Chapter 557 Take my move

Haoyue is here, and without saying anything, he took action and killed one of the bodies of the elephant-shaped Yin beast.

Zhuo Bufan saw it and felt extremely heartbroken.

"You are really eloquent, the Changsheng Palace taught you well."

Zhuo Bufan said nonchalantly, but in fact he still felt a little distressed in his heart.

After all, Yinse was the Yin beast he specially raised. If it was destroyed by the people of Changsheng Palace here, he would lose a trump card in the future.

Zhuo Bufan knew that the intention of Changsheng Palace to join the war was nothing more than revenge for what he, Zhuo Bufan, did to Changsheng Palace in Yunmeng Realm.

But to be honest, it was really unfair. The person who destroyed Changsheng Palace was obviously the son-in-law of Changsheng Palace, Xuanyuan Hao.

Zhuo Bufan was just taking the blame for Xuanyuan Hao.

Changsheng Palace naturally could not blame Xuanyuan Hao. They would only think that Zhuo Bufan had bewitched Xuanyuan Hao.

Zhuo Bufan had to bear a heavy responsibility for this black pot!

Seeing that Li Haoyue was shooting his Yin Beast recklessly.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly used the Chaos Bell and collected a piece of the Yin Beast's body.

Then Zhuo Bufan shouted at Li Haoyue.

"Okay, kid from Changsheng Hall. I have taken back the Yin Beast, you can also get out!"

"Even if you join others in a duel, I can kill you without any reason."

Zhuo Bufan had already taken back the Yin Beast, so Li Haoyue could not join forces with Zhong Shenxiu to deal with Zhuo Bufan.

"Haoyue, come back!"

At this time, Feng Qinghou, the Lord of Changsheng Hall, who was far away in the sky, sent a message to Li Haoyue.

After receiving the command from his master, Li Haoyue quickly left the battlefield and handed over this world to Zhuo Bufan and Zhong Shenxiu again.

But before he left, he still said to Zhuo Bufan.

"The Yin Beast is the greatest enemy of our cultivation world. Mr. Zhuo, you better take care of yourself."

"Go away. If you don't, I'll kill you."

Zhuo Bufan has had enough of the self-righteousness of the guys in the Changsheng Palace.

Then he turned around and looked at Zhong Shenxiu, who was slowly recovering his breath in the air.

Zhong Shenxiu had been entangled with the Yin Beast before, and his soul was confused several times by the mysterious tentacles of the Yin Beast.

It was impossible to rest, and Zhuo Bufan would never give him this opportunity.

God-given opportunity.

"Okay, Zhong Shenxiu, I have let you take three moves. Next, it's my turn to take action."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, his left and right hands began to condense powerful power.

A pure white energy ball condensed in the palm of his left hand.

The arm of his right hand was wrapped with circles of black halo.

"Is Zhuo Bufan finally going to take action?"

Everyone in the entire Temple City saw the movements of Zhuo Bufan's hands.

To be honest, few people in the cultivation world saw Zhuo Bufan take action.

Zhuo Bufan, although high-profile, has become a well-known figure in both the cultivation world and the Yunmeng world in recent years.

However, few people have seen Zhuo Bufan in battle.

In the Yunmeng world, many people have seen Zhuo Bufan's heroic fighting posture.

It's just that Zhuo Bufan in the Yunmeng world has the ability to kill in seconds, so Zhuo Bufan's actions in the Yunmeng world have always been as fast as lightning and one-shot kills.

In the cultivation world, Zhuo Bufan may be most famous for the last time the demon king attacked and Zhuo Bufan fought with all his strength.

But to be honest, even so, Zhuo Bufan's ability to perform is nothing remarkable.

After all, his opponent last time was the demon king, and who is the demon king? He is one of the four top cultivators in the world today.

Zhuo Bufan had no power to resist him, but that battle showed Zhuo Bufan's superior and unyielding spirit.

So, the question is, what is Zhuo Bufan's real combat power?

And now is the time to witness Zhuo Bufan's true strength.

Zhuo Bufan, the energy of his left and right hands, blasted towards the center.

Life and Death, one of the powerful moves that Zhuo Bufan can use now.

As Zhuo Bufan's life and death body's cultivation level improves, this move that combines the power of life and the power of death becomes more and more powerful.

"Look, what powerful two completely different energies."

"On Zhuo Bufan's left, the light of life is like a spring breeze, half of heaven."

"And on Zhuo Bufan's right, it's dead, like a withering rain, half of hell."

"I thought this guy only mastered one kind of life force, but I didn't expect him to master two completely different energies, so powerful."

This is the first time that Zhuo Bufan has shown his full strength in front of tens of thousands of people.

The power displayed by Zhuo Bufan's life and death body at full power is not inferior to the divine sword power displayed by Zhong Shenxiu before.

The people on Zhuo Bufan's left hand side must feel that their vitality has been nourished and purified.

The person on Zhuo Bufan's right felt that his life force was being devoured by Zhuo Bufan, and felt the fear of death.

Zhuo Bufan made a move, and the entire world was crushed by his life force and death force, making people want to live and die.

"What kind of physique did Zhuo Bufan cultivate?"

Someone exclaimed, the power displayed by Zhuo Bufan was obviously related to the physique he cultivated.

"I don't know, I thought he was cultivating the immortal body of the Changsheng Palace at first."

"The body of immortality in the Hall of Immortality is already the lower divine body of the heavenly level of the Heaven and Earth. Zhuo Bufan, who possesses the combination of the two powers of life and death, is probably even higher than the body of immortality."

"Above the body of immortality, doesn't that mean that his physique has reached the upper level of the Heavenly Extreme?"

"Isn't there another possibility, that is, it has surpassed the upper level of the Heavenly Level, that is the divine body."

When someone uttered the word divine body, some people present felt a strong shock.

The divine body is the most powerful physique in the world of cultivation so far.

Anyone who possesses the divine body will be able to break through the realm of pseudo-saints in the future.

The Earth Demon King once told Zhuo Bufan in person that he was only one step away from pseudo-saints, and this step was the divine body.

Only the divine body can break the shackles of heaven and earth, break through the Yang God, and achieve the position of a saint.

In today's world, there are only a handful of people who possess divine bodies.

Now, more and more people suspect that Zhuo Bufan's physique is a divine body.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's physique is of course a divine body.

This is the mysterious body of life and death created by Emperor Xuan himself.

When Zhuo Bufan showed the true face of his divine body, the world's prediction of the outcome of this battle has changed.

"Zhong Shenxiu, take my move."

While everyone was surprised, Zhuo Bufan had already condensed his own life and death.

Then, he threw it at Zhong Shenxiu who was recovering his strength without hesitation.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan's condensed big move was already in front of him, Zhong Shenxiu changed out his purple magic sword.

"Purple Extreme Ten Thousand Swords Slash!"

As soon as the voice fell, the purple sword in his hand drew thousands of sword blade storms in front of him.


Another big move collided, and the world was shocked.

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