Zhuo Bufan looked at the little monster in front of him with curiosity in his eyes.

The little monster also blinked his fist-sized eyes and stared at Zhuo Bufan.

He opened his terrible mouth.

He stuck out his barbed tongue, and then licked Zhuo Bufan's face.

Gao Yangxu on the side was frightened when he saw this scene. He was afraid that the little monster would suddenly open its fangs and bite Zhuo Bufan's neck fiercely.

"Do you think this guy is cute?"

Zhuo Bufan said to Gao Yangxu.

After Gao Yangxu heard this, he rolled his eyes at Zhuo Bufan.

"Cute, where did you find this guy cute? What level of appreciation do you have? This monster looks so ferocious and terrifying, and you actually call him cute?"

"Isn't it cute? I think things with big eyes are cute, right?"

Zhuo Bufan held up the monster and laughed.

He could feel this big-eyed monster and regard him as a relative, without any threat at all.

This little monster not only licked Zhuo Bufan, but also licked his big tongue on Gao Yangxu's face.

"Hahahaha, look, I said this guy has nothing to fear!"

"He absorbed my divine power and had a spiritual connection with me. After breaking out of the shell, he could immediately sense the extraordinary relationship between me and him."

Zhuo Bufan could clearly sense that the little monster in front of him was connected to his soul.

The little monster obviously regarded Zhuo Bufan as his father or mother.

Although it was a bit strange, Zhuo Bufan used his divine power to hatch the monster in front of him.

"Brother Zhuo, look, the other eggs are about to hatch."

Gao Yangxu pointed to several giant eggs next to him and said.

Zhuo Bufan obviously not only hatched one giant egg, he imbued almost half of the giant eggs with his own divine power.

So nearly half of the dome eggs began to hatch.

Apparently, Zhuo Bufan transferred it into the dome with divine power, and it hatched faster.

Other domes that had not been injected with divine power did not seem to break out of their shells, which was a good thing for Zhuo Bufan.

Click, click, click!

Sure enough, more and more eggs began to hatch, and little black monsters emerged from the eggshells with grinning teeth.

These monsters have flat heads, huge mouths, and long tails.

It has two small front paws and two thick thighs. It looks like a small black dinosaur.

Each of them breathed black flames from their mouths and began to scream.

More and more little monsters hatched out of the eggshells.

Soon, a mighty army of monsters appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

The extraordinary soul is deeply connected with every little monster.

Zhuo Bufan can convey his orders to every little monster through his thoughts, and these little monsters obey his orders.

"Turn left, turn right, look ahead!"

When Zhuo Bufan showed his training results in front of everyone, everyone was shocked.

These little monsters actually acted in an orderly manner according to Zhuo Bufan's wishes.

"I really obey your orders. Am I right? Aren't these little monsters creatures created by Xu Shu?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and replied.

"Isn't this what you said? Use virtual world methods to deal with the beings in the virtual world."

Divine power is the supreme power cultivated by creatures in the virtual world.

And Zhuo Bufan injected divine power into the dome to make it hatch.

In fact, it is to give these little monsters this power of the virtual world.

This divine power is the best food for little monsters.

That's why they obeyed Zhuo Bufan and treated Zhuo Bufan as their parents.

"Then what to do next?" Gao Yangxu asked.

"Next, continue to wake up the sleeping ones while turning these virtual beasts into part of your own power."

"Can your divine power support it?"

Gao Yangxu asked.

In fact, he had long discovered that Zhuo Bufan's divine power was getting weaker and weaker.

Its sacred aura is getting darker and darker, and fewer and fewer people have awakened it recently.

The victory of faith is limited. Zhuo Bufan knew that his divine power was gradually weakening.

That's why he took the risk and hatched these dangerous little monsters.

Fortunately, he succeeded, and now these little monsters listen to his orders, not Xu Shu.

Since Zhuo Bufan said so, Gao Yangxu didn't say anything more.

In the next period of time, Zhuo Bufan continued to follow his ideas.

While awakening the sleeper, the ethereal beast is hatching.

More than two months passed.

The number of sleepers awakened by Zhuo Bufan has reached more than 15,000.

And the number of little monsters he hatched has reached 5,000.

But the number of domes created by imaginary numbers has reached more than 100,000.

And this data continues to soar.

Zhuo Bufan had no time to hatch those giant eggs.

Finally, after more than three months of brewing, these giant eggs hatched on their own.

They did not receive the influence of Zhuo Bufan's divine power, and the hatched little monsters obviously became real monsters.

They are more terrifying than the little monsters hatched by Zhuo Bufan with his divine power.

As soon as they came out, they started fighting each other.

That's right, these little monsters opened their bloody mouths and bit their own kind, then tore them apart deeply, bloody and mushy.

The little monster that survived began to evolve continuously, and then was eaten by other evolved little monsters and continued to evolve.

These little monsters grew very fast.

From a small monster to a ferocious big monster.

He was covered with fangs all over his body, becoming more terrifying and hideous.

These monsters began to attack Zhuo Bufan and his camp.

"Oh no, they are coming, they are coming!"

Zhuo Bufan and his team have been paying attention to the hatching of other giant eggs.

They knew that there would be a big battle sooner or later, so they started to build fortifications early.

"Is it finally here? Let these monsters know how powerful we are!"

"I've been waiting for this day for so long, and I've been wanting to have a big battle for a long time."

Zhuo Bufan and his team have been rubbing their hands and preparing for a big battle.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The army of virtual beasts began to attack Zhuo Bufan and his camp.

There were nearly dozens of virtual beast monsters taller than the mountains in the front.

You have a big mouth of more than ten meters long on their abdomen. When the big mouth opens, it will produce an endless swallowing storm, swallowing everything in front of it.

Many cultivators who have just awakened were completely swallowed before they could react.

And the little monsters hatched by Zhuo Bufan were powerless to resist the gluttonous monsters.

However, the cultivators did not sit and wait for death.

These people are old monsters who have been in seclusion for hundreds of years. They have seen all kinds of monsters.

Facing the crazy attack of the virtual beast army, the cultivators began to show their abilities and started this war.

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