Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 689 The Return of the Green Emperor

As the green lotus bloomed in the sky, a jade-like man grew out of the green lotus.

On his body, the holy light spread all over his body, forming a garment as white as snow.

At that moment, the world stopped.

Zhuo Bufan was still, Donghuang Haotian was still, and Ge Ba was still.

Even the four-headed Holy Scale Dunjia stopped moving.

They all raised their heads and looked at the sacred light in the sky.

But I saw that holy man, leading the vast and majestic royal aura, walking out of the holy light.

At that moment, people realized what the true emperor was.

Just seeing him made me feel ashamed, and I couldn't help but want to kneel down.

That is the belief and worship of the inferior to the superior.

"Master, master!"

The red lotus in Zhuo Bufan's hand shouted excitedly.

At this time, the four-headed Holy Scale Dunjia who had been in a daze before reacted and rushed towards the Qing Emperor who came out of the light.

When the Qing Emperor returns, they can only choose to fight to the death.

However, as soon as they reached the top of the pyramid, their bodies began to rapidly disintegrate and collapse.

That was the Holy Scale Dungeon Armor that was absolutely defensive. The Holy Scale Dungeon Armor that Zhuo Bufan had tried so hard to destroy before was just wiped out.

They are like moths to the flame, no, moths to the sun.

Before he could pounce on him, his body and soul were already destroyed and turned into powder.

"Master, master!"

Honglian escaped from Zhuo Bufan's hand and rushed towards Qingdi.

Qingdi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Honglian.

"Oh? Guren!"

"Master, you still remember Honglian, you still remember Honglian!"

Guren was as excited as a child who saw his father reunited after a long absence.

Then, Qingdi looked at the Chaos Clock suspended in the air.

"Old man, we meet again!"

He and the Chaos Clock can communicate freely without recognizing their master.

"Haha, Donghuang, you old bastard, you are indeed not dead yet."

Chaos Bell looked at the resurrected Qing Emperor and smiled bitterly.

"In order to save you, old bastard, I hurt my origin again."

As the current owner of the Chaos Clock, Zhuo Bufan can feel that the original power of the Chaos Clock is constantly declining.

Its aura seems to be getting weaker and weaker.

Obviously, in order to save Qingdi, he really spent a lot of energy.

After Qingdi heard this, he stood motionless.

"Do you recognize the new master?"

Qingdi sensed that the Chaos Bell had contracted with its new owner, and he looked at Zhuo Bufan aside.

The moment Qingdi looked at Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan felt as if he was being looked down upon by the entire sky.

The terrifying power from the ancient Qing Emperor made him feel great pressure.

"Haha, yes, this boy is my new master."

"What, old boy, do you regret throwing me into that broken place now?"

"I'm telling you, it's too late! Even if you wake up again, I won't follow you, the old bastard."

That's what the Chaos Bell said, but as the master, Zhuo Bufan could feel its duplicity.

Chaos Bell actually really wants to fight side by side with Qing Emperor again.

However, Chaos Clock must consider Zhuo Bufan.

Now Cooperation is his new master.

After listening to Chaos Bell's words, Qingdi slowly floated towards Zhuo Bufan not far away.

Seeing Qing Emperor walking towards him, Zhuo Bufan obviously became nervous.

This was the first time for him to see the legendary Emperor of Kendo in person.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly shot out from Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows and projected into the air.

That ray of light condensed into a beautiful and picturesque woman.

"Bai Di?"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

He remembered that Bai Emperor had left a ray of energy in his body.

Unexpectedly, this energy would automatically turn on at this time.

"Ah Shu!"

When he saw Bai Emperor, Qing Emperor couldn't help but raise his voice.

Obviously, he was very happy to be able to see the person he most wanted to see for the first time when he woke up.

"Donghuang, you finally woke up!"

After seeing Emperor Qing, Emperor Bai seemed very indifferent.

Maybe this has something to do with her calm character.

"A Shu, where are you? I want to find you."

Qing Emperor's love for Bai Emperor will never weaken.

Even after more than 200,000 years, Emperor Bai was already the wife of Emperor Xuan.

Qing Emperor still loves her deeply!

"Come to Jingyuan, Taixuan and I are waiting for you here."

"We need your power."

"Jingyuan?" After Qingdi heard this term, countless memories flashed through his mind.

"Okay, you guys wait for me, I'll go to Jingyuan right now."

Qingdi said, preparing to step into the void.

But Bai Di stopped him.

"Don't worry, don't you need to thank your benefactor first for rescuing you?"

Bai Di said, turning around and looking at Zhuo Bufan behind him.

Qingdi also looked at him at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan is now Bai Di's son-in-law, so she naturally wants to give her son-in-law a blessing.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Qing looked at Zhuo Bufan calmly.

"I see, you can become the new master of my old friend. You are no ordinary person."

"Tell me, young man, what wish you have, I will help you realize it."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand with a nervous mood.

The black bone ring on his finger suddenly glowed.

"Black bone ring? You actually have this thing?"

The Qing Emperor looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then looked at the Bai Emperor beside him.

"Does Taixuan know?"

The Bai Emperor nodded slightly.

Zhuo Bufan took out a crystal ball covered with snowflakes from the black bone ring.

Then, Zhuo Bufan held the crystal ball high with both hands and knelt down in front of the Bai Emperor.

"I'm sorry, I didn't protect Su Su well."

"Su Su sealed herself to save me and everyone."

"So, I beg Bai Emperor, I beg Qing Emperor to save Su Su."

Zhuo Bufan's biggest wish when he came to Tianxing Tomb was to revive Bai Su.

When Bai Emperor saw the snowflake ball Zhuo Bufan took out, he already understood what happened.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's immense self-blame, she comforted him.

"Child, don't blame yourself. This is her own choice."

"This seal is a special seal of my son. Once sealed, you need to find the seal key to open it. Otherwise, once the seal is forcibly opened, the pearl will be destroyed and people will die in the end."

"My son should have told you the way to unlock the seal, right?"

Bai Di said after looking at the crystal ball.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded immediately.

"Yes, Su Su asked me to go to Canghai and find a woman named Linglong. She said she could unlock the seal."

Zhuo Bufan frowned. He thought Qingdi and others could unlock the seal, but he didn't expect that in this world, except for the woman named Linglong, no one could open the seal.

"Canghai? That's in the Holy Land! Linglong, could it be that girl!"

"Child, do as Su Su told you. We can't help you with this seal."

Bai Di seemed to know something.

In the end, they couldn't help Zhuo Bufan.

Bai Su's seal, can only do as Bai Su said, go to the Holy Land Canghai, and look for Linglong.

"I understand."

Although a little disappointed, Zhuo Bufan seemed to understand Bai Su's intention.

Perhaps, only when he personally unlocks Bai Su's seal, he will be truly worthy of Bai Su!

"In addition to this wish, I also want to ask Qingdi to help me, to help me revive my most important friend."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out Xiaomei's demon pill!

In addition to Bai Su, Xiaomei is also one of the reasons why Zhuo Bufan went to Tianxing Tomb.


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