Chapter 584 Incubation

Soon, more than a month passed.

Thanks to the hard work of Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu and Xuanyuan Changfeng.

Nearly 8,000 people have been awakened.

But the scary thing is that the red giant egg is also... More than 5,000 have grown.

This is very scary. This kind of giant egg grows extremely fast.

Gao Yangxu once witnessed the growth of a giant egg.

The first is a blood-like liquid secreted from the bark of the tree.

Then the liquid began to solidify rapidly, and when it became hard, it began to grow rapidly.

The growth rate is even faster. It only takes one night to grow from a drop of blood to an oval-shaped dome that can hold a person.

It hung heavily on a branch, and a strange creature was born inside.

Gao Yangxu has basically determined that this creature is very dangerous.

Zhuo Bufan has been injecting his divine power into the newly grown giants for more than a month. He doesn't know if this method is useful, but at least it can be regarded as a precautionary measure.

"Brother Zhuo, Brother Zhuo, come and take a look, there's something moving again."

Gao Yangxu has been paying attention to the situation of these domes.

Zhuo Bufan was recovering his supernatural power, but suddenly he heard Gao Yangxu's call.

Zhuo Bufan obeyed and ran over quickly.

I saw that the strange alien creature in the red giant egg that he first injected with divine power actually reacted.

It opened its eyes as big as fists, and then stared blankly at the people outside.

It first looked at Gao Yangxu, and that look made Gao Yangxu numb.

Then it looked at Zhuo Bufan.

When looking at Zuo Bufan, the monster blinked twice gently, with a child-like look in his eyes.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and patted the dome.

Unexpectedly, the monster in the dome shook its ugly head happily.

Gao Yangxu couldn't help but be surprised when he saw this scene.

"Brother Zhuo, you don't want to feed this guy, do you?"

Gao Yangxu now finally understood Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

Now Zhuo Bufan is feeding these terrible creatures like children.

That's why he continued to use his divine power to feed these creatures.

"This is just a preventive measure. I don't know what will happen, but now it seems to be effective."

"You see, this guy obviously thinks of me as his mother."

Zhuo Bufan was teasing as he spoke.

Gao Yangxu on the side complained speechlessly, Zhuo Bufan was able to say the word mother so naturally.

"It's interesting, isn't it? It feels like a chick is hatching. Look, he seems to be getting ready to come out."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and knocked on the eggshell.

The little life in the eggshell was also tapping with its pointed claws, seeming to be responding to Zhuo Bufan.

"It seems to have figured it out." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Isn't this nonsense? He must want to come out!"

"These guys want to come out and kill all of us. He is a thing raised by Xu Shu. Do you think he will let us go? Zhuo Di, don't be too naive, okay?"

Gao Yangxu was really speechless towards Zhuo Bufan. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan's evil idea.

"Shh, don't talk. I feel like he's coming out."

"You see him cracking the eggshell."

"Why are you so childish? Do you think you want to be a father?"

Gao Yangxu said speechlessly.

Zhuo Bufan heard this and replied.

"I am already a father. I have a son and a daughter, both of whom are beautiful."

"What? You're already a father, right? Who are you with?" Gao Yangxu was shocked.

He still doesn't know what happened between Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said in a very firm tone.

"Bai Su, my wife."

"You should have seen her before. She was the stunning beauty who rode the white dragon with us to the Holy Land that day."

"What, Bai Su? Brother, when did you and Bai Su get together? Isn't that woman going to kill you?"

Gao Yangxu didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su would come together.

"So, marriage is so wonderful. The person who wanted to kill me finally became my wife."

Zhuo Bufan said proudly.

Gao Yangxu rolled his eyes at him.

You guy must have done something sorry for me, right?

"Haha, I'll tell you this when I get the chance. My daughter Lian Lian is very cute, and my son Xiao Fan is even more of a genius. I'll introduce them to you when I get the chance."

Zhuo Bufan has now become a child-showing maniac, and he is constantly showing off his two children to Gao Yangxu.

Gao Yangxu was extremely speechless.

"That's enough, you guy. I don't care if you want to hatch this thing. But you must be careful not to hatch a demon."

Gao Yangxu warned.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"There's no way this guy can hurt me. I'm his mother. No, I'm his father."

"Okay, you guys are still finished. I don't have much power left in my hands. I can only wake up one by one."

"Don't waste your power on this thing. These things will become our enemies sooner or later."

Gao Yangxu is obviously not as optimistic as Zhuo Bufan.

In Gao Yangxu's opinion, these virtual beasts are creatures born from the virtual tree.

Even if they are hatched by Zhuo Bufan's divine power, they will never disobey the order of the virtual tree.

"Brother Zhuo, I know what you want to do. But they can't listen to you. They are born with a hateful face and are dirty things. Can such things be used?"

"Give it a try!"

Zhuo Bufan was not sure either.

Crack, crack, crack.

At this moment, suddenly the giant egg in front of Zhuo Bufan began to crack.

Then, the cracks became more and more numerous and dense.

"The strange creature in the giant egg is about to break out of the shell and come out."

Gao Yangxu said, and at the same time, he took a vigilant posture and prepared for battle.

Zhuo Bufan was not as nervous as him. He just put his hand on the giant egg lightly, and then continued to inject his divine power.

As the divine power gathered more and more, the egg finally broke a hole.

A small gray claw emerged from the hole.

The next second, an ugly, black monster rushed out and pounced on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan actually opened his arms and hugged the thing tightly.

"Hahaha, look, this guy, does he think I'm his mother?"

Zhuo Bufan hugged the little monster and laughed at Gao Yangxu beside him.

Gao Yangxu was stunned when he saw this scene.

He gave Zhuo Bufan a thumbs up and said.

"You win."

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