Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 665 Meeting the Demon Lord

Zhuo Bufan did not continue to struggle with the issue of innate artifacts and immortals.

He did not forget the purpose of coming here today.

Under the leadership of Donghuang Haotian, he entered the palace where the Demon Lord was.

As soon as he arrived at the square outside the main hall, Zhuo Bufan sensed that there was an overwhelming demonic energy pressing towards him.

"The demonic energy of the Demon Lord!"

Zhuo Bufan had once endured the demonic energy of the Demon Lord in the Temple City. He knew very well how powerful the demonic energy of the Demon Lord was.

Even though Zhuo Bufan now has the cultivation of a little real person, he still has no power to resist the pressure of the demonic energy of the Demon Lord.

"Dad, Brother Zhuo is my guest, please show mercy."

Perhaps because he felt his father's rudeness to Zhuo Bufan, Donghuang Haotian immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"What are you doing here?"

Donghuang Taiyi's voice exploded in Zhuo Bufan's ears. After hearing it, Zhuo Bufan responded with a smile.

"I thought that with the power of the Demon Lord, you should know why I came."

"Are you here to die?"

The Demon Lord said coldly, making the atmosphere tense.

And Zhuo Bufan said it in a tone to ease the embarrassment after a while.

"The Demon Lord is really good at telling jokes. In this case, let's be frank."

"Demon Lord, I came here this time to ask for something."

Zhuo Bufan said first.

"I have a friend from the demon clan who failed to pass the tribulation, but still kept the demon pill. Can you please revive her?"

Zhuo Bufan stood in the square across the palace gate and said to the magnificent palace in front of him.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the palace fell silent.

After a while of silence, the Demon Lord suddenly spoke.

"Why should I save your friend?"

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was not anxious, but happy.

"Haha, Demon Lord."

"I already know that Demon Lord's calamity is coming, so I came here to give you treasures."

"The Demon Lord gave me the Chaos Bell, and today, I am here to borrow it."

Zhuo Bufan used the word "borrow" instead of "return".

He would not easily return the Chaos Bell.

"Haha, kid, you may have made a mistake."

"I lent you this bell."

The tone of the Demon Lord was very tough, which made Zhuo Bufan feel a little hostile.

Zhuo Bufan felt that it was a bit stupid to come here on his own initiative.

Thinking back then, the Chaos Bell was given up by the Demon Lord, so Zhuo Bufan got a bargain.

Otherwise, the Chaos Bell would not be in Zhuo Bufan's hands now.

Zhuo Bufan has always been a little worried about the ownership of the Chaos Bell.

The Demon Lord suddenly let go and did not take the Donghuang Bell from Zhuo Bufan, which made Zhuo Bufan a little confused until now.

But today, he took the initiative to come and promised to lend the bell to the Demon Lord, but the Demon Lord laughed at him instead.

"Boy, do you know why I didn't take the Donghuang Bell from you?"

The Demon Lord suddenly talked about this matter. To be honest, Zhuo Bufan was also a little surprised.

"Hehe, someone told me that you are the savior of my demon clan!"

"The Chaos Bell is an innate artifact, not everyone is qualified to be its master."

"Since this bell has recognized you as its master, you are the only one in the world who can use it!"

The words of the Demon Lord made Zhuo Bufan fall into deep thought.

The person in the Demon Lord's mouth was undoubtedly the Holy Lord.

But why did the Holy Lord call Zhuo Bufan the savior of his demon clan?

"I already know that you are going to the Tianxing Tomb of the South China Sea."

"Perhaps that expert is right. You are the savior of my demon race!"

"If you can revive the Green Emperor, what's wrong with giving you this bell?"

"As for my 10,000-year calamity, I'll tell you the truth. My 10,000-year calamity is over!"

"God has given me the last deadline, so that I can witness the birth of the future emperor of the demon race. That's enough!"

The words of the demon lord made Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian stunned.

Especially Donghuang Haotian, who froze in place, a little shocked.

"Father, you..."

Donghuang Haotian hesitated to speak. He didn't expect that Donghuang Taiyi's 10,000-year calamity had ended and had failed.

Now Donghuang Taiyi, relying on his last breath, is alive only to witness the birth of a new generation of demon emperors.


Donghuang Haotian suddenly knelt on the ground, tears dripping from his eyes.

"Put away your tears, this work does not need your pity."

"I have lived enough for ten thousand years!"

"If you really don't want to disappoint me, then tomorrow, let me see you ascend the throne!"

Donghuang Taiyi has long seen through life and death.

At his level, death is no longer something to be feared.

Donghuang Taiyi's only wish now is to see Donghuang Haotian have the awareness to become the demon king.

To lead the demon race to glory.

"Boy, your time has come."

"Don't let me down!"

Donghuang Taiyi really loves this prince of the East Palace the most.

However, he must put some pressure on this prince because he is disappointed with him.

After all, the future demon race will rely on him for support.

Donghuang Taiyi must choose a wise, brave and powerful emperor for the demon race.

And the current Donghuang Haotian is not qualified.

The Ten Thousand Monsters Conference tomorrow will be a desperate battle.

The reason why Donghuang Taiyi told Donghuang Haotian about his failure to pass the tribulation was to provoke him one last time.

Donghuang Taiyi wanted to let Donghuang Haotian know that your father was about to die, and the future of the monster clan would be handed over to you.

After hearing these words, Donghuang Haotian's state of mind did change a little.

He used to be lazy and idle all day long.

Relying on a father who was a monster, he never worried about his life.

But now, the father he relied on is leaving. The entire monster clan will be handed over to him.

Is Donghuang Haotian really ready?

Obviously, he is not ready, but he has no time. Tomorrow is a battle of fate.

"Father, I will not let you down."

Facing Donghuang Taiyi's ultimatum, Donghuang Haotian finally came to his senses.

At this moment, he understood that he must win the battle for the Demon King tomorrow.

"You should not disappoint the entire demon race!"

Donghuang Taiyi was still asking Donghuang Haotian at the last moment.

"Human boy, I can't do anything about your demon friend now."

"Go find Qingdi, only he can help you."

"I'm too tired, I need to rest."


In the end, Donghuang Taiyi still gave Zhuo Bufan a disappointing answer.

Donghuang Taiyi is now living on his last breath. He no longer has the ability to revive Xiaomei.

Zhuo Bufan was very disappointed after learning about it.

However, he also understood the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord failed to cross the catastrophe of ten thousand years, and there was not much time left for the Demon Lord. Zhuo Bufan should not beg him to do anything at this time.

"Take care of the Demon Lord, then I'll take my leave."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pulled the reluctant Donghuang Haotian and went away.

A generation of demon lords, heroes are old, perhaps just as the demon lord himself said.

Their era is over.

The future era belongs to Zhuo Bufan and others!

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