Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 684: Climbing the Ladder

Zhuo Bufan, Donghuang Haotian and Ge Ba were taken to another alien space by Xuan Tan.

When the three of them opened their eyes, they found that the place was dark.

Little stars are shining brightly, twinkling in places that are far away or near.

They seemed to be in the void, with a platform made of white jade at their feet.

In front of him is a void jade staircase leading to the sky.

At the top of the stairs, there is a huge meteorite, like a majestic mountain.

On top of the meteorite, there is a palace shrouded in countless stars.

"Is that the Tianxing Tomb?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the palace at the top and said excitedly.

"It should be the Tianxing Tomb."

"It's not easy. After searching for so long, I finally found the Tianxing Tomb."

"Let's go, I've been waiting for this moment for too long."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he started to climb the jade stairs towards the palace at the top.

The three of them were very fast and quickly climbed to the third position.

But at this moment, Donghuang Haotian stopped and said.

"Brother Zhuo, wait a minute, do you find anything wrong?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"I don't know if it's my imagination. Why do I feel more and more tired as I climb the stairs?"

"I also feel that the gravity seems to increase a lot on each step."

"It's a gravity ladder, and with every step we take, the pressure increases."

"Is this the Qing Emperor's ladder to heaven?"

As a descendant of Qing Emperor, Donghuang Haotian still knows little about his ancestor.

"Climb the ladder to heaven?" Zhuo Bufan said blankly.

"That's right, the ladder to heaven is the ladder Qing Emperor prepared to ascend to when he stepped into the sky."

"It is said that those who can reach the top are the chosen ones."

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"No matter what, we have to climb up."

Although Zhuo Bufan already knew that this was his love rival's ladder to heaven, he could no longer retreat at this point.

Victory is right in front of you. As long as you climb to the top of the ladder and unlock the seal of the Qing Emperor, your extraordinary mission will be completed.

Next, the three of them began to move forward.

After more than an hour, they climbed to the halfway point.

The three of them were already out of breath and found it difficult to hold on.

"Is this the Qing Emperor's final test?"

“We’ve reached this point, we can’t give up.”

Zhuo Bufan, Donghuang Haotian and others gritted their teeth and continued climbing.

This time, they climbed two-thirds of the way up.

After arriving here, Ge Ba took the lead and tried his best.

Because of his previous battle with the mermaid goblin, his original demon power was damaged and his power was greatly reduced.

After accompanying Zhuo Bufan and the others here, he really had no more strength to continue moving forward.

"Can't leave?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ge Ba who was sitting on the steps and said.

The heavy pressure made it hard for him to breathe.

He shook his head heavily and said.

"I can't leave anymore, take this with you and keep moving forward!"

After Ge Ba finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Zhuo Bufan's arm.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan felt a steady stream of energy as violent as the vast ocean being injected into his body.

Ge Ba actually transferred all his demon power to Zhuo Bufan.

Through the fusion of divine power, Zhuo Bufan instantly felt that his strength had greatly increased, and his whole body was full of energy.

"You must go up!"

Ge Ba looked at Zhuo Bufan with firm eyes.

Now that they are here, he also hopes that Zhuo Bufan can reach the top.

"I will."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Ge Ba and said.

Then he glanced at Donghuang Haotian and said.

"Donghuang, let's go!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan and Donghuang Haotian continued to move forward.

With the powerful demon power given by Ge Ba, Zhuo Bufan felt that the pressure on himself was much less.

However, Donghuang Haotian seemed to be having a hard time.

He accompanied Zhuo Bufan and continued to move forward for more than an hour.

Finally, they climbed to seven out of ten.

"No way, Lao Zhuo!"

After arriving here, Donghuang Haotian also sat down. When they arrived here, the gravity they endured was at least a thousand times that of their own gravity.

Donghuang Haotian felt that his feet had already penetrated the jade steps.

With every step he took, he had to exert 120,000 points of strength, and the heavy pressure made his body begin to bend.

He had to rely on demon power to resist this great oppression.

However, the demon power is not infinite, and his demon power is constantly being consumed.

Finally here, he made a decision to call it a day.

He couldn't waste his remaining demon power, he wanted to give all his demon power to Zhuo Bufan.

Just like Ge Ba did before.

"Brother Zhuo, you must go up, you must."

Donghuang Haotian said, grabbing Zhuo Bufan's shoulders tightly.

Later, he also transferred all his demonic power to Zhuo Bufan.

"Donghuang, I understand."

Zhuo Bufan understood Donghuang Haotian’s intention.

If not, they won't be able to get out of the water.

So they gave all their strength to Zhuo Bufan and sent him up alone in a relay.

It has to be said that Ge Ba and Donghuang Haotian made this most correct sacrifice in a tacit understanding.

Only Zhuo Bufan can unlock the seal of the Tianxing Tomb.

Therefore, the two of them should send Zhuo Bufan to heaven in a reasonable way.

Zhuo Bufan took the power of Donghuang Haotian and Ge Ba and stepped onto the remaining stairs.

With the power of two people, Zhuo Bufan's next journey was very easy at the beginning.

But when he was almost eight-tenths, Zhuo Bufan began to feel tired.

The huge pressure made it difficult for him to move forward.

As a last resort, Zhuo Bufan opened the divine ring and forced him to use divine power.

The divine ring opened, and a series of divine rings wrapped around Zhuo Bufan, and the released divine power began to wrap him in glory.

Zhuo Bufan felt that the pressure on him was much less.

So, he rushed to the top in one breath.

However, at the last hundred steps, Zhuo Bufan's divine power and glory were finally exhausted.

"I must climb up, I must climb up."

The more he got to the last few steps, the more terrifying the pressure he had to bear.

In the end, he even used his hands and feet to really climb the stairs.


Seeing that there were only a few steps left, Zhuo Bufan let out a series of low roars.

He felt that his body was about to be squeezed and deformed, and most importantly, he had no extra strength.

This pressure came not only from his body, but also from his soul.

His soul was so oppressed that it began to twist and deform.

At that moment, he felt that his soul was torn and squeezed by a strange force.

His seven orifices began to bleed, his bones began to crack, and his blood began to burn.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

Zhuo Bufan only heard a buzzing sound, and he felt that his soul seemed to have been opened through a key door.

The next second, he fainted on the stairs.

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