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Chapter 668 ?New Emperor (Part 1)

Chapter 668 New Emperor (Part 1)

The Demon Lord has gone. This news can only be told to Donghuang Haotian by Zhuo Bufan.

As an aunt, Donghuang Qin obviously couldn't bear to hurt Donghuang Haotian again.

In fact, the Demon Lord had passed away yesterday.

Everything today was just what he left yesterday.

Facing the departure of the Demon Lord, even Zhuo Bufan, an outsider, was a little unprepared.

That was a generation of Demon King, one of the four strongest beings in the world today, and he just left like that.

Perhaps, the Demon Lord was right, their era has fallen, and the era of Zhuo Bufan and his people has arrived.

At this moment, on the Nine Demon Peak, Donghuang Haotian is doing his best to pass the many tests left by his father.

At this moment, he has no distractions, not affected by anything, and is concentrating on passing the tests left by the Demon Lord.

There are more and more star-shaped marks on his arms. At this speed, he must be the best choice for the new Demon King.

Perhaps, it was the words of the Demon Lord last night that inspired Donghuang Haotian.

Donghuang Haotian, who was serious, seemed impeccable.

On the Guanyun Terrace, there were rows of crystal screens showing the competition between the princes.

At present, Donghuang Haotian has completed 12 tests and obtained 12 stars.

The second place is the third prince, a prince who is usually not eye-catching. He also passed seven tests and obtained seven stars.

As for the highly anticipated eldest prince, he has only completed three tests now.

This is a competition for the throne that is open to the entire demon world, and there is no cheating.

The test of each prince will be displayed in front of the demon people.

These demon people, watching their new emperor, constantly passing one test after another, have more and more expectations for them.

Especially the prince Donghuang Haotian.

For a long time, the demon people have no hope for this prince.

They think he is a prince who is careless, unlearned and unskilled.

However, when they saw that the demon prince Dongfang Haotian constantly passed the tests, he constantly showed his kindness, righteousness, affection, courage and strategy to the people.

Let the demon people finally know that their prince is not a prince who has accomplished nothing.

Donghuang Haotian worked very hard. He tried hard to pass these tests and showed the demon people the real ability of the prince of the East Palace.

More and more demon people began to look up to this prince and began to cheer him up silently.

It can be seen that Donghuang Haotian is very serious.

Zhuo Bufan saw it in his eyes and his heart became calm.

"It seems that our prince has awakened, and his demon emperor era is coming."

Zhuo Bufan is very optimistic about Donghuang Haotian.

He knows that Donghuang Haotian, who is serious, is absolutely qualified to be the emperor of the demon clan.

On the contrary, the eldest prince, Donghuang Haoyue, who was highly expected.

In this test, he kept making mistakes and missed opportunities.

In the end, he even began to complain, became hysterical, and began to complain about himself.

As a king, he was indecisive, brave but not wise, and it was really difficult for him to take on the great responsibility.

More and more people saw the most suitable candidate.

They also saw clearly the real intention of the demon lord Donghuang Taiyi.

The demon king he selected in this way was undoubtedly the most correct.

He could let the demon people see clearly who was the most suitable demon king.

The result of this test has begun to show signs.

Zhuo Bufan saw this scene and had a clear idea of ​​the result.

Now Zhuo Bufan was not considering whether Donghuang Haotian could become the demon king, but how to tell him the news that the demon lord had passed away.

Perhaps, becoming the demon king was not a difficult thing for Dongfang Haotian.

The difficult thing was how to accept the death of his father.

Soon, the test of the day was over.

When the evening drum sounded, everyone looked at the largest screen displayed in the sky.

On the screen, the person ranked first was the much-anticipated Prince of the Eastern Palace, Donghuang Haotian.

Donghuang Haotian passed a total of 58 tests and obtained 58 demon stars.

He truly became the new generation of demon king of the demon race.

When Donghuang Haotian came down from the demon peak, all the demons cheered and shouted.

"Long live the demon king, long live the demon king, long live the demon king, long live the demon king."

"Demon king, have I finally become the demon king?"

Donghuang Haotian stared blankly at the screen in the sky, revealing an unbelievable look.

Unknowingly, he had completed 58 tests, and if time permitted, he could continue to accept more tests.

Facts have proved that he is qualified to inherit the throne of the demon lord, and he did not disappoint the demon lord.

He successfully became the new generation of demon king of the demon race.

"Damn it, damn it, why, why."

In contrast, the eldest prince Donghuang Haoyue howled in pain.

He was not convinced, and he finally only passed the nine tests left by the Demon King.

It turned out that he was not the most suitable candidate to be the Demon King.

However, he had been preparing for this for so many years, but he did not expect to fail in a test.

It must be said that the Demon King is the Demon King.

The test he left behind prevented all conspiracies from happening.

The test left by the demon lord will only select the most suitable candidate.

The eldest prince did not pass the test, which means that he is not suitable to become the demon king, so no matter how many conspiracies he has, it will be useless.

The eldest prince obviously cannot accept this result.

However, this test was carried out in front of the entire demon clan.

Everyone saw the result, and the result was that the crown prince Donghuang Haotian became the final candidate for the demon king.

In this regard, even if the eldest prince Donghuang Haoyue was annoyed, it would not be useless.

"Father, I succeeded."

When Donghuang Haotian succeeded, he shouted loudly to the sky, he wanted the demon king to hear the news of his success.

Then, Donghuang Haotian fell from the sky and landed in front of the empty throne.

Then, he knelt in front of the empty throne.

"Father, the child lived up to your expectations and succeeded."

Donghuang Haotian, as he spoke, he actually cried.

He cried loudly in front of all the demons in the world, and everyone felt puzzled.

After a long while, Donghuang Haotian finally stood up.

Then, he opened his throat and shouted to the sky.

"The late emperor passed away, and all races mourned!"

When these words came out, everyone present was shocked, even Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

It turned out that Donghuang Haotian had known that the late emperor had passed away.

"The late emperor passed away, and all races mourned!"

Donghuang Haotian shouted again.

This time, the people of the demon race gradually reacted.

"The late emperor passed away, and all races mourned!"

When Donghuang Haotian shouted the third time in grief...

The people of the demon race were finally infected by the sad mood.

All knelt on the ground, wailing and crying...

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