Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 682 Attracting Thunder

Seeing the fire on the sea being swallowed up by the mermaids one by one, Zhuo Bufan held the red lotus and showed a helpless expression.

"What's going on? These guys can not only swallow demon power."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the group of mermaids on the sea. They were like piranhas, eating everything.

The flame released by the red lotus is a kind of powerful energy.

Not everyone dares to swallow this kind of energy.

But these mermaids are really devouring this energy like crazy.


Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan snapped his fingers, and a series of divine rings condensed behind him, and then, endless divine energy began to fall down.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to see if these things could swallow any energy.

His divine power comes from a kind of faith.

Belief in divine power originates from the virtual world. A kind of omnipotent energy.

However, when the divine power of his faith fell like spring breeze and rain, the mermaids on the sea started to flutter excitedly.

They were fearless and continued to devour.

"What on earth are these things?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. His divine power seemed to have become a supply for these mermaid monsters.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Donghuang Haotian on the side.

Donghuang Haotian floated beside him with Ge Ba.

He shook his head repeatedly and said.

"I don't know, but one thing is certain, these things are not creatures belonging to my demon clan."

"Don't belong to the demon clan?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned. He felt that this creature gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

"Could these things be creatures from the virtual world?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that divine power was a kind of blessing energy for the creatures in the virtual world.

After the Yin Beast fell to the sea, the mermaid monster did not attack the elephant Yin Beast.

"I remembered that there is such a creature in Yunmeng Realm."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered that he had encountered this mermaid creature when he was fishing in Yunmeng Realm.

The Yunmeng Realm is a projection of the virtual world, and all the creatures in it come from the virtual world.

Zhuo Bufan had already guessed this before.

"Lu Fei, help me check right away. Is there a mermaid creature in Yunmeng Realm? What are its weaknesses?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately contacted Lu Fei, who immediately went to Yunmeng Realm.

Less than ten minutes later, Lu Fei responded.

"Boss, there really is a mermaid creature called a mermaid goblin."

"This mermaid goblin has a weakness, they are afraid of thunder and lightning!"

All creatures in the Yunmeng Realm have their weaknesses introduced when using the Xuanguang Mirror.

It’s a kind of game strategy.

Many people have even developed a strategy for fighting monsters, using different props for different spirit beasts.

"Afraid of thunder?"

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes.

Although he is not a lightning mage and cannot release thunder and lightning, he can still create thunderstorms with ease.

Especially on this sea surface.

"Sure enough, these mermaids are creatures from the virtual world."

"Why do virtual world creatures appear here?"

Zhuo Bufan said in surprise.

Of course, now is not the time to consider these issues.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Donghuang Haotian aside and said.

"I've found the weakness of these things, they're afraid of thunder and lightning."

"Afraid of thunder and lightning?"

Upon hearing this, Donghuang Haotian's right hand turned into a dragon claw, and then he held it in the air and produced a spherical lightning.

Then throw it towards the sea below.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The moment the ball lightning hit the sea, sparks of electricity shot out and made a crackling sound.

However, the next second, those mermaids still opened their mouths to swallow those thunder and lightning sparks. However, some mermaids began to run away amid the thunder and lightning.

"It works, but it's not obvious."

Donghuang Haotian said after a small test of his skills.

"That's because your lightning power comes from demon power, and they are not afraid of demon power."

"We need to create a natural lightning field!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he held the red lotus and started spinning it.

"Guren, I need your power."

Zhuo Bufan said, holding the red lotus spear tightly with both hands.

After Honglian sensed Zhuo Bufan's request, she gave her power to Zhuo Bufan.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan truly became half of Honglian's master.

Immediately afterwards, an overwhelming pillar of fire erupted from the red lotus spear.

The pillar of fire penetrated the sky and the earth, connecting the sea and the sky.

Although the flames falling on the sea will not cause harm to the mermaid goblins, they can stir up overwhelming water vapor.

The other end of the flames rushed into the sky, causing high-temperature airflow above the sky, and began to form thunderclouds.

The rising water vapor combined with the high-temperature air currents, and for a time, pieces of thunderclouds over the sea began to gather rapidly.

"Wow, Brother Zhuo, you can actually create such powerful thunder and lightning?"

Donghuang Haotian was shocked when he saw this scene. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to condense the thunder field.

He knew that Zhuo Bufan was not a thunder and lightning monk. He seemed to be cultivating the power of life and death.

However, for Zhuo Bufan, who has studied mathematics, physics and chemistry, it is not difficult to create a mine field.

Divine fire opens the sky, and thunder suddenly appears!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Bursts of huge muffled thunder began to explode in the air!

Every time the thunder roared, the mermaids were scared and began to scatter.

"Don't let them run away!"

Zhuo Bufan saw that these mermaids really had a strong fear of natural lightning.

Just the sound of thunder and lightning made them a little terrified.

"I'll do it!"

Donghuang Haotian rushed to the sea immediately after hearing Zhuo Bufan's request.

He used himself as bait to stir up the sea, making all the mermaid fairies excited again.

Groups of mermaid fairies began to chase Donghuang Haotian.

Donghuang Haotian could only use the lightning condensed by his demon power to resist. In fact, his strength was not as good as Ge Ba, so he was chased by the mermaid fairies and screamed.

"Brother Zhuo, are you still not well?"

Donghuang Haotian could no longer bear it. These mermaid fairies could even fly.

Facing their relentless pursuit, Donghuang Haotian began to ask Zhuo Bufan for help.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at the dark thunderclouds that had already formed in the sky.

The thunderclouds covered the sky and the earth, covering a radius of 100 miles.

"It's almost done. Lead them up. I want to give them a baptism like a soul-filling baptism."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Donghuang Haotian understood and began to fly in the direction of Zhuo Bufan.

The mermaid fairies behind him bared their teeth, made a crackling sound, and bit Donghuang Haotian.

Seeing that they were about to catch up with Donghuang Haotian, Donghuang Haotian flashed aside in an instant when he flew in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan gathered a divine power with the Red Lotus Spear in his hand and poured it into the sky.

The divine power can integrate all the energy in the world, and it attracted the thunder and lightning in the sky.


There was only a hissing sound, and a thunder and lightning fell from the sky.


The next second, thousands of thunderbolts, thunderous and powerful, fell with a bang.

A huge column of lightning struck the mermaid fairy's head.

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