Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 673 Chapter 673 Xing'er

Zhuo Bufan has the eyes of life and death. These eyes can be used as clairvoyance eyes.

It can be clearly seen how many life forms there are in the Neptune Palace.

Zhuo Bufan, who opened the Eye of Life and Death, discovered that there were many living beings gathered together underground to the west of the Neptune Palace.

"That's supposed to be a prison."

"According to what Jiugongling said, the Sea Demon Clan only imprisoned their members of the Winged Demon Clan and did not go on a killing spree."

"So, that should be where the Winged Demon Clan is imprisoned."

Zhuo Bufan analyzed the place where the Winged Demon Clan was imprisoned, and then began to rush towards the prison.

Because of his ability to see life and death, Zhuo Bufan can easily avoid the patrolling demon soldiers along the way.

There was really no way to escape, so Zhuo Bufan was knocked unconscious on the spot.

He didn't want to cause a big sensation just yet.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan arrived at the West Palace Prison. As expected, all the prisoners in the prison were members of the Yi Yao tribe.

When the people from the Winged Demon Clan saw Zhuo Bufan knocking down the people from the Sea Demon Clan, they immediately understood that Zhuo Bufan had come to save them.

"Save us, save us."

The people from the Winged Demon Clan stretched out their hands towards Zhuo Bufan and shouted.

"Shh, be quiet! I am indeed here to save you, but you are so noisy and have attracted patrols. How can I save you?"

Zhuo Bufan hissed.

After hearing this, the people from the Winged Demon Clan quickly shut their mouths.

Later, Zhuo Bufan came to the prison gate and said.

"I will send you to a safe place. Once you get in, be honest and don't mess around with me. Do you understand?"

The safe place Zhuo Bufan mentioned was naturally his Meicheng.

If you want to bring so many people with you at once, only Meicheng is useful.

"By the way, is there a girl named Xing'er among you?"

"She is the daughter of your clan leader, an astrologer."

Zhuo Bufan did not forget the purpose of his coming here, which was to rescue the astrologer.

After hearing this, the people from the Wing Demon Clan shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

It was one of the female demons, Nuonuo said.

"Are you here to save sister Xing'er?"

"She was captured by Ao Mumu, the third prince of the Siren Tribe. Go and save her!"

"Third Prince, Ao Mumu?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows were knitted together, obviously a little anxious.

All these twists and turns made him very irritable.

"I know, let's rescue you first!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he drew a circle with his right hand in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a passage leading to Meicheng opened in front of him.

When the people of the Winged Demon Clan saw this, they stopped and were a little scared.

"Hurry up, I don't have time to waste here with you. If you don't go in, I'll leave."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the people from the Winged Demon Clan hurriedly swarmed towards the entrance of the cave.

After they passed through the passage, they came to the extraordinary Plum City.

In Plum City, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the sky is high and the air is refreshing.

However, Zhuo Bufan threw them into the forest of bloodthirsty butterflies.

"Listen carefully and don't run around. Otherwise, I won't be responsible if something happens."

Zhuo Bufan trapped them with bloodthirsty butterflies to prevent them from running around.

After he sent all the people from the Winged Demon Clan into Meicheng, he gritted his teeth.

Afterwards, he rushed out of the prison, grabbed a siren soldier on the way, and asked about the bedroom of their third prince, Ao Mumu.

At this moment, in a palace in the North Palace of Neptune Palace, a drama of forcing girls into prostitution was going on.

The Xing'er that Zhuo Bufan and the others are looking for is the most beautiful woman in the Winged Demon Tribe. She is naturally stunningly beautiful and is a rare find in a thousand years.

Ao Mumu, the third prince of the Siren clan, has long been coveted by her beauty.

While his father was plundering a large number of people from the Yi Yao Clan, the third prince, Ao Mumu, sneaked into the Yi Yao Clan and kidnapped the girl Xing'er.

This star usually covers his face with a veil.

It is difficult for ordinary people to see her true appearance and beauty.

Ao Mumu, the third prince of the Sea Demon Clan, was deeply attracted to Xing'er after seeing her true appearance at the Wing Demon Clan's longevity banquet last year.

So I brought Xing'er to the Neptune Palace for no other reason than to possess her.

"Miss Xing'er, my prince has been attracted by your beauty since the first time he saw you."

"I asked my father to propose marriage three times, but you rejected me three times, which made me very sad."

"I have never been able to get anything I want."

"Tonight, I will make you my crown prince."

The third prince Ao Mumu started to take off his clothes as he spoke.

And Xing'er in front of him was so frightened that he backed away repeatedly.

Finally, he retreated to the bedside. There was no way to retreat.

"Please, don't come here."

Xing'er squatted on the ground, covering her head, not daring to look at the third prince Ao Mumu.

In fact, this girl Xing'er has very weak cultivation. He has less than a hundred years of demonic power.

Moreover, she has never practiced any magic.

She is that kind of weak girl.

If I could use a plant to describe her, it would be mimosa.

If touched, it will be ashamed and curl up to protect itself.

Her voice was very gentle, and even in this situation, she could only make a weak cry for help.

She needs someone to protect her, she is just a shy little flower.

The third prince couldn't bear it any longer and pounced on Xing'er like a hungry wolf.

Just when he was about to violate Xing'er, a horizontal leg swung from the air and hit him hard in the face.


The next second, the third prince Ao Mumu's face was deformed and kicked out directly.

Then he hit the wall hard, making a huge hole!

"Are you okay?"

Then, a white gown fell on Xing'er, covering her completely.

Xing'er came to her senses and looked at the man who covered her with clothes. Tears burst out from her eyes and flowed out.

"You should be Miss Xing'er, right? It's okay, I'll take you home!"

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of big hands picked her up from the ground.

At that moment, Xing'er couldn't help but hugged the other's neck tightly with both hands.

"Thank you, thank you!"

She cried and kept shouting thank you!

At that moment, she just wanted to hold this hero who fell from the sky and never let go of her hands.


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