Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 672: The Siren Tribe

As the chief of the Winged Demon Clan, Jiugongling naturally recognized the man in front of him as the new Demon King of the Demon World.

Even though Donghuang Haotian had changed his appearance, the Demon King Order in his hand completely exposed his identity.

"Okay, Jiugongling, I came to your Winged Demon Clan for a private visit this time. I don't want anyone else to know about this. Do you understand?"

Jiugongling said hurriedly after hearing this.

"I understand, Your Majesty. I wonder why Your Majesty came here this time?"

Jiugongling was very respectful to Donghuang Haotian.

He was also one of the few demon clan chiefs who supported Donghuang Haotian.

"I heard that your Winged Demon Clan has a very outstanding astrologer, and I came here specifically to find her."

"Astrologer, Xing'er?"

"Xing'er? Do you know her?"

Donghuang Haotian asked.

"To be honest, Xing'er is my youngest daughter."

Jiugongling nodded and replied.

Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian were surprised when they heard it.

"Oh? It's really a piece of cake."

"Then please bring your daughter out quickly. I have something important to ask her."

Donghuang Haotian said excitedly. So far, everything has been going well.

However, Jiugongling frowned and twisted his brows after hearing this.

"Well, your majesty, you have to make the decision for me!"

Jiugongling was talking, tears streaming down his face, ready to kneel down.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Donghuang Haotian asked in surprise when he saw this.

"Your majesty, the little girl Xing'er was captured by the sea monsters. She hasn't returned yet!"

"What? The sea monsters captured her?"

Donghuang Haotian was immediately furious.

"That's right. Some time ago, the sea monsters began to invade our Winged Monsters without reason. And they captured many of our Winged Monsters."

"Among them, my daughter Xing'er was also captured by them."

"I wanted to report this matter to the Monster Court and ask His Majesty to make the decision."

"Now that His Majesty has come in person, you must do justice for our Winged Monsters!"

After listening to Jiugongling's tearful complaint, Donghuang Haotian was furious.

"Does the sea monster want to provoke a civil war?"

Donghuang Haotian had just taken office, and the monsters started to make trouble, so he was naturally a little angry.

What's more, the sea monsters were one of the forces opposing him.

"Please make the decision, Your Majesty!"

Jiugongling saw that Donghuang Haotian was righteous, and hurriedly begged to worship.

Zhuo Bufan on the side was very calm.

"Why did the sea monsters suddenly attack your Winged Monsters?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that there might be something fishy here.

The two tribes have been living together in peace.

The sudden outbreak of war among the Sirens was either due to someone's instigation or due to some unspeakable secret.

"Hmph, what else is going on? It's the guy behind the Sirens who is doing the trick."

"Donghuang Haoyue, Donghuangchuan, are you two planning to rebel?"

Donghuang Haotian knew that the forces behind the Sirens were Donghuang Haoyue and Donghuangchuan.

The Sirens launched a war without any reason. It must be these two who were behind it, trying to cause a war.

"I'm going to the Sirens now. I want to see if the Sirens can still turn the world upside down!"

Donghuang Haotian was originally a hot-tempered man. When he heard that the Sirens had captured the astrologer they were looking for, he immediately got angry.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan was also very anxious. This twist and turn would definitely waste a lot of their time.

If they were involved in the civil strife of the Sirens, they might waste more time.

He didn't have much time to waste. Xiaomei, Bai Su, and many people were waiting for him to save them.

"How about this, I'll accompany you to the sea monster tribe first. No matter what happens, we must rescue this Xing'er first."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to care about the internal strife of the monster tribe. He just wanted to find this astrologer and help them crack the mystery of the star map.

"Your Majesty, this is not allowed. If you go alone, you may encounter unexpected dangers."

"Hehe, what's the matter? Does Ao Chong dare to attack me?"

Donghuang Haotian knew Ao Chong, the leader of the sea monster tribe.

And Ao Chong was also the top master of the monster tribe, a great monster with 8,000 years of demon power.

"Then I'll accompany you!"

Jiugongling was afraid that something would happen to Donghuang Haotian.

Donghuang Haotian waved his hand after hearing this.

"Don't go. The relationship between your Winged Demon Clan and the Sea Demon Clan is like this. If you go with us, won't you cause trouble?"

"That's right. It's better for the clan leader to stay in Wanghai Valley!"

"Let me go to the Sea Demon Clan with the Demon King. Don't worry, we will definitely rescue your daughter. She is also very important to us."

Zhuo Bufan had to lie in the muddy water.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's promise, Jiugongling was moved.

"Then I'll trouble this warrior. Please ensure the comfort of the Demon King. My daughter is young, and the Demon King is old!"

Jiugongling is a loyal old minister.

"Okay, nagging. Tell me, how to go to the Sea Demon Clan?"

Donghuang Haotian said impatiently.

When Jiugongling heard it, he quickly answered.

"Ten miles from here to the South China Sea, there is a Sea King Island."

"Under this Sea King Island is the territory of the Sea Monsters, the Sea King Palace!"

"My Winged Monsters are not good at swimming. The Sea Monsters have captured our people, and we are powerless."

"This time, I really ask your majesty and this warrior to help."

"Sea King Island, right?"

As soon as Jiugongling finished speaking, Donghuang Haotian could not wait to fly out of the cave.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan could only follow closely.

Soon, the two flew across the Shili Strait and came to the Sea King Island that Jiugongling mentioned.

The sky above the Sea King Island was covered with thunderclouds and storms!

But for Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian, this was not a problem at all.

Moreover, they were going to the Sea King Palace under the Sea King Island.

"Brother Zhuo, get ready to go down."

"Lead the way!"

Donghuang Haotian said, turned into a dragon shape, and drilled into the seabed.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan also condensed a layer of shield around himself, and then carried him into the sea.

The two went down to the seabed thousands of meters deep. At this time, deep in the seabed, a ball of colorful lights appeared instead.

A huge underwater palace appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian.

Outside the palace, there was a waterproof cover.

"The Sea King Palace should be in front. Wait a minute, we must discuss what to do?"

Zhuo Bufan stopped Donghuang Haotian in time.

If he didn't stop Donghuang Haotian, according to Donghuang Haotian's temper, he would definitely rush in directly.

"What is Brother Zhuo going to do?"

Donghuang Haotian stopped and listened to Zhuo Bufan's opinion.

Zhuo Bufan said after listening.

"The purpose of our visit this time is to save the astrologer."

"Try not to conflict."

"Also, it's best not to expose your identity as the Demon King. If the sea monsters really started the war under the instructions of your royal brother."

"Then if you expose your identity, your royal brother who is far away in the Demon Court may take the opportunity to rebel."

Donghuang Haotian nodded and said after listening.

"Brother Zhuo is right. Let's split up. I'll go investigate what the sea monsters are doing. You go rescue Miss Xing'er."

"Brother Zhuo must be careful. Ao Chong, the leader of the sea monsters, is a great monster with eight thousand years of magic power. I'm afraid that even if we join forces, we are no match for him. It's best not to alarm him."

Donghuang Haotian suggested.

"Got it. Then we must meet here in an hour, regardless of success or failure."

After planning, Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian decided to act separately.

The two turned into two streams of light and entered the Sea King's Palace.

After that, Zhuo Bufan began to look for the whereabouts of the astrologer.


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