Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 664 Natural Disaster Disaster

After Donghuang Haotian learned of Zhuo Bufan's arrival, he personally drove his dragon horse to greet him.

Zhuo Bufan was dressed in a green shirt and waiting in front of the gate of Demon Court.

Soon, he saw the carriage coming from Donghuang Haotian.

"Brother Zhuo, get in the car! I have prepared wine and food in the East Palace!"

Donghuang Haotian was very sensible and did not mention a word about what happened that day.

He came here today just to entertain Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian had a tacit understanding, and neither of them mentioned what happened a month ago.

There is no way, the two of them want each other from each other, so let the unpleasant things go away with the wind!

"What's going on with the suspended mountain above?"

Zhuo Bufan sat in the car and pointed at the suspended mountain in the sky.

"Oh, that's the nine-level demon peak of this Ten Thousand Demons Conference. Tomorrow will be the official competition. At that time, all the princes and princesses who intend to compete for the throne can go to the peak to compete for hegemony!"

"From the lowest level of Xingyao Peak to the highest level of Yaozu Peak, every demon peak has its own challenges."

"My father will officially announce the specific rules tomorrow, but the scene has been set for the battle tomorrow."

It turns out that the nine-level demon peak is a place set up for the election of the demon prince.

"So, the Demon Lord is back?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, I just returned from the Holy Land the day before yesterday, but the old man looks very bad!"

"He seems to have tried to escape the tribulation in the Holy Realm, but it seems that he failed."

Hearing what Donghuang Haotian said, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but frown deeply.

He basically understood the meaning of Donghuang Haotian's words.

It seems that he urgently needs his Chaos Clock and wants to help his father get through this.

"In that case, let's go directly to meet the Demon Lord! Just in time, I also have something to ask him for."

Zhuo Bufan felt that the most urgent task was to go to the Demon Palace and meet the Demon Lord.

At the beginning, Demon Lord let Zhuo Bufan go in Temple City and did not take away the Chaos Bell.

Now, Zhuo Bufan felt that he should give the Demon Lord an explanation.

The most important thing is that he also asked the Demon Lord to save Xiaomei.

Donghuang Haotian saw that Zhuo Bufan was so impatient, so he hurriedly said.

"Okay, I'll take you to see him right now!"

After Donghuang Haotian finished speaking, the dragons and horses in front of him suddenly sprouted a pair of huge wings, and then took them to fly.

Immediately afterwards, the carriage flew towards the palace in the distance.

Coming to the Demon Palace again, Zhuo Bufan felt that the demon aura was soaring above the Demon Palace, which was infinitely stronger than the last time.

Sure enough, the demon king returned, and his demonic aura had nowhere to hide, forming a canopy that covered the sky and the sun.

"He has stayed behind closed doors since he came back. He must have failed to overcome the tribulation in the Holy Realm. These evil spirits are constantly flowing out of him."

Dong Huang Haotian's concern for the Demon Emperor was beyond words, and Zhuo Bufan could feel it without even looking.

"Actually, to be honest, I feel that my dad may not be able to survive this time."

Donghuang Haotian, who had always been optimistic, seemed a little sad at this time.

"I checked all the information on the demon clan. In our demon clan, starting from the demon ancestor Qingdi, there are a total of four demon masters who have experienced thousands of years of tribulation, but without exception, they all failed."

"So far, only Demon Ancestor Qingdi has succeeded."

"And the reason why Demon Ancestor was able to survive the 10,000-year catastrophe was because he relied on another innate artifact - the Eternal Light Lamp, to block the last catastrophe."

"In order to fight against that disaster, the innate artifact Eternal Light was ruthlessly destroyed and lost its soul."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered the glazed green fairy lamp he had obtained in the Qingdi Palace.

According to what Zhuo Bufan learned, the glazed green fairy lamp should be an amazing artifact.

However, he has been unable to communicate with this artifact.

