Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 599: The Immortal Descends to Earth

Chapter 599 True Immortals Descend to Earth

Li Daoxian!

Zhuo Bufan looked at the man in front of him in surprise. He had certainly heard of this name.

Li Daoxian was one of the four great geniuses in the world of cultivation, the genius of the Western Continent.

They all said that Shenxiu in the north, Haotian in the south, Xuanyuan in the east, and Daoxian in the west.

The identity of Li Daoxian was naturally ready to be revealed.

The legend was true. Li Daoxian had entered the virtual realm a long time ago, but had never walked out of it.

This legendary genius had always been addicted to the virtual realm, without any breakthrough, and was about to be forgotten.

I didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would have the honor to see this legendary genius today.

Legend has it that Li Daoxian was the head of the Xiaoyao Sect, the first sect in the Western Continent, and the closed disciple of Qiu Daoyou.

But Qiu Daoyou had never mentioned his disciple outside.

And Li Daoxian had never said that he was Qiu Daoyou's apprentice.

Li Daoxian's identity was obviously more mysterious than people imagined.

Now this legendary genius was awakened by Zhuo Bufan.

So when Zhuo Bufan heard his name called Li Daoxian, he was really surprised.

He didn't expect that he would awaken the legendary Tianjiao person.

"Brother Zhuo, what are you doing? Who did you awaken again?"

Gao Yangxu saw a stranger standing next to Zhuo Bufan from a distance, so he flew over to ask.

When Gao Yangxu saw this extremely beautiful man.

He was also a little surprised. He frowned slightly, as if he had noticed the identity of the man in front of him.

"Skin as white as snow and as beautiful as jade, the elegant young man is a Taoist immortal."

"Could it be that you are the legendary Jade Young Master Li Daoxian?"

Gao Yangxu didn't know Li Daoxian, but when he saw the man in front of him, the first name that flashed in his mind was Li Daoxian.

Because the most profound legend about Li Daoxian in the world is that it is rumored that Li Daoxian is extremely beautiful and is called Jade Young Master.

And Li Daoxian nodded slightly after hearing Gao Yangxu's praise.

"Yes, I am Li Daoxian. May I ask your name, brother?"

Li Daoxian looked at Gao Yangxu and asked.

Gao Yangxu was surprised when he heard it.

"Are you really Li Daoxian? Haha, interesting, the legendary genius of the Western Continent."

Li Daoxian didn't seem to care about this title. He didn't show much expression, but just said lightly.

"Am I still in the virtual realm?"

Li Daoxian was addicted to the virtual realm and couldn't extricate himself. If it weren't for Zhuo Bufan and the divine power to wake him up, he might have been sleeping in it forever.

Obviously, Li Daoxian is also a person with a story.

As a genius of his generation, he couldn't even pass the virtual realm. Obviously, his story is very rich, just like Zhuo Bufan.

Li Daoxian looked at Zhuo Bufan and said to Gao Yangxu.

Zhuo Bufan bowed and replied.

"I am Zhuo Bufan."

Gao Yangxu on the side also replied.

"I, Gao Yangxu, have heard of Li Daoxian's name for a long time. Today, I see that he is indeed the Jade Master who deserves the reputation."

Li Daoxian shook his head after hearing it.

"I am just a name in name only. I am ashamed to be called a Taoist Immortal."

Li Daoxian was more modest than Zhuo Bufan had imagined.

He was not as arrogant as Zhong Shenxiu, the North Territory's Tianjiao.

He was not as imposing as Xuanyuan Hao, the East Territory's Tianjiao.

He was not as funny as Donghuang Haotian, the South Territory's Tianjiao.

This Western Taoist Immortal was very modest.

"Brother Daoxian, you have been in the Void Realm for a long time, but your temper is still so good."

"To be honest, Brother Daoxian, we are in the Void Realm now. We haven't left yet."

"What I want to tell you now is that the tree in front of you is a virtual tree. There is a virtual pool on the virtual tree. If you walk into the virtual pool, you can leave this world."

"But what I want to tell you is that we can't leave now. All of us are ready to pull out this tree."

Gao Yangxu told Li Daoxian their plan in detail.

After listening, Li Daoxian said without hesitation.

"I am willing to stay and lend a hand."

"Brother Daoxian originally intended to contribute his own strength to the great cause of the human race. I am grateful for your help on behalf of all the cultivators in the world."

Li Daoxian shook his head slowly and replied.

"Brother, you are joking. I just don't want to go out so unclearly. I must also make a break with this tree."

After Li Daoxian finished speaking, he looked at the virtual tree in front of him.

He has been immersed in the virtual world for decades. During these decades, the virtual tree has created a beautiful dream for him, which makes him unable to extricate himself.

But after waking up, Li Daoxian. He was very tired of that beautiful dream. In his opinion, that beautiful dream was a kind of nightmare that he could not describe.

In the next few days, Li Daoxian and Zhuo Bufan stayed with Gao Yangxu and others.

Zhuo Bufan often secretly paid attention to this Taoist Jade Master.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan discovered that this Jade Master was not as simple as he imagined.

This young master Yu actually had a bit of dementia in his eyes. Yes, he often daydreamed, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Beep, beep...

Suddenly, a horn sounded in the distance.

This horn sound was the sound of the virtual beast attacking.

"It's a virtual beast invasion, get ready quickly, get ready to fight."

Faced with the sudden invasion of the virtual beast, Zhuo Bufan and his men immediately took a fighting stance.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed an energy core.

This energy core was grabbed from the body of the largest virtual beast.

Through the energy core, it can use powerful force to fight against the virtual beasts in front of it.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, but almost all the tens of thousands of cultivators present have such an energy core in their hands as the source of their fighting power.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Gao Yangxu and others on the side and said.

"You are ready to fight. According to the rules, lure the virtual beasts to the virtual palace on the upper layer of the tree canopy, and use their power to cause certain damage to the virtual tree."

Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu have long had combat experience and combat plans.

They had made a combat plan a long time ago, using the power of virtual beasts to strike the virtual tree, which is called giving someone a taste of their own medicine.

In fact, this method of Zhuo Bufan and others is indeed effective.

"Are these guys the virtual beasts you are talking about?"

Li Daoxian looked at the virtual beasts rushing up in front of him and said.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing it.

"Yes, these are the monsters hatched by the virtual tree."

Li Daoxian's face changed drastically after hearing it, and he suddenly shouted in his mouth.

Kill, kill, kill!

For a time, Li Daoxian was boiling with killing.

He was enveloped by a strong murderous aura, and his aura suddenly changed, which shocked Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu and others.

Only to see the golden light wrapped around Li Daoxian

In the light, Li Daoxian suddenly changed his clothes and put on armor.

He held a golden sword in his hand.

Before Zhuo Bufan, Li Gaoyangxu and others could react, Li Daoxian rushed out.

The sword slashed down, cutting off a branch with a diameter of hundreds of meters, and a group of virtual beasts were instantly destroyed.

Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu were shocked when they saw this scene.

They didn't expect that Li Daoxian's combat power would be so strong today.

And Li Daoxian was obviously more terrifying than they imagined.

This guy looked very humble on the outside, but once he fought, his state would suddenly change.

He was covered with golden armor, wrapped in magic armor, and burned with blood armor.

"The legend is true. This Li Daoxian is a real immortal who has descended to the earth."

Gao Yangxu said calmly on the side.

"A true immortal descended to earth?"


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