Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 667 The Prince's Test

The rules of the conference set by the Demon Lord are very interesting.

He used his last strength to arrange a hundred tests in order to select the best Demon King in his mind.

He really loves the crown prince Donghuang Haotian.

However, he is more responsible for the entire demon clan.

Therefore, the demon king of the demon clan must choose the most suitable person.

Whether Donghuang Haotian can become the demon king depends on his own ability.

"The emperor of my demon clan should be brave and resourceful, kind and righteous."

"For the clan and the people, we should devote ourselves to the cause until death."

"He is the emperor who can lead my demon clan to glory."

"He will be the great leader who will strengthen my demon clan for ten thousand years in the future."

The face of the Demon Lord did not disappear in the sky.

It was not until he said the last four sentences that it slowly disappeared.

In this way, the people of the entire demon clan understood the intention of the Demon Lord.

For a long time, the demon clan has regarded the Demon Lord as a belief and a spiritual pillar.

And now, their spiritual pillars are about to collapse.

Before the Demon Lord dies, he will personally elect a new emperor to replace his position among the demon people.

Therefore, the demon emperor elected at this Ten Thousand Demons Conference will be supported by all the demon tribes.


On the demon peak, the princes shouted for killing one by one, and obviously they had already started their respective trials.

And Donghuang Haotian came to one of the demon peaks.

As soon as he entered the demon peak, a beam of light rushed towards him.

Donghuang Haotian's eyes were blurred, and in a trance, he saw a woman standing in front of him.

He looked closely and saw that the woman was wearing a white dress with her hands flat on her chest.

When she saw Donghuang Haotian, she suddenly smiled.

"Tiantian, you have grown up."

The woman suddenly spoke and called Donghuang Haotian's nickname.

Donghuang Haotian was stunned when he heard it.

"You are, mother?"

Donghuang Haotian had never seen his mother. His mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to him.

Donghuang Haotian had only seen his mother's appearance in the portrait.

The woman in front of him was somewhat similar to the mother in the portrait.

"Tiantian, is your father okay?"


Donghuang Haotian was stunned.

"Father is not well. He failed to pass the tribulation. He..."

When Donghuang Haotian said this, he choked up a little.

"Is that so, Taiyi, you are tired!"

"Child, don't cry. Your father will not abandon you easily."

"Men, don't cry easily."

The woman in front of him is undoubtedly Donghuang Haotian's mother.

"Mother, are you really a mother?"

"Yes, I am your mother, Concubine Jing! Child, do you miss your mother?"

Donghuang Haotian's mother Concubine Jing, the most beloved woman of the demon lord Donghuang Taiyi.

"I miss you, mother. I really miss you."

"From childhood to adulthood, I miss you all the time."

Donghuang Haotian has never felt maternal love since childhood. It is impossible for him to say that he doesn't miss you.

However, no matter how much he wants to, he can't show it.

He is the prince of the demon clan. His every move has attracted everyone's attention.

So from childhood to adulthood, he has buried his longing for his mother in his heart.

"Child, I'm sorry that mother didn't see you grow up with her own eyes."

"Child, can you tell mother about your growth? I want to hear you share your growth."

Concubine Jing looked at Donghuang Haotian with eager eyes.

And Donghuang Haotian couldn't help but grit his teeth.

He was in pain, sad, and helpless.

"No, I'm sorry, mother!"

"I really want to share my growth with you, but I know that all this is false."

"You are just a test left to me by my father."

"I'm sorry, mother. I can't let you become a stumbling block to my ascending the throne."

"My father taught me since I was a child that as a demon king, I can't let my personal feelings cloud my mind."

"The emperor can't live in delusion. The emperor is the guide and beacon of the tribe."

"As a guide, I can't lose my way!"

"So mother, next time, I will share my growth with you again! This time, I'm sorry."

After Donghuang Haotian finished speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Donghuang Haotian knew that the mother in front of him was just an illusion.

The purpose of her existence was to delay his time.

This was just a simple illusion, but it was easy to be fooled.

Donghuang Haotian was a man who wanted to become the emperor of the demon tribe.

He couldn't waste his time here.

At the moment when Donghuang Haotian turned around and left, a golden light appeared in front of him.

The light merged into Donghuang Haotian's body, and then, a star mark appeared on his arm.

Donghuang Haotian passed the first test and obtained the first demon star.

He looked at the demon star on his arm, then turned back to look at the empty back and bowed deeply.

"Sorry, mother, next time, I will share my growth with you."

Donghuang Haotian wanted to tell his mother about his growth experience over the years.

However, now he has something more important to do, that is, to become the demon king.

Become the demon king, become the supreme of the demon world, and inherit the will of his father.

Donghuang Haotian, in just one day, began to grow rapidly.

A new emperor is quietly born!

The prince's test will last for a day.

It is still unknown who will win.

However, Zhuo Bufan still has confidence in Donghuang Haotian.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was paying close attention to the changes on the Nine Demon Peak, a demon maid climbed onto his Guanyuntai.

Then, she bowed to Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Mr. Zhuo, my aunt wants to see you."

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the cute little demon girl and smiled.

"Your aunt? Who is it?"

"My aunt is the demon princess."

"Demon princess?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately thought of the demon princess Donghuang Qin.

Then, Zhuo Bufan looked at the Guanyuntai where the demon princess was.

"What does this demon princess want to see me for?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

However, the little demon girl shook her head repeatedly, indicating that she didn't know either.

"In that case, I will accompany you!"

Zhuo Bufan would not refuse the invitation of the demon princess.

Afterwards, he followed the little demon girl to the Guanyuntai where the demon princess was.

Donghuangqin waved to the demon girls around her and said, "You can leave!"

"Yes, aunt!"

Zhuo Bufan frowned when he saw Donghuangqin dismiss all the maids.

"May I ask, Princess, what do you want to see me for?"

Zhuo Bufan asked puzzledly.

Donghuangqin looked at Zhuo Bufan with her beautiful eyes, and then said lightly.

"You should tell Tiantian about this matter!"

"What is this matter?"

Zhuo Bufan asked blankly.

After hearing this, Donghuangqin's eyes suddenly turned red, and then Zhuo Bufan saw two lines of tears flowing from her eyes and sliding down his face.

"Brother, he has left!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned.

Afterwards, he also silently closed his eyes, feeling somewhat sad.

The great demon king, Donghuang Taiyi, finally fell!


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