Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 680: Qing Emperor's Relics

Chapter 680 Qingdi Relics

Zhuo Bufan used the absolute defense of the Chaos Bell and the supernatural power of his Yin-Yang Magic Eye to kill a Qinghou first.

In fact, with his realm of Little True Man, he was no match for Qinghou.

However, this Qinghou had been eroding the seabed for hundreds of thousands of years, and had long lost the terrible wild aura.

It was precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan could easily find the opponent's deadly point and kill it instantly.

In general, it was quite smooth!

On the other side, Donghuang Haotian and Ge Ba faced the Qinghou, but they were not as smooth as Zhuo Bufan.

They did not have Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell, and faced with the powerful pressure of their relatives, they could only retreat step by step.

The energy thread spit out by the Qinghou was really unavoidable.

The breath exhaled from his mouth swept across the entire island.

This destructive breath came from the ancient wilderness.

Once touched, it would corrode the soul of a person, which was extremely terrible.

The green roar that Donghuang Haotian faced was even more brutal.

The destructive flames that spewed out of its mouth instantly destroyed half of the entire pirate.

"I'll help you."

Zhuo Bufan saw this situation and immediately came to the rescue.

Zhuo Bufan opened the Yin-Yang Magic Eye and looked at the green roar in front of him.

From the Yin-Yang Magic Eye, the green roar that Donghuang Haotian faced was obviously in a much better state than the previous green roar, and had fewer weaknesses.

However, even if there was only one weakness, as long as a fierce attack was launched on it, it could still be defeated.

Zhuo Bufan raised his fist again, and on his fist, billowing magic smoke was entangled.

The breath of life and death cycle flowed in his palm.


Zhuo Bufan shouted angrily and punched the weakness of the green roar.


Another fierce punch was thrown, and the power shocked the entire sea.

The body of the green roar also began to disintegrate in an instant.

Finally, the green head struggled in the air for a moment, then completely disintegrated and disappeared into ash.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo."

Donghuang Haotian thanked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and said after hearing this.

"These green roars are much worse than the one in the western desert. Otherwise, the three of us are simply not their opponents."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that they were facing three green mouths, which were obviously much worse than the green roar in the Blood Desert Desert.

Perhaps it was the corrosion of time that reduced their abilities a lot.

"What's the situation with Ge Ba?"

Finally, the two looked at Ge Ba.

They saw two dragons entangled in the western sky.

Facing the green roar, Ge Ba transformed into his original body, the Canghai Dragon, and fought hard with the green roar.

"Who do you think will win?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Donghuang Haotian on the side.

"It should be Ge Ba. The Green Howl has been corroded in the sea for hundreds of thousands of years. Its energy is already very weak, and its body is extremely fragile."

As he spoke, Ge Ba stretched out his sharp claws and tore at the body of the bronze dragon.

The bronze-forged body of the Green Howl began to tear apart piece by piece.

Ge Ba was the one with the highest cultivation among the three of Zhuo Bufan.

After all, he was a great demon with 5,000 years of demonic power, and his strength was extraordinary.


The two dragons fought hard, fiercely, and thoroughly.

In the end, Ge Ba was more skilled and found an opportunity to break half of the bronze dragon's body.

Then he took the opportunity to tear the Green Howl apart.


With a loud bang, the third Green Howl was also killed successfully.

This battle almost destroyed half of the island.

After the battle, Zhuo Bufan and his friends found that a colorful light was floating in the sky above the Soul-Snatching Island.

The colorful rays of light enveloped the sky.

Zhuo Bufan was amazed when he saw this scene.

"Sure enough, there is something."

Donghuang Haotian had said before that the Green Emperor left three Green Howls here, and there must be other purposes.

What treasures could he have left here?

Sure enough, the colorful rays of light were obviously something left by the Green Emperor.

"Let's take a look!" Zhuo Bufan said, and flew towards the center of the island.

In the center of the island, there was actually a volcano, but it was a dead volcano.

Because of the previous battle, the top of the volcano was flattened, revealing a huge crater.

Zhuo Bufan and the other two walked to the edge of the crater and looked at the rolling lava below. They found that there was a lotus-shaped floating platform in the lava.

On the floating platform, there stood a spear shining with colorful rainbow light.

"What is that? "

Zhuo Bufan saw the spear and exclaimed.

He could tell at a glance that the spear was extraordinary.

He was filled with joy.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan had taken a fancy to the spear.

Zhuo Bufan now had everything he needed except a handy weapon.

Donghuang Haotian frowned after seeing the spear.

"Could this be the legendary weapon used by the Green Emperor, the Red Lotus?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

"The weapon used by the Green Emperor, the Red Lotus?"

"Yes, it is said that the Green Emperor had many women who loved him deeply, and one of them was extremely obsessed with him."

"She was originally a maid of the Green Emperor, but she fell in love with him and went through life and death for him."

"In the end, she sacrificed herself for him and helped him achieve the Great Dao."

"He was willing to transform into a weapon and always accompany him, and this weapon was the Red Lotus."

"Later, in order to commemorate the Red Lotus, the Green Emperor used countless god-level materials to make the Red Lotus into a divine weapon."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan showed an expression of realization.

Transformed into a weapon for the beloved, this Red Lotus Spear is a weapon of affection and righteousness.

"Red Lotus recognizes its master, and only recognizes one master in this life, that is the Green Emperor."

"So, even if we have other ideas, we can't own it."

Donghuang Haotian's words undoubtedly dispelled Zhuo Bufan's desire to possess his beauty.

Obviously, only one person can use the Red Lotus, and that is the Green Emperor.

"That's really disappointing."

Zhuo Bufan really showed a look of liking for this spear.

It's a pity that such a good weapon doesn't belong to him.

"I think we should pick it up and return it to the Green Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment and agreed with Donghuang Haotian's words.

What is his is his after all, and what is not his, he can't take it away.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has made a lot of psychological preparations for this trip to save the Green Emperor.

The biggest psychological preparation is to lose the Chaos Bell. After all, the Chaos Bell belongs to the Green Emperor.

Zhuo Bufan has not talked to the Chaos Bell about this issue, and he doesn't know how to talk to the Chaos Bell.

However, in order to complete the mission entrusted to him by the White Emperor, to rescue the sealed Bai Su, and to rescue Xiaomei who was beaten back to her original form, Zhuo Bufan must make his due sacrifice.

Finally, the three of them prepared to go down the crater and take the red lotus out of the volcano.

Unexpectedly, just as they were about to go down, the red lotus floating on the lava suddenly burst into a rosy glow, shining brightly.

A brilliant light shot up from the crater, and then a woman's image began to walk out of the light.

"It's Honglian."

Donghuang Haotian shouted immediately.

That woman with white hair and who looked like Bai Su was exactly the Honglian that Donghuang Haotian mentioned.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when he saw her.

This woman really looked a bit like Bai Su.

It turned out that because Qingdi couldn't get Baidi, he collected all the beauties in the world and specifically looked for a woman who looked like Baidi.

Qingdi was really infatuated with Baidi.

However, he also let down more people because of this.

Honglian, the woman who looked a bit like Bai Su, said after looking at Zhuo Bufan.

"Who are you? Where is my master? Where is my master?"

The master she mentioned was obviously the legendary Qingdi.

"We are here to save you. We will take you to find your master. Are you willing to go with us?"

The woman nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"I am willing to go with you. Take me to find my master. I want to see my master."

Obviously, she had already begun to miss Qingdi after waking up.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan finally put his mind at ease.

Perhaps, the time has not come yet, and his weapon has not yet appeared.

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