Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 685 Six Paths of Reincarnation

"Brother Zhuo! Brother Zhuo!"

Donghuang Haotian and Ge Ba stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking at Zhuo Bufan who fell on the stairs with great anxiety.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously about to reach the top, but at this moment, he fainted.

The two of them can't help now. They can only watch and wait for a miracle to appear.

Zhuo Bufan's body had been squeezed into a meat pie on the steps.

His soul was also overwhelmed and had a sudden change.

Zhuo Bufan, who was in a coma, did not come to the archive space, proving that he was still alive.

"Where is this?"

Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again and found himself in chaos.

In front of him, six rays of light appeared, which were similar to his three save doors.

When Zhuo Bufan saw these six wheels of light, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Is this the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered that he had seen it in ancient books.

The next realm behind the Soul-Seizing Realm is the Six-Connection Realm.

The Six Paths Realm is also called the Six Paths of Reincarnation Realm.

Only souls that can reincarnate in the six realms can be called souls in the six realms.

The soul in the six realms can only change among the six realms and understand the will of the gods.

Zhuo Bufan has studied the six-passage realm, and the soul that has reached this realm will enter an independent space with six light gates inside.

This space is called the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

The space world where Zhuo Bufan is now is.

The six-ray light wheel in front of you is the door to the six-ray world.

"It is said in ancient books that the soul that has reached the Six Paths of Reincarnation for the first time must complete the baptism of the Six Paths of Reincarnation before the soul can fully reach the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

"I didn't expect that under the pressure of climbing the ladder to heaven, it would actually bring me an opportunity."

"As long as I can pass through the Six Paths of Reincarnation, my soul will reach a more powerful end."

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he would encounter a huge opportunity on the ladder to heaven.

He has been looking for a way for the soul to enter the six realms, but he has been searching to no avail.

Unexpectedly, under the strong pressure of the ladder to heaven, the potential in his soul was stimulated, allowing him to step into the six realms.

Zhuo Bufan once read in ancient books that the human soul has unlimited potential, and high-intensity oppression will release the potential of the soul.

There is a method of cultivating the soul, which is the method of oppression.

No matter what, Zhuo Bufan will definitely not miss this opportunity.

He looked at the six haloes in front of him, and then got into the first halo.

The moment he got in, Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul was twisted and reshaped, turning into a beast.

"Animal way?"

The first light wheel is the animal path, one of the six paths.

Zhuo Bufan's soul constantly transformed into various beasts, and countless knowledge and ideas about beasts poured into the depths of his soul.

His soul——

Turned into a bird and soared in the sky.

Become a fish and swim in the sea.

It turned into a reptile and burrowed in the soil.

It turned into a wild beast and roared in the forest.

The soul of the animal path feels that it has become a beast. The soul can change into any kind of animal.

His soul has been cultivating in the world of the animal world for a long time, so long that he feels that he has become one with the animal world.

At this time, there was a burst of thunder and explosion in the sky, and a second light wheel appeared in front of me.

Zhuo Bufan got in without hesitation.

After entering the second six-ray wheel of light, Zhuo Bufan changed from the animal realm to the human realm.

——The beast cultivated for hundreds of lives and finally became a human being.

His soul began to transform into people with different identities and travel around the world.

He became a high-ranking official and his family was rich.

He became a roadside beggar, begging to survive.

He became a dynasty emperor with overwhelming power over the world.

He turned into a hard-working scholar, burning the midnight oil to study.

In every identity, Zhuo Bufan has experienced unforgettable feelings.

His soul can be any person and experience any things.

In the human world, he has gone through thousands of tribulations and built the great road in the world.

At this time, the third light wheel appeared in front of him.

He once again got into the third wheel of light without hesitation.

This time, Zhuo Bufan came to the ghost road.

Birth, old age, illness and death are a cycle of reincarnation, and ghosts are the creatures after death.

A lonely ghost is not recognized by hell.

——After all the vicissitudes of life in the human world, they end up as ghosts.

He died as a human being in the previous life, and then experienced all the disasters in the ghost realm.

Zhuo Bufan didn't make any resistance, he obeyed this fate.

He knew that these were all the disasters he had to go through in reincarnation.

Only by going through all the disasters can we achieve positive results.

Sure enough, Zhuo Bufan didn't know how long his soul had stayed in the ghost path.

He went from a lonely ghost to a fierce ghost.

He swallowed countless wild ghosts and became the king of the underworld.

In the end, he changed from the king of the underworld to the lord of all ghosts.

Finally one day, the fourth light wheel appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

The fourth light wheel leads to the hell realm.

——Become the Lord of all ghosts and open the door to hell.

Zhuo Bufan finally came to the fourth world. The hell realm of the fourth world is the destination of ghosts.

Zhuo Bufan's soul turned into Yinsi.

He was no longer a lonely ghost, but a member of the Hades.

From the Hades, he began to climb up step by step.

Became the Hades, became the Ghost Emperor, became the King of Hell!

His soul wandered in the hell, letting him know that being a ghost in hell was not so easy.

Finally, after he became the King of Hell in the Ten Palaces, the fifth gate of reincarnation opened to him.

The fifth gate of reincarnation led to the Shura Road.

——After the King of Hell, Shura was a god!

Shura was a sub-god, second only to God.

But he was a sub-god who surpassed the King of Hell.

From the lowest Blood Shura, Zhuo Bufan began to improve his godhood.

Blood Shura, War Shura, Earth Shura, Heaven Shura, King Shura.

The promotion of Shura's godhood depends on the improvement of combat strength.

In the Shura Road, Zhuo Bufan was fighting from beginning to end.

After countless years of fighting, Zhuo Bufan finally sat on the throne of King Shura.

When the god sat on the throne, finally, the last gate of reincarnation opened in front of him.

The sixth gate of reincarnation leads to the last of the six paths, the Heavenly Path.

—— Asura is supreme, the heaven of God!

The one who leads to heaven is the righteous god with perfect divinity.

After experiencing the five paths, Zhuo Bufan finally ascended to the throne of God.

However, all this has just begun.

Above the throne of God, there are true gods, main gods, god kings, and god emperors!

This is another effort of who knows how many years.

Zhuo Bufan ascended to the legendary position of God Emperor from a first-level minor god.

The emperor of all gods, the Six Paths Supreme.

However, he could not resist the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation after all.

After he became the Six Paths Supreme, a reincarnation gate appeared in front of him again.

Through that door, he saw a bizarre animal world.

In that world, he saw a door leading to the human world dominated by humans.

There is also a door in the human world, leading to the ghost world full of evil spirits.

In the ghost world, there is also a door that leads to the hell world where the fire of sin burns.

There is a door in the hell world that leads to the Shura world where the sub-gods fight each other.

There is a door in the Shura world that leads to the heavenly world of beautiful heaven.

Finally, there is a person in the heavenly world who is looking at a door.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, suddenly turned back.

At that moment, he saw through the six reincarnations, and his soul was infinitely sublimated in that instant.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan, who was lying on the steps of the ladder to heaven, suddenly opened his eyes!

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