thunder and lightning struck, piercing the tentacles of Qianshou Yu.

With every strike, lightning penetrated Qianshou Yu's entire body, paralyzing him.

"Ice Sword Team, get ready, cut!"

On the other side, the Ice Swords, who had already been divided into a special operations team, were ready.

Thousands of flying swords fell again and slashed on the ground.

The ice swords entered the ground, instantly freezing ten miles, and froze the white tentacles on Qianshou Yu in one breath.

Of course, this is far from enough.

"Soul Swords, prepare, slash!"

Zhong Shenxiu's voice fell again.

The flying swords flew out from one of the teams and turned into a sword rain.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding...

The sword rain continued to penetrate Qianshou Yu's body, and the moment it entered the body, it began to absorb its soul power crazily.

All the attacks were done in one go.

Under the premise of sufficient preparation, the people of Wuji Sword Sect fought a beautiful battle.

Qianshou Yu, because of the repeated attacks of Wuji Sword Sect, did not come back to his senses at all.

So when Tan's soul power was devoured, there was a fainting period of nearly half a minute.

And it was this short thirty seconds that gave Zhong Shenxiu the opportunity to show off.


Zhong Shenxiu flew up and turned into a purple light, penetrating into the sky.

"Ten thousand swords of the common people, listen to my command!"

Zhong Shenxiu floated above the sky and shouted.

Tens of thousands of Wuji Sword Sect disciples below threw out their swords one after another.

For a moment, tens of thousands of flying swords began to fly into the air.

Zhong Shenxiu stood with two fingers together, pointing to control the ten thousand swords, aiming at the vital point on the head of Qianshou Yu who was crawling on the island.

"If the sky does not give birth to me, Zhong Shenxiu, the sword path will be like a long night forever. Kill!"

As soon as Zhong Shenxiu finished speaking, he flew away with his sword.

For a moment, tens of thousands of flying swords swarmed towards Qianshou Yu's vital point.

At that moment, the ten thousand flying swords seemed to have turned into a heavenly sword and fell from the sky.

On the sea, all the disciples supported Zhong Shenxiu's show-off with their soul power.

In fact, it was not these ten thousand flying swords that were controlled by Zhong Shenxiu. After all, this is in the Yunmeng Realm, and each flying sword has its own owner.

Zhong Shenxiu is just responsible for guiding the trajectory of these swords.

The disciples of the entire Wuji Sword Sect are cooperating with him to show off, which is not easy.

Watching thousands of flying swords roaring across the world, the momentum is long and strong.

Zhuo Bufan and others who are rushing over from a distance are also deeply shocked by this scene.

However, can it really succeed if ten thousand people achieve the momentum of one person's pretense?


The moment the ten thousand swords fell, there was silence between heaven and earth, and the great sound was faint!


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