Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 556: The Power of the Yin Beast

Chapter 556 The Power of the Yin Beast

In the Infinite Universe Sword Formation, every flying sword has the ability to seal the soul.

The Chaos Bell also has a soul. Although his weapon spirit is extremely powerful, it will still be sealed if it encounters the soul sealing sword.

It is really not easy to block this move.

Therefore, not even the Chaos Clock dared to carry out a move.

But Zhuo Bufan made an astonishing move. He released the elephant-like Yin Beast.

The elephant-shaped Yin beast ferociously charged towards Zhong Shenxiu.

Zhong Shenxiu didn't care either. In his opinion, whether they were Yin beasts or humans, Horcruxes or artifacts, they all had their own souls. In this case, they were all afraid of his Heaven and Earth Infinite Universe Sword Formation.

To seal this Yin beast, he only needs to consume a thousand soul sealing sword at most.

Seeing the flying swords rolling in like a river.

The elephant-shaped Yin beast spread its huge wings without any care.

Blocked all the soul sealing swords.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

The sword's light was like a needle, penetrating the body of the elephant-shaped Yin beast.

"Seal it to me."

Zhong Shenxiu shouted loudly, and the sword formation opened the seal.

Countless sword lights condensed into a huge seal.

Just when Zhong Shenxiu thought that he could easily seal the elephant-shaped Yin beast.

The elephant-shaped Yin beast continued to pounce towards Zhong Shenxiu without any damage.

Zhong Shenxiu was surprised by this scene.

"How is it possible? My sword array cannot seal it."

Zhong Shenxiu never expected that he would have the most powerful killer weapon that he was proud of.

It actually has no effect on a beast from another world.

The Yin Beast blocked all the sealing swords.

However, the Yin Beast was not afraid of this sealing sword that even the Chaos Bell was afraid of.

"The Yin beasts from the virtual world are soulless walking corpses. Without souls, your soul-sealing sword is of no use."

Zhuo Bufan revealed the truth. It turns out that the Yin Beast has no soul.

Yin beasts are not creatures from the world of cultivation, but creatures from the virtual world.

All creatures may exist in the virtual world, and Yin beasts are just one of them.

It is precisely because the Yin Beast has no soul that it is so difficult for people in the world of cultivation to deal with him.

And his body is even more difficult to destroy. The only way to kill it is to use the life force it fears most.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that it was a Yin beast that was originally planned to stay to frighten other forces.

The result played a vital role in this duel.

Just one Yin Beast defeated Zhong Shenxiu's trump card. This time, Zhong Shenxiu became passive.

When all the soul-sealing swords were inserted into the Yin Beast's body, the Yin Beast was still unscathed.

Instead, he killed Zhong Shenxiu with great ferocity.

Facing the Yin Beast, Zhong Shenxiu had to resist.

Everything in this world is interdependent, and nothing is absolutely strong or absolutely weak.

Everything has its own side.

The most restrained soul seal is a soulless creature.

He saw the Yin beast that had broken his seal rushing towards him.

Zhong Shenxiu was very angry.

"Die to me."

Zhong Shenxiu let out a roar and slashed at the Yin Beast with the purple divine sword in his hand.

However, Zhong Shenxiu, who had never dealt with Yin beasts, had no idea how terrifying Yin beasts were. Yin beasts are not afraid of the swords and weapons of the cultivation world.

The Yin Beast is not powerful. What is powerful is that there is only one way to kill him.

In addition, only physical sealing can be performed. Physical sealing directly seals the body, not the soul.

When Zhong Shenxiu's sword slashed directly from the head of the elephant-shaped Yin Beast to its tail.

The elephant-shaped Yin beast, which was as strong as a hill, was deeply divided into two parts, and the two parts were severed with one sword.

But the battle really begins.

The Yin beast that was cut in two by a sword, instead of dying, turned into two heads.

The long nose stretched out hundreds of meters and swept towards Zhong Shenxiu.

"What a despicable method. Did Zhuo Bufan raise a Yin beast specifically to deal with Zhong Shenxiu?"

"It is indeed despicable. Zhuo Bufan keeps claiming that he is the Zhuo hero who specializes in killing Yin beasts. But in the end, he secretly raised a Yin beast to threaten the forces that are unfavorable to him."

"This voice came to invade my world of cultivation. It is a great enemy in the world and the source of disasters. However, Zhuo Bufan kept it in captivity."

"Does this Zhuo Bufan want to collude with the Yin Beast and become a public enemy of my cultivation world?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan using the Yin Beast, more and more people criticized him.

Everyone could not accept Zhuo Bufan's behavior of keeping Yin beasts in captivity.

Zhong Shenxiu, as for Zhong Shenxiu, had never had any experience fighting against a Yin beast. Now he was facing a Yin beast, and he actually fell into a hard fight. No matter how hard he tried, the Yin beast remained unscathed. On the contrary, he became more and more courageous as he fought.

"Beiyu Tianjiao, I'm here to help you."

Just when Zhong Shenxiu was in a bitter battle, suddenly a vigorous figure flew into the sky.

The man wore a golden battle robe and held a golden divine bow. He faced the roar of the ferocious beast and still took it calmly.

"I'm in the Hall of Eternal Life, Li Haoyue."

The visitor announced his home address, but to his surprise, he turned out to be from the Palace of Eternal Life.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised after hearing the identity of the visitor.

"People from the Palace of Eternal Life?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the art of longevity practiced by Changsheng Hall was also a kind of life force.

When they dealt with the Yin beasts, they showed their power. It was also because of this battle that Changsheng Hall became known to the world and promoted to the third largest sect in the righteous way of the Western cultivation world.

"Li Haoyue is the eldest disciple of the Lord of Changsheng Hall. I didn't expect him to come too."

"It is rumored that Li Haoyue's cultivation has long reached the Wuluo Jindan realm."

"During the last Yin beast invasion, Li Haoyue also made great achievements in the battle."

"Yes, I remember that Li Haoyue was a pioneer in the battle at that time, and many Yin beasts died in his hands."

"Will he take action in this duel between Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu?"

I think it is a matter between two people, and third parties are not allowed to intervene.

But the world does not seem to care about Li Haoyue's intervention.

"Then when Zhuo Bufan used the Yin Beast, didn't he break the rules of the battle from the beginning?"

"That's right, Zhuo Bufan's Yin Beast is the third-party combat force. Zhuo Bufan has actually broken the rules, so why can't Zhong Shenxiu break the rules?"

The spectators expressed their support for Li Haoyue to join the battle.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"You guys, I thought I was shameless enough, but I didn't expect that you so-called righteous gentlemen, when you become shameless, are really thicker than my face."

"Zhuo Bufan, you broke the rules first and replaced the Yin Beast that is not recognized by the cultivation world. You broke the rules and you don't allow others to help join the battle?"

Li Haoyue raised the golden bow in his hand, then pulled the bowstring, and a golden arrow, with the boundless life force, broke through the air and easily pierced the head of one of the Yin Beasts.

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