Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 688 Holy Scale Escape Armor

The Demon Court has fallen, and now Donghuang Haotian and his people can only place their hopes on Zhuo Bufan.

On the crystal pyramid of the Tianxing Tomb, the Chaos Bell is still releasing the Chaos Qi, trying to unlock the seal of the Green Emperor.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan consumed most of his divine power and finally sealed the black hole.

Then, he and Honglian jointly faced the enemy.

Facing Honglian's flames that can burn everything, the four scale-armored men in front of him were unscathed.

It seems that the flames have no effect on them.

"Are they not afraid of fire?"

After Zhuo Bufan returned to the battlefield, he observed the battle situation as soon as possible and found the problem.

"Let me do it."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his right fist, and on his fist, the mysterious energy of life and death revolved.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan punched out.

Like a tiger roaring in the mountains, like a mad shark in the sea.

Only a roar was heard, and the huge fist shadow slammed into the scale-armored man in front of him.

Unlike the world-destroying flames of Honglian, Zhuo Bufan's life and death aura is a more terrifying destructive force.

Once hit, the person hit will be torn apart by the reincarnation of life and death.


This punch shook the entire strange space and hit a scale-armored man in front of Zhuo Bufan.

However, when the dust settled, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the scale-armored man who was hit was still unscathed.

On his body, the colorful fish-scale armor released a brilliant glow without any damage.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

The punch that he was proud of, the life and death reincarnation power that he was most proud of, and the energy released by his life and death aura that could be called a divine body were actually dissolved by such a simple way of eliminating violence.

"Is our strength not enough, or is this thing simply indestructible?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the scales on the fish-scaled man and could only open his mouth wide.

The defense of these things is powerful in the early stage.

"Is it another creature from the virtual world?"

"Is there such a creature in the Yunmeng Realm? Why have I never seen it?"

Zhuo Bufan suspected that these fish-scale people were creatures from the virtual world.

So he immediately contacted Lu Fei and asked Lu Fei to go to the Yunmeng Realm to investigate these fish-scale people.

During the period when Lu Fei was investigating, Zhuo Bufan and Honglian began to continue fighting with the fish-scale people.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan made a new discovery.

Although these fish-scale people are invulnerable to swords and guns, and are not vulnerable to water and fire.

However, they do not have terrible lethality.

They use the most primitive melee, and there are no weird moves.

However, although they only know the simplest melee, their strength and speed are extremely strong.

In terms of strength, each punch can flatten a mountain.

In terms of speed, it exceeds the speed of light.

Every attack is like a cannonball rushing towards Zhuo Bufan.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan, whose soul has reached the Sixth Passage Realm, has a cultivation level that is no longer comparable.

His speed also exceeds the speed of sound, and his strength is also strong enough.

Fighting hand-to-hand with the fish-scale man, he did not lose.

However, the fish-scale man's physical strength seemed to be much stronger than Zhuo Bufan.

"I can't hold on for much longer. Hasn't Lu Fei found out yet?"

Zhuo Bufan can only put his hope on Lu Fei and the others now.


At the moment when he lost consciousness, one of the fish-scale men rushed towards him.

He was so fast that he didn't react, and was knocked away by a punch.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan's current life and death body is strong enough, and his recovery ability is extremely terrifying.

Even if a hole was blasted in his stomach, it recovered instantly.

"Not good, these guys are really here for the Green Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan, flying backwards in the air, saw other fish-scale men rushing towards the crystal coffin on the top of the pyramid.

At this time, Lu Fei contacted Zhuo Bufan.

"Boss, I have checked the information of all soul beasts in Yunmeng Realm. The guys you are facing are very likely to be something called Holy Scale Escape Armor."

"Holy Scale Escape Armor? What is that?"

"Holy Scale Escape Armor has appeared in the central sea of ​​Yunmeng Realm. There is not much information about them."

"I only know that their level in Yunmeng Realm is level 90, and they have the ability of absolute defense."

Zhuo Bufan was surprised when he heard it.

"Absolute defense?"

"No wonder, no wonder these things can't be killed no matter how hard you fight."

"Do you know how to kill them?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Since this Holy Scale Escape Armor appeared in Yunmeng Realm, it means that Zhuo Bufan's guess is correct. This Holy Scale Escape Armor is also a creature of the Void Realm.

Thinking of the mermaid fairy that appeared earlier, and the Holy Scale Escape Armor that appeared now.

It is obvious that the Void Realm has set its sights on the Green Emperor.

And, the Void Realm may have started to move again.

After encountering creatures from the virtual world one after another, Zhuo Bufan had reason to believe that the virtual world was trying to make a comeback in the real world.

And their first goal was probably to prevent the resurrection of the Green Emperor.

Because they knew very well that once the Green Emperor was resurrected, the real world would have an extremely terrifying one.

"Are there any weaknesses? Tell me the weaknesses of these guys."

When Zhuo Bufan saw the Holy Scale Escape Armor rushing towards the Green Emperor's coffin, he began to scream.

These guys wanted to prevent the Green Emperor from resurrecting.

Zhuo Bufan had to kill them.

"Yes, there is one. In the Yunmeng Realm, the Holy Scale Escape Armor is most afraid of thunder!"

"Thunder, thunder again?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows were twisted together.

I didn't expect that this Holy Spirit Shield Armor is the same as the mermaid fairy. What they fear most is thunder and lightning.

However, this is the alien space of the Tianxing Tomb, not the vast ocean before. How can Zhuo Bufan create thunder and lightning?

"Damn, is there no other way?"

Now, even if Zhuo Bufan knew the weakness of the Holy Scale Escape Armor, it would be useless.

Because he didn't practice thunder magic, he couldn't release destructive thunder and lightning.

Watching the four Holy Scale Escape Armors rushing towards the top of the pyramid from four directions.

Zhuo Bufan saw this, holding the red lotus in his hand, and pointed the tip of the gun at his throat.

"It seems that I have to reload the game again."

In this situation, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to reload the game.

Go back to before entering the Tianxing Tomb, and then pull out the fish scale growing on his neck.

It was this piece of fish scale that brought about this disaster.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan was about to die and reload the game.

Suddenly, the Chaos Bell on the Crystal Pyramid rang.

“Buzz buzz buzz!”

At that moment, the sound of chaos exploded in the empty space.

The four holy scale shields that had just rushed up were blown away by a bang.

“Old Bell!”

As the owner of the Chaos Bell, Zhuo Bufan felt that the original power of the Chaos Bell was severely damaged at that moment.

The next second, only a loud bang was heard.

The crystal coffin exploded on the spot.

A blue lotus bloomed in the air!

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