Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao joined forces and used divine power to cause considerable damage to the Lord of Thousand Royals during the period when he was invincible.

Of course, this is not enough.

This Lord of Thousand Royal Guards is invincible for a limited time, less than one minute.

The black light wrapped around it began to disappear quickly.

When he saw the black light disappear, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up and he immediately shouted towards Bai Zifan.

"Zifan, seal it again!"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's instructions, Bai Zifan used the Sealing Heaven Sword again to seal the Lord of Qianyu.

Sure enough, without the protection of black energy, the Lord of Qianyu was once again sealed by the Heaven Sealing Sword.

Seeing this scene, the volunteers launched another attack in perfect agreement.

"That's it, once its invincible time is over, seal it. Then, while everyone holds it in place, destroy it for me!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he summoned dozens of death swords in succession, killing the Lord of Qianyu.

After a battle, Zhuo Bufan and the others had discovered the most important information about the Lord of Qianyu.

This Qianyu Lord will enter a one-minute invincibility period in less than three minutes.

In the invincible state, the sealing power is ineffective.

Not only the sealing power, but also all soul power attacks have no effect. Except for Zhuo Bufan Yu Xuanyuan Hao's divine power that can cause damage to them, the invincible Lord of Qian Yu is not afraid of any ability.

But as long as you can survive the one minute of invincibility.

Then Bai Zifan will seal it immediately.

In other words, the Lord of Qianyu basically only has time to move when he is invincible.

The rest of the time was sealed by Bai Zifan.

This is also an important opportunity for Zhuo Bufan and the others to defeat the Lord of Qianyu.

Soon, the three-minute sealing time ended.

This time, the volunteers worked together to eliminate many heads and eyes of the Qianyu Lord.

At this time, the Qianyu Lord was once again wrapped with a black energy shield.

"Everyone retreat."

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan immediately ordered all volunteers to start withdrawing from the battlefield.

Because, the time of Lord Qianyu's invincibility has come again.

The Lord of Qianyu who has revived again is even more terrifying.

Although a lot of its head and eyes were destroyed, the energy in its body was endless.

Its tail, its tentacles, all began to attack.

They blasted away towards the two of them, Yu Xuanyuan Hao, who was cooperating with Bufan.

During the period when the Lord of Qian Yu was invincible, only Zhuo Bufan Yu Xuanyuan Hao could fight.

The two stepped on the tentacles of the Lord of Thousand Yus and kept approaching the main body of the Lord of Thousand Yus.

Zhuo Bufan likes to use simple and crude fists to break out the sky.


He punched the Lord of Thousand Royals with a fist containing endless divine power.

This punch directly opened a hole with a diameter of ten meters, blowing out one of the eyes of the Lord of Qianyu.

"Zifan prepares, its invincible time is about to pass."

Zhuo Bufan was fighting while calculating the invincibility time of Lord Qianyu.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan made preparations.


Only an order was heard.

Bai Zifan once again used the Sealing Heaven Sword and headed towards the seal of the Lord of Thousand Yus.

Seeing the Lord of Qianyu being sealed again, all the volunteers launched another attack.

In this way, the Lord of Qianyu was continuously sealed and the seal was constantly broken.

The volunteers kept waiting for the Lord of Qianyu to be sealed, and continued to withdraw from the battlefield within the time when the Lord of Qianyu was invincible.

Zhuo Bufan Yu Xuanyuan Hao has been fighting with the Lord of Thousand Yus from the beginning to the end.

This back-and-forth battle lasted for a whole day.

Bai Zifan sealed nearly a thousand times. The soul power Zhuo Bufan gave him was almost exhausted.

The volunteers also declined from the 60 million troops before departure to less than 20 million.

People are constantly dying, and people are constantly joining the battlefield.

Above the sky, battleships fell one after another, and then crashed.

The extraordinary Thousand Throats Royal Castle, Thousand Hands Royal Royal Castle, Thousand Soul Royal Royal Castle, and three floating cities were also destroyed one after another.

War is cruel. The cruelty of this war is beyond Zhuo Bufan's imagination.

He fought hard with Xuanyuan Hao for a whole day without taking a moment's rest from beginning to end.

He is constantly using his divine power to consume the Lord of Qianyu, and the divine radiance on his body is getting darker and darker.

However, the target they want to eliminate is the Lord of Qianyu.

So far, it has not been eliminated.

Not only was it not eliminated, from the looks of it, the damage done to the Lord of Qianyu was less than 30%.

This Qianyu Lord seems to have endless energy.

That day was a disaster for the entire Yunmeng Realm.

Yunmeng Realm is constantly being bombed. People who have not participated in this battle have no intention of practicing and are paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

This battle is too crazy.

The Lord of Qianyu is more terrifying than anyone imagined.

The collection of the seven thousand beast-controlling kings is not the power of one plus one, it is simply seven times the strength.

A level 100 soul beast, the only level 100 existence in the Yunmeng Realm, is indeed extraordinary.

"Damn it, isn't the time ripe enough now?"

Zhuo Bufan was actually tired. He stopped for the first time and did not continue fighting.

Xuanyuan Hao on the side listened and said.

"This is the strongest force in the current Yunmeng Realm."

"If we can't beat the Lord of Qianyu this time, I believe it will be difficult in the future."

Xuanyuan Hao believes that this force should be able to defeat the Lord of Qianyu.

"Maybe, there is still something missing."

Xuanyuan Hao said.

He felt that the time should have come, but there was still something missing.

"Father, my soul power is insufficient."

At this time, Bai Zifan also sent out a call for help.

His soul power has reached the bottom, which means that he can no longer seal the Lord of Qianyu.

Not only Bai Zifan, the volunteers have also reached the bottom of their soul power, and those who survived are exhausted.

There is constant bad news coming from Lu Fei.

"Boss, the people of Mingjian Villa have evacuated."

"Boss, the people of Xingchen Mountain have also evacuated."

"Boss, the people of Taishang Sword Sect have also begun to evacuate the battlefield!"


More and more sects began to evacuate this war.

Because they can no longer see hope, they are not as optimistic as Bai Zifan.

Seeing more and more people evacuating the battlefield, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Is it really going to fail like this?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little unwilling. They had finally forced the Lord of Qianyu into such a desperate situation.

However, their strength was not enough.

"Let me calculate! I always feel that there is still a lack of power."

Xuanyuan Hao, who was standing aside, suddenly closed his eyes.

Then, an ancient god's image stood up from behind him.

It was a golden ancient god's image, dragging a piece of overlapping nine-layer sky disk in his hand.

Under Xuanyuan Hao's command, the nine-layer sky disk began to rotate.

Then, the nine pointers in the sky disk began to change constantly.

Finally, they pointed to a place at the same time.

Xuanyuan Hao suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Found it, the crucial power."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it: "The crucial power, who is it?"

"It's right there."

Xuanyuan Hao pointed in the direction of the pointer.

Zhuo Bufan looked in the direction of the voice and said in surprise: "Qian Shou Yu? My floating city?"

Xuanyuan Hao was pointing at Zhuo Bufan's base camp, Qian Shou Yu.

"No, not Qian Shou Yu, but the person standing on Qian Shou Yu."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the little girl who was looking forward to it on Qian Shou Yu - Bai Zinian!

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