Now that I think about it, that glazed green fairy lamp is probably the so-called eternal lamp.

"Old Zhong, is the glazed green fairy lamp an everlasting light?"

Zhuo Bufan told Chaos Clock what happened.

Chaos Bell replied after hearing this.

"I am the Qing Emperor who followed me later, but the Eternal Light is indeed an innate artifact. Of course, it is far inferior to me!"

"But no matter what, the Eternal Light is an innate artifact, with the original power of the world as its core law."

"It's not easy to be able to destroy the eternal lamp, which lasts for thousands of years!"

The Chaos Clock has not experienced thousands of years of calamity, but it knows very well what kind of existence the Eternal Light is, which is also an innate artifact.

The Eternal Light is known as the brightest artifact, capable of dispelling all darkness and guiding the lost to the bright road in the endless dark world.

However, what he didn't expect was that this eternal lamp would be destroyed by the demon clan's ten thousand years of calamity.

The power of the Ten Thousand Years Tribulation is evident!

"Boy, do you know about the natural disaster disk?"

"The natural disaster disk, what is that?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Chaos Clock replied.

"The Disaster Disk is the source of all disasters and is known as the most powerful disaster artifact. All the power of disasters in this world comes from it."

"Monster tribulations, human tribulations, heavenly tribulations, and thunder tribulations are all born from this natural disaster disk."

"Are you saying that the demon clan's ten-thousand-year calamity was actually born from this natural disaster disk?"

Zhuo Bufan said in surprise.

This was the first time he heard such a statement.

It turns out that all the disasters during this time actually came from a divine weapon.

"That's right, this natural disaster disk is called the source of disasters, and it is also the birthplace of all heavenly tribulations."

"This guy is a divine weapon that is not weaker than mine."

"Moreover, the energy of this natural disaster disk comes from the resentment of the whole world!"

"He will gather the resentment of all living beings in the world, and then create various natural disasters to punish those who attempt to challenge the power of heaven."

"The so-called heavenly tribulation is nothing more than this guy's punishment!"

The so-called heavenly tribulation is actually a divine weapon?

Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

"How did these innate divine weapons of yours come into being?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly asked the Chaos Bell, he was very curious.

The Chaos Bell claimed to be an innate divine weapon, born before this world.

However, no object in the world can be born out of thin air, even if it is an innate divine weapon, there are people who make them.

"How was it born? You've stumped me."

"When I felt I had self-awareness, I already existed in the chaos. My name Chaos Bell also comes from this."

"But you asked a good question. Everything has its maker, even the innate artifacts.

"I think I also have my own maker. Perhaps, my maker is the legendary immortal!"

Chaos Bell said to Zhuo Bufan thoughtfully.

"Is it an immortal who made the innate artifact? "

Zhuo Bufan had to admit that the immortals in the world of cultivation were not the same as what he thought of.

The immortals in this world were great beings that transcended the heavens and the earth.

They were another powerful life form.

Whether they really existed had always been a mystery.

However, if immortals really existed, perhaps they were the ones who created the innate artifacts.

There was a problem with the chapter number in the previous chapter, sorry. Let's post this chapter! I haven't posted for a long time. Sorry everyone, this book is so badly written that I don't even have the face to read the comments, and I don't even dare to join the group! I don't dare to face the old readers. But I really want to finish this book. So now I just want to bury I will just start writing the book and not care about anything else. No matter subscriptions, recommendations, collections, clicks, or rewards, I won't even open the backend. This book is completely supported by my last bit of faith. I have actually written more than half of the story so far. There may be one-third of the plot left! I will slowly wrap up, slowly fill in the gaps, and slowly finish this book. I can't guarantee anything else, but I will definitely not be a eunuch or have a bad ending. I like to have a beginning and an end when I do things. I don't have much talent, but I am persistent enough. I will stick to it and live up to the friends who have been following me. This book may not be a happy one, but the ending is guaranteed not to be heartbreaking!

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