Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 660: Jade Book of Creation

In the chaotic battlefield, Zhuo Bufan asked his daughter Bai Zinian to stay in Qianshou Royal Palace and did not allow her to go out.

After some deductive reasoning, Xuanyuan Hao was shocked to discover that Bai Zinian turned out to be the key force in this battle.

"You mean, my daughter, Bai Zinian?"

"That's right, it's your daughter. She is a vital force."

Zhuo Bufan was confused. His daughter Bai Zinian was just a little girl. How could she become the key force to defeat the Lord of Qianyu?

"Father, could it be my sister's Horcrux, the Jade Certificate of Creation?"

"The girl's Horcrux, the Jade Certificate of Creation?"

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan heard that Bai Zinian's Horcrux was called the Jade Certificate of Creation.

Until now, Zhuo Bufan had not paid much attention to Bai Zinian's cultivation.

So he had no idea what Bai Zinian's Horcrux was.

However, after hearing what Bai Zifan said about the Jade Certificate of Creation, Zhuo Bufan knew that his daughter's Horcrux was probably not simple.

"My sister showed me before, her natal soul weapon creation jade certificate, which records all the rules of the Yunmeng Realm."

"The Jade Certificate of Creation records all the rules?"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked. He knew that Yunmeng Realm was created by the Fortune Bead.

Everything in this world is restricted by rules.

For example, Zhuo Bufan's Sword of Life and Death has the rule to kill everything instantly.

Bai Zifan's Heaven Sealing Sword has the rules to seal everything.

Everything in this world has rules.

Because of this rule, they are bound by rules.

This is equivalent to game programming. All game characters and various systems are restricted by programming.

It is impossible for players to break out of these game rules.

And Bai Zinian's jade certificate of creation actually records all the rules and programming of the Yunmeng world.

"This girl actually has such a magical weapon?"

Zhuo Bufan was completely stunned.

Bai Zinian was silent, but he had awakened such a heaven-defying thing, and as his father, Zhuo Bufan, he didn't know it yet.

Bai Zinian is the daughter of Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su, and Bai Su is the daughter of Bai Emperor.

The Good Fortune Bead is Bai Di's artifact.

So it seems completely unsurprising that Bai Zinian could awaken such a magical weapon.

It's just that this girl has such a thing, but she never talks about it.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan never asked.

In Zhuo Bufan's mind, he always hoped that his daughter could live a peaceful life.

Therefore, he is not interested in his daughter Bai Zinian's cultivation.

But now, he found that he really didn't understand his daughter very well.

At this time, Bai Zinian was anxiously staying in the royal castle, watching her brother and father fight with the Lord of Qianyu, which made her jump up and down in anxiety.

"I'm going to help my father and brother. I'm going to fight that big monster."

"Miss, don't be impulsive. The sect master gave me an order to ensure your safety."

Fu Yueban saw Bai Zinian's eagerness to give it a try and quickly grabbed her.

But at this moment, Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao and the others flew back towards Qian Shou Yu.

"What's wrong, the sect master is back, isn't he here to ask for guilt?"

When Fatty Fu saw Zhuo Bufan and the others returning, he thought he had made a mistake.

As a result, after Zhuo Bufan returned, he immediately squatted in front of Bai Zinian and asked.

"Girl, can you let daddy see your Horcrux?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to see Niannian's Horcrux with his own eyes.

Bai Zinian nodded after hearing this.

"Daddy, do you want Niannian to accompany you to fight monsters?"

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

"Yes, let's go fight monsters together."


After hearing this, the little guy was so excited that she summoned the Soul Code. Then, she summoned her own soul weapon, the Jade Order of Creation, from the Soul Code.

The so-called jade certificate of good fortune is a sapphire book.

The cover of the booklet is flowing with the energy of chaos, floating quietly in the air.

Zhuo Bufan could feel the powerful energy flowing on the jade certificate of creation.

"Girl, is this your Horcrux?"


After Bai Zinian heard this, he nodded solemnly.

Obviously only Bai Zinian can open this jade certificate.

"Open it and let daddy see it!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

After Bai Zinian heard this, he slowly opened the Jade Certificate of Creation.

I saw three-dimensional cyan fonts floating out of the jade certificate.

These mysterious fonts float chaotically in the air.

"Father, the level of my sister's jade certificate of creation is too low. Perhaps by raising its level, I can see another aspect."

At this time, Bai Zifan on the side reminded Zhuo Bufan.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly summoned his soul code, and then transferred all his billions of soul power to Bai Zinian.

"Girl, use these soul powers to increase the level of your jade certificate."

After Bai Zinian received the soul power from Zhuo Bufan, he immediately followed his instructions and began to upgrade the level of the soul weapon.

The level of a soul weapon is not limited by one's own cultivation. As long as there is enough soul power, it can be continuously improved, up to level ninety-nine.

As Bai Zinian continued to upgrade the jade ultimatum, Zhuo Bufan discovered that more and more fonts were floating on the jade ultimatum.

In the end, a storm of characters hundreds of meters high was formed, spinning in the air.

The level of the Jade Certificate of Creation also continued to rise, and in the end, it climbed to level ninety-nine.

"Dad, do you still have soul power? Nian Nian feels that my soul weapon can still be upgraded."

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that Bai Zinian's jade certificate of creation had been upgraded to the highest level.

Bai Zinian told Zhuo Bufan that her jade certificate could still be upgraded.

"What? Can you still upgrade?"

Zhuo Bufan was extremely shocked. You must know that in the Yunmeng Realm, except for the Lord Qianyu, who was at level 100, the highest level of all others could only reach level 99.

Even Bai Zifan's Heaven Sealing Sword can only reach level ninety-nine.

However, Bai Zinian's jade certificate of creation was able to reach level 100.

This is the second existence that can reach level 100 after the Lord of Qianyu.

Facing Zhuo Bufan, Bai Zinian nodded gently.

"It seems okay!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and transferred another billion soul power to Bai Zinian.

Bai Zinian poured all his soul power into the jade ultimatum.

"Is that enough, girl?"

Zhuo Bufan asked softly.

"Not even close!"

Zhuo Bufan gave another billion soul power.

Obviously, upgrading from level 99 to level 100 requires more soul power than the total amount of soul power required for the previous level 99.

"Not even close."

Bai Zinian continued.

This time, Zhuo Bufan simply gave 5 billion soul power to Bai Zinian.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan had very little soul power left.

You know, this is the soul power that Zhuo Bufan had saved for several years, but now it was all eaten up by Bai Zinian's jade certificate of creation.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan is wealthy and has enough soul power. In the entire Yunmeng Realm, apart from him, there is probably no one who can satisfy the appetite for the Jade Order of Creation.

And Bai Zinian poured all the 5 billion soul power given by Zhuo Bufan into the Jade Certificate of Creation.

Suddenly, at that moment, the jade certificate of creation shone brightly.

The huge storm formed by countless characters enveloped everyone.

As the master, Bai Zinian also underwent tremendous changes at that moment.

Her whole body slowly floated up from the ground.

All the character storms turned into rays of light and began to merge into Bai Zinian's eyebrows.

A small ○ formed between Bai Zi Nian’s eyebrows!

The level 100 soul weapon, the Jade Certificate of Creation, is integrated with Bai Zinian...

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