Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 602: Demons and monsters

Chapter 602 Demons and Monsters

Gao Yangxu and others guarded Zhuo Bufan and Li Daoxian.

After Zhuo Bufan obtained Li Daoxian's immortal method, his divine power really increased.

His divine power began to spread to the dark depths of the virtual tree, and wherever he went, he awakened all the immortal cultivators sleeping in the giant egg.

However, the immortal method uses immortal power, which is difficult for ordinary people to bear, even Zhuo Bufan is miserable.

In the end, he even began to bleed from his nostrils.

Seeing this, Li Daoxian hurriedly stopped the work. He collected the immortal power ball floating above Zhuo Bufan's head, and the light disappeared instantly.

And Zhuo Bufan's divine power also returned to calm.


Zhuo Bufan exhaled slowly.

Just now, if Li Daoxian had not taken back the immortal power in time, Zhuo Bufan's soul might not be able to bear it.

The two who woke up looked around and found that the virtual beast had indeed launched an attack.

However, with the combined efforts of Gao Yangxu and others, the virtual beast was repelled again.

"Brother Zhuo, are you awake?"

Gao Yangxu looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly and said.

"Does the immortal method really communicate immortal power?" Zhuo Bufan was indeed a little shocked by the surge in his divine power.

Li Daoxian nodded after hearing this.

"My immortal power light ball was left to me by my master."

"Who is your master?"

Zhuo Bufan asked, because he saw the old treacherous businessman Chu Mubai in the world of the new power light ball.

Li Daoxian shook his head, he no longer remembered his master.

"I don't know who the master is, but I do know that I have an immortal master."

Zhuo Bufan did not hesitate too much about Li Daoxian's answer.

No matter whether Li Daoxian really knew or deliberately concealed it.

Anyway, Zhuo Bufan has already determined that Li Daoxian is related to Chu Mubai

"Do you know a wandering businessman named Chu Mubai?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Li Daoxian shook his head.

"I don't know this person."

He didn't know Chu Mubai, which made Zhuo Bufan fall into doubt again.

"Let's stop here today! Your soul can only bear a limited amount of immortal power. If something happens to you, then no one can wake you up."

Li Daoxian understood the importance of Zhuo Bufan very well.

"Yes, when you just used your power, the light of divine power permeated the entire virtual tree space, and many people showed signs of waking up."

Facts have proved that the combination of Li Daoxian and Zhuo Bufan has greatly improved their efficiency in waking up the sleepers.

This time, they jointly used their power to wake up nearly 40,000 to 50,000 sleepers. Wherever the light covered, all the sleepers began to wake up in the dome.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

"Let's stop here today!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that he would see the mysterious immortal again. No matter who he was, Zhuo Bufan felt that he might have some connection with him.

In the virtual tree space, because of the huge helper Li Daoxian, Zhuo Bufan's efficiency has improved a lot.

At this rate, they may be able to wake up everyone in the virtual beast space in less than a month.

At that time, they will be able to formally challenge the virtual tree to a duel.


At this moment, on the other hand, in the world of immortal cultivation.

Chu Mubai took Zhuo Bufan's two children and rushed to the North Sea.

In the North Sea, they saw a dense crowd, especially on the shore of the North Sea, where tents and newly built buildings were everywhere.

These people came to witness the duel between Bai Su and the Northern Emperor Wang Xingbadao.

But so far, there is still no sign of Bai Su appearing.

However, various intelligence indicates that Bai Su is in the Holy Land.

She is in the Holy Land, and she may be in seclusion, or she may be preparing for this inevitable duel.

The two children are very worried about their mother.

Regarding this duel, the world's views are also different.

Some people think that Wang Xingbadao will take revenge and kill Bai Su.

And some people think that Bai Su, as the son of the White Emperor, has unfathomable strength, and Wang Xingbadao will not be able to take advantage of this battle.

But Wang Xingbadao, since his return, his strength has changed beyond recognition.

His iron-blooded wrist unified the entire Northern Territory.

The four of his subordinates are even at the level of True Person.

The current Tianwu League and Wang Xingbadao have completely grown into a more powerful force than before.

"Uncle, do you think my mother can beat that bad guy?"

Bai Zinian said, looking at Chu Mubai on the side.

Chu Mubai replied.

"How should I know? Your mother is the son of the White Emperor. She was already a peerless genius in her time."

And Wang Xingbadao is the supreme of this era.

Especially after he came back from that place, his strength may have almost hit the level of Saint.

Chu Mubai seemed to know something. He knew where Wang Xingbadao came from and what power Wang Xingbadao had obtained.

Then Wang Xingbadao must kill your mother before he can enter the realm above the pseudo-saint.

For him, your mother is the inner demon that must be defeated.

Chu Mubai explained the matter clearly, so the two children had nothing to say.

They actually wanted to stop this fight, but now it seems that no one can stop this duel.

"Hey, hey, hey, everyone, go and see, the four masters of the Tianwu League have appeared. The four great masters are here."

At this time, someone suddenly shouted.

The four great masters of Tianwu League appeared on the coast of Beihai.

These four masters were the four real people who accompanied Wang Xingbadao back, and they replaced the previous status of the eight kings of Tianwu.

For Wang Xingbadao, Tianwu Overlord no longer had any effect, and the four new masters were too strong.

They helped Wang Xingbadao to unify the entire north, and now, they appeared on the coast of Beihai.

For a time, everyone exclaimed.

Because these four masters are all real people of a generation.

Many people want to see the true appearance of these four masters.

"Let's go and see."

Chu Mubai said to the two children around him.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan grabbed his sister Bai Zinian, and then followed Chu Mubai to the gathering place of Beihai Coast Square.

When they arrived at Beihai Square, they found that a group of people had indeed appeared in the center of the square.

The four masters wore huge cloaks, which completely covered the whole person.

They each wore a mask on their faces. It was a mask, and they looked terrible like some kind of devil and monster.

"Ghosts and monsters?" Chu Mubai said.

Chu Mubai was obviously well-informed and immediately recognized what the masks worn by the four great masters represented.

Ghosts and monsters, this is the origin of the four great masters, Chu Mubai seems to have some understanding.

"I didn't expect that the adult actually handed all the ghosts and monsters to Wang Xingbadao."

"It seems that Wang Xingbadao wants to be the spokesperson of hell?"

Chu Mubai said the origin of Wang Xingbadao after he disappeared.

It turned out that Wang Xingbadao had escaped into hell, and now he returned with the ghosts and monsters in hell.

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