Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 600: Immortal Method

Chapter 600 The Immortal Technique

A true immortal descends to earth?

Zhuo Bufan, this is the first time I heard that a true immortal descended to earth.

"Is Li Daoxian an immortal descended to earth?" Zhuo Bufan looked at Gao Yangxu and asked.

"There is a legend that Li Daoxian is an immortal who descended to earth. Of course, this is just a legend because no one has ever seen an immortal."

"And immortals are different from mortals. After an immortal becomes an immortal, the legends about him in the world will disappear."

"So no one knows whether Li Daoxian is an immortal or not."

Facing Gao Yangxu's statement, Zhuo Bufan was thoughtful.

Zhuo Bufan had heard of such rumors.

After becoming an immortal and ascending, the person who becomes an immortal will disappear from the world and his legend will disappear.

Because immortals exist beyond the body and mortals.

Therefore, there has never been any record of a certain immortal in the world of cultivation.

There is no immortal in this world who has left any deeds.

The end point of cultivation is to become an immortal.

It's just that there are no legends about any immortals in this world, but there are legends about cultivating immortals in the world of cultivation.

Does the legend of just immortals really exist?

Why do people say that Li Daoxian is a true immortal descended to earth?

Moreover, this rumor existed a long time ago, which is why Gao Yangxu knew about it.

Look at Li Daoxian again.

At this moment, Li Daoxian's body was indeed wrapped in a layer of energy that even Zhuo Bufan couldn't see.

Golden light entwined, and Li Daoxian's combat power soared at this moment.

He was wearing a golden battle armor, dazzling the world, and carrying a golden sword. With one strike of the sword, he destroyed everything in front of him.

The power is extremely powerful and unmatched.

You must know that this is a virtual realm. In the virtual realm, it is impossible for cultivators to use other abilities and can only use the power of the soul.

But what Li Daoxian used was obviously not the power of the soul, but something beyond the power of the soul, even a divine power. Could it really be immortal power?

"In the virtual realm, he was able to show such great strength. The name of Tianjiao is indeed well-deserved. I feel that his strength should be second only to Xuanyuan Hao."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Li Daoxian with shock in his heart. He had already seen all the four great geniuses in the world.

In terms of rankings, Xuanyuan Hao deserves to be ranked first. Among the same class, Xuanyuan Hao is almost invincible.

The second one is Li Daoxian, and Li Daoxian has not shown his true power so far, so Zhuo Bufan can only guess how strong he is, but he should be lower than Xuanyuan Hao One chip.

The third ranked one is probably Donghuang Haotian. As the son of the Demon Emperor, Donghuang Haotian is a young demon boy.

Demons are inherently stronger than humans, not to mention that Donghuang Haotian also possesses the bloodline power of the Demon Lord.

Then the fourth one is Beishenxiu.

As for Zhuo Bufan, his current strength is only slightly better than Zhong Shenxiu.

Compared with the other three, Zhuo Bufan may still have a certain gap.

In addition, Zhuo Bufan's brother Gao Yangxu is also extraordinary in strength.

Gao Yangxu is more mysterious than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

So far, Gao Yangxu has not shown all his strength. But Zhuo Bufan believed that Gao Yangxu's abilities were far more than this.

And this guy may not be an ordinary person, because he knows too much, even more than many old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. Obviously, Gao Yangxu is an extraordinary mysterious figure.

In this battle, due to Li Daoxian's domineering attack, Zhuo Bufan and the others once again successfully blocked the attack of the monster.

Xu Shu may not have thought that there would be someone like Li Daoxian.

The shocking combat power displayed by Li Daoxian has obviously become a threat to Xu Shu.

After the war, Zhuo Bufan stepped forward to communicate with Li Daoxian.

"Brother Dao Immortal, you are worthy of being a genius of a generation. He is so powerful that we can't even match him!"

Zhuo Bufan is not modest. Compared with Li Daoxian, there is indeed a long way to go.

However, Li Daoxian shook his head lightly and said.

"It's still far behind. It's too far behind. I can't even shake this virtual tree. If my master is here, I can easily kill this virtual tree."

"Your master?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, "Could he be the head of the Xiaoyao Sect?"

There is a legend that Qiu Daoyou was Li Daoxian's master.

But after hearing this, Li Daoxian replied.

"My master is not Qiu. On the contrary, I am Qiu's master."

The autumn mentioned by Li Daoxian is obviously Qiu Daoyou.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"You are the master of Sect Leader Qiu. What's the relationship?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused. No matter how hard he thought, Li Daoxian couldn't be Qiu Daoxian's master!

You know, Qiu Daoyou's current cultivation level is already below that of the False Saint, but Li Daoxian's cultivation level has not yet reached that of Xiaozhenren. This relationship is too confusing.

"Then who is your master?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"My master, I don't know who he is. I have forgotten his name, but I know that I have a master who is an existence beyond a saint."


Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but blurt out.

Li Daoxian forgot about his master, but he kept saying that his master was a being above the saints. Isn't there an immortal above the saints?

"I have a method that may help you wake everyone up quickly."

Li Daoxian suddenly said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly after hearing this.

"What method?"

"The magic of immortality."

"Using this method, I can communicate with my master's immortal power, and then use his power to help you increase your divine power to the limit."

"Then use your divine power to wake everyone up. What do you think of this method?"

Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu looked at each other, both stunned.

"Communicate with the real immortals, you can actually communicate with the real immortals?"

Gao Yangxu was dumbfounded.

"Yes, my master may be an immortal."

"Next, I will use the immortal communication method to communicate with the immortal power left in my body by my master, and then use his power to strengthen your divine power."

Li Daoxian knew that Zhuo Bufan cultivated the divine power of the virtual world, which is different from divine power. Immortal power is a more powerful force.

Some people say that immortal power is the power of the origin of the world.

The end point of cultivating immortals is to master the power of the origin of the world.

Well, you can try it. Use your immortal communication method to strengthen my power, and I will be responsible for waking everyone up. Now, the most urgent task is to wake everyone up from their sleep.

Zhuo Bufan agreed to Li Daoxian's proposal without hesitation. Li Daoxian said after hearing this.

The immortal method may make you feel a little uncomfortable, because you may be immortal power after all, so if you have any questions, you must respond to me as soon as possible, and I will immediately stop the immortal method. Zhuo Bufan nodded and said he understood.

The so-called immortal method is that Li Daoxian communicates the immortal power left to him by his master, and then uses a part of it for Zhuo Bufan.

Then, the two sat cross-legged and began to perform the magical immortal method.

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