Chapter 681 Crazy Mermaid

After a fierce battle, Zhuo Bufan and the others killed the three-headed Qinghou left by Qingdi.

By the way, they found the artifact, Red Lotus, hidden by Qingdi on Guhun Island.

Then, they took Honglian and began to embark on the journey to find Qingdi again.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why there is such a psychedelic fog around the Soul Island.

It is precisely because of Hong Lian's ability that Hong Lian can create an invincible illusion like mirror flowers and water moon.

Zhuo Bufan released Qing'er, and then they embarked on the journey again to find the Tomb of Tianxing.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan began to introduce the purpose of their trip to Honglian.

After hearing this, Honglian learned that Zhuo Bufan and the others were specially there to rescue Qingdi, and he was full of gratitude to Zhuo Bufan.

She also seemed to feel that Zhuo Bufan liked her, and Zhuo Bufan really needed a handy weapon.

Finally Honglian told Zhuo Bufan.

"You can go to the River of Time and find an artifact called the Space Shuttle."

When Zhuo Bufan heard that name, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Space shuttle?"

"That's right, the condensed essence of the River of Time. The body of the River of Time is the cosmic shuttle."

"The master once poured some sands of time into me. From these sands of time, I learned that the space shuttle is the source of their power."

Honglian began to introduce the universe shuttle to Zhuo Bufan.

"In fact, I am only a small part of the Space Shuttle. The Space Shuttle is located in the Time Sand Tower in the long river of time. I believe you can find him."

Red Lotus is a very spiritual artifact, and she can sense the fate between Zhuo Bufan and the Universe Shuttle.

Zhuo Bufan then confirmed with Chaos Clock.

Chaos Clock responded.

"I have never heard of the Space Shuttle, but the River of Time is indeed an innate artifact that is superior to me."

Even the Chaos Clock had to admit that the River of Time had a higher level than his artifact.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan is even more looking forward to this cosmic shuttle.

"How to find the river of time?"

Zhuo Bufan asked a digression.

Chaos Clock replied.

"The river of the universe is in the holy realm, and only saints are qualified to enter."

"And Time Changhe will only choose people he approves to enter. You can only accept his active invitation. It is impossible for you to actively find him."

Chaos Bell's words made Zhuo Bufan slightly disappointed.

"I see, you have to become a saint to be qualified to accept the call of the River of Time. Is there really the space shuttle you mentioned in the River of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan became very interested in the cosmic shuttle Hong Lian talked about.

Of course, talking about the space shuttle now is really just nonsense.

Their top priority is to unlock the Qing Emperor's seal, rather than thinking about some peerless artifact.

With the help of Xing'er, Zhuo Bufan and the others began to successfully reach their destinations one after another.

After a three-month journey, they finally reached the last island.

Along the way, Xing'er went through careful measurements every time he arrived at an island.

Basically, Xing'er can confirm that the route they took is accurate.

Finally, their ship anchored on the endless sea.

"According to my calculation, it should be here." Xin'er said to Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the empty sea with a solemn expression.

"Is this here? But there is nothing here."

They thought they would encounter at least an island or something, but they didn't expect that it was unusually peaceful here.

Above the sea, there are no waves, the sky is high and the sea is vast, it looks very ordinary.

"I'll go take a look at the bottom of the sea."

At this time, Ge Ba, a young swimming expert, offered to sink to the bottom of the sea to find out.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan patted his shoulder and said.

"be safe."

He agreed to Ge Ba's proposal. If Xing'er was right, then the Tomb of Tianxing would probably be at the bottom of the sea.

Then, Ge Ba plunged into the calm sea.

Time began to pass minute by minute.

Zhuo Bufan, Donghuang Haotian and others sat on the bow of the boat and began to wait, looking forward to seeing what was going on.

Half an hour later, there was still no reaction from the sea, and Ge Ba had not returned. Zhuo Bufan began to feel slightly worried.

Another hour passed, but he was still missing, and Xing'er began to feel anxious.

"I'll take you back to Meicheng first. The next step may be very dangerous."

In order to protect Xing'er's safety, Zhuo Bufan sent her to Meicheng again.

Another hour passed, and even Donghuang Haotian was worried.

Just when they were tired of waiting.

Suddenly, dark shadows began to appear on the calm sea in front of them.

"Something's coming."

Zhuo Bufan sensed the beginning of the war immediately.

"What is it?"

Just when Donghuang Haotian was still guessing what it was.

Suddenly, a black shadow broke through the water and rose into the sky.

"It's Ge Ba."

Zhuo Bufan shouted, it was a black dragon, it was really Ge Ba's true form.

However, Ge Ba was covered in blood at this moment.

Ge Ba was actually injured?

Behind him, followed a group of strange creatures with human bodies and fish tails.

They have jagged teeth, biting Ge Ba's body crazily, devouring energy from Ge Ba's body.

It can be clearly seen that blood was flowing from Ge Ba's body, and the blood was pouring out, which was frightening.

Ge Ba fell heavily on the boat with a bang and turned into a human form.

His two legs were bitten to the point that only white bones were left.

"Run quickly, these things will devour demonic power."

Ge Ba shouted to Zhuo Bufan and the others.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that these mermaid-like things were extremely terrifying monsters that could devour demonic power.

You know, Ge Ba is a big demon with 5,000 years of demonic power, but he was chased so embarrassed.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"Why run? We finally got here. At least now it shows that the Tianxing Tomb is very likely here."

Since leaving Gouhun Island, they have been walking all the way, calm and without any obstacles.

Unexpectedly, at this last moment, they encountered a group of terrifying mermaids, which can only mean one thing, that there is something strange in this sea area.

It is possible that the Tianxing Tomb is here, and they are the guardians of the Tianxing Tomb.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

These mermaids began to attack Zhuo Bufan and his ship, and soon, the hull was eaten away by holes.

Seeing that the ship was about to collapse, Zhuo Bufan grabbed the Red Lotus Spear.

"Red Lotus, we need your strength."

Facing the overwhelming mermaid monsters, Zhuo Bufan made a request to Honglian.

After hearing this, Honglian suddenly became divine.

Then the fire burned, the space was torn, and time and space were disordered.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Honglian, and at that moment, he finally felt the terrifying energy of the imperial weapon.

Zhuo Bufan picked up Honglian and began to rotate, forming a fire wheel that radiated like the sun.

One by one, the fireballs rushed towards the sea surface frantically.

The powerful flames instantly covered the entire sea surface, burning all the crazy mermaids together.

In an instant, the sea turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Awesome, so awesome."

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Honglian, reluctant to let go.

But at this moment, the flames on the sea surface suddenly began to disappear.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and showed an extremely surprised look.

The sea of ​​fire was actually swallowed by those mermaids...

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