Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 603: Demons leave their nest

Chapter 603 Demons leave their nests

Ghosts and demons are the messengers of hell and the spokespersons of the devil in legend.

Obviously, these four great masters are the ghosts and demons of hell, and they are all above the realm of real people.

"Hell? What is that place?"

Bai Zifan asked on the side.

Obviously, he had never heard of hell.

Chu Mubai answered after hearing it.

"Hell is a gap world between two worlds. It is a world that is exiled by both worlds. Those who are exiled will enter hell."

"Two worlds? Is there another world besides the world of cultivation?"

Bai Zifan asked.

Chu Mobai on the side laughed.

"Boy, there are some things you don't need to know too much now. I just tell you that those guys who were exiled obviously want to come back."

"Then aren't these ghosts and demons very powerful in hell?"

Chu Mubai nodded.

"Of course they are powerful, but demons and monsters are only one of the four positions. Those who are qualified to become demons and monsters must be at least above the realm of real people."

"When Wang Xingbadao fought with Bai Su, he must have been saved by the adult in hell when he was about to be killed by Bai Su."

"Now that he has returned, he must have been influenced by the adult and planned to make a comeback in hell."

Bai Zifan didn't understand a word Chu Mubai said.

He didn't understand what hell was, what demons and monsters were? What was the edge world? What was the exiled guy.

According to Chu Mubai, hell is a gap world between two worlds.

Obviously, the two worlds Chu Mubai mentioned are the real world and the virtual world.

The gap between these two worlds is hell.

And Chu Mubai's guess was not wrong. When Wang Xingbadao fought with Bai Su in the sky, he was almost killed by Bai Su.

And at the last moment, someone suddenly intervened in the battle.

That person rescued Wang Xingbadao, and since then, there has been no news of Wang Xingbadao.

People thought he was dead, and the Tianwu League was disbanded.

Who would have thought that Wang Xingbadao went to hell and became stronger.

Many years later, he came back to avenge his shame.

The four great celestial masters appeared on the shore of the North Sea, obviously preparing for the next decisive battle.

The Tianwu League began to set up a guard on the shore of the North Sea. The four great masters were obviously instructed by Wang Xingbadao to wait for Bai Su's arrival.

No matter what the result of this battle is? He obviously won't give Bai Su any chance to escape. So Bai Su is destined to know that there are tigers in the mountains, but he still wants to go to the tiger mountain.

After the four great masters appeared on the shore of the North Sea, they began to dispatch people from the Tianwu League to govern the shore of the North Sea.

Many people were driven out of the shore of the North Sea. After all, this duel was unprecedented, and people from all over the world came in a bustling crowd. There was no place to stay in the North Sea.

"They are going to be on alert, you two follow me closely."

"There are all kinds of people here, and the people in the Demonic Path may be watching you."

Chu Mubai said to the two children beside him.

In fact, he had long discovered that someone had been secretly watching them.

If I guessed correctly, it was the people in the Demonic Path.

The people in the Demonic Path had long come to the coast of the North Sea and began to investigate Bai Zifan's whereabouts.

Now that Bai Zifan and his people have come to the coast of the North Sea, those people in the Demonic Path have obviously discovered him at the first time.

In fact, after the disappearance of the Poison Demon, the Demonic Path already knew that Bai Zifan and others had come to the North Sea.

As a demon species, Bai Zifan is the last chance to awaken the Heavenly Demon King.

In this era, Wang Xingbadao has reappeared in the world, and now the world needs another pseudo-saint to balance Wang Xingbadao's rule.

Otherwise, once this guy defeats Bai Su, he will start his ambition to conquer the world.

After the Heavenly Demon King wakes up, it is obvious that he can become a force to contain Wang Xingbadao.

However, Bai Zifan is not as easy to catch as they thought.

"Demon Lord, we found that guy Bai Zifan, and he really came to the coast of the North Sea."

Soon, the servant who was responsible for the installation and tracking handed the information to the Moon Demon Lord.

These demon lords have already set up bases in the North Sea, waiting for Bai Zifan and his men to come to the coast of the North Sea, wanting to wait and see.

"Finally appeared? What are you waiting for? Hurry up and notify the Saint Son."

The Moon Demon Army quickly told the Heavenly Demon Saint Son the news, and asked the Heavenly Demon's spokesperson to instruct the next task.

"Is that kid protected by a master in secret?"

After receiving the report, the Heavenly Demon Saint Son Duan Xinghe did not act immediately.

Because according to the intelligence, the Poison Demon has died. And it is very likely that he died in the hands of Bai Zifan and his men.

The fact that the Poison Demon can be killed means that Bai Zifan has a powerful person protecting him.

"According to reliable intelligence, there is a high possibility that Xuanyuan Hao from the Ancient Temple is with Bai Zifan."

"Xuanyuan Hao? How could this guy be with Bai Zifan?"

In the stronghold, the Heavenly Demon Saint Duan Xinghe convened an emergency meeting.

"Son, if it is Xuanyuan Hao, I'm afraid we can't act easily."

A demon lord suggested, and his words were full of fear of Xuanyuan Hao.

"What about Xuanyuan Hao? Is it Xuanyuan Hao? You dare not act?"

Duan Xinghe shouted at the demon lords sitting in the hall.

The Moon Demon Lord quickly replied.

"Son of God, this Xuanyuan Hao is not a simple character. Even the Poison Demon died at his hands. Now Xuanyuan Hao's strength may have reached the realm of a real person."

"The Poison Demon is the Demon Lord second only to me. Even he was easily killed by Xuanyuan Hao, which shows that Xuanyuan Hao is really hard to deal with."

Obviously, these people in the Demon Dao are somewhat afraid of Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao's reputation is indeed a bit scary.

If it was Xuanyuan Hao who was protecting Bai Zifan and the others, they really couldn't do it.

"Stop talking nonsense. Did Xuanyuan Hao scare the three thousand demons of the Demon Dao into retreating?"

"Now all my Demon Dao elites are in the North Sea. I still don't believe that I can't kill even one Xuanyuan Hao."

The Son of the Heavenly Demon, Duan Xinghe, was obviously a little impatient. After all, the resurrection of the Heavenly Demon was imminent.

"Everyone present, listen to me. Now that my demonic sect is declining, we need the return of the Heavenly Demon to revive the situation."

"So, no matter what, you must capture the demon seed of Bai Zifan for me."

"I hope you can capture the demon seed at all costs, even if it means becoming an enemy of Xuanyuan Hao."

Faced with the stern words of the Heavenly Demon Saint Duan Xinghe, the old demons did not dare to disobey.

So they all bowed their hands and said.

"Saint Son, rest assured, we will complete the task and bring the demon seed back."

Seeing the demons regain their confidence, Duan Xinghe nodded slightly.

"Well, I'll be here, looking forward to your good news."


As soon as Duan Xinghe finished speaking, the demons left their nests.

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