The Great Whirlpool is the gate to hell. Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that going to the Great Whirlpool was definitely not as simple as he imagined. There might be some accidents!

However, no matter what happens, Zhuo Bufan must go.

"Is the Great Whirlpool ahead?"

According to the map given by Lu Fei, Zhuo Bufan and his team finally came to the Great Whirlpool in the West Sea.

At the end of the distant horizon, there is a huge whirlpool.

The diameter of the whirlpool is nearly a thousand meters. It is like a giant beast, opening its gluttonous mouth and swallowing everything on the sea.

Around the Great Whirlpool, there are rows of arc-shaped islands.

There are three layers inside and three layers outside, and there are hundreds of them!

Obviously, the old devil and Bai Zifan should be on these hundreds of arc-shaped islands.

"You go into Meicheng to hide first. Once you encounter special circumstances, I will let you out."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he opened the passage to Meicheng, and then sent Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai into Meicheng.

Before seeing Xiaofan, Zhuo Bufan would not act rashly.

Nothing is more important than Xiaofan's safety.

After sending the two into Meicheng, Zhuo Bufan flew alone across the void towards the whirlpool.

Half an hour later, he finally arrived at the periphery of the whirlpool.

The huge roar was deafening, like countless thunders, exploding in the sea.

"Old devil, I'm here! No need to hide your head and show your tail, show up!"

Zhuo Bufan opened his throat and shouted, the sound was comparable to the whirlpool, resounding through the world.

At this moment, suddenly a group of seabirds flew from the sky.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and naturally found that this group of seabirds was not simple. It must be the devil who was playing tricks.

He saw that he pinched his right hand in the air, and the group of seabirds in front of him were all crushed by him.

"Haha, it's useless to do these things. Why, didn't you ask me to come? Now you are hiding, are you afraid of me?"

Buzz buzz buzz!

At this moment, a black vortex suddenly appeared in the air in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Then, from the black vortex, the old devil came out.

"Boy, you really dare to come alone?"

Zhuo Bufan looked carefully and found that it was the old devil Ke Wugui.

"Old devil, where is my son Fan? Since I'm here, let him go quickly."

Zhuo Bufan shouted as soon as he saw that it was the Earth Demon.

As a result, the Earth Demon laughed loudly.

"Hahahaha, boy, are you dreaming? When did I say that I would let him go?"

"You kid, you hurt me so badly, do you think this matter is over?"

The Earth Demon Lord hated Zhuo Bufan to the bone.

"Haha, hurt you? I don't know where you got this from? How did I hurt you again?"

Zhuo Bufan knew what the Earth Demon was talking about, but he refused to admit it.

"Boy, you are still pretending to be nice to me now?"

"When you gave me the Nine-turn Life and Death Art, what was your intention? Do you really think I don't know?"

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing it.

"You forced me to hand over the art, why do you blame me now?"

"Old devil, you are really forgetful!"

"Stop talking nonsense, brat, since you are here today, don't even think about leaving."

After the old devil finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a black light and drilled into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Bufan immediately felt that a terrible force began to invade his soul.

"Damn it, the old devil wants to take over my body."

Zhuo Bufan immediately knew the old devil's intention.

"Boy, I was right to leave you behind."

"I really didn't expect that you could practice the Nine-turn Life and Death Art to this extent."

"Very good, you really didn't let me down."

After the old devil finished speaking, he suddenly began to fiercely invade Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan immediately felt that his soul was attacked by an extremely fierce energy.

However, facing the old demon's possession, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid, but quickly calmed down.

"Old demon, are you too complacent? Do you think that with your current soul, you can possess my body?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, his soul suddenly released power.

Zhuo Bufan's soul, but also reached the six-way realm, the same level as the earth demon.

The earth demon soon discovered this problem. He found that Zhuo Bufan's soul was stronger than him and indestructible.

"How is it possible? You kid, how can you have such a strong soul power?"

The Lord of the Earth Demon was stunned. He did not expect that Zhuo Bufan actually had a soul that was not weaker than his.

The necessary condition for possession is that a strong soul can possess a weak soul.

His soul is not as good as Zhuo Bufan, so he can only be possessed by Zhuo Bufan in return.

"Old devil, are you giving up?"

Zhuo Bufan said, and began his counterattack.

This is Zhuo Bufan's body, which is also his home field. In his home field, how could he be afraid of that mere earth demon?

"You really don't know how to live or die if you want to take over my body."

Zhuo Bufan said, and his soul turned into countless sharp energies, launching a counterattack against the invading soul of the earth demon.

The soul of the earth demon began to retreat under the strangulation of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Ahhh, bastard, bastard!"

The earth demon misjudged one thing. He thought that Zhuo Bufan's soul was at most at the state of taking over the body.

But he didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan's soul was so powerful.

Now, not only could he not seize Zhuo Bufan's soul, but he might be seized by Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Now, the demon was caught in a dilemma and shot himself in the foot.

"Stinky boy, don't you want to save your precious son?"

Just when the demon was desperate, he suddenly thought that he still had a trump card, that is, Zhuo Bufan's precious son Bai Zifan.

Zhuo Bufan could ignore his own life and death, but he would never ignore Bai Zifan's safety.

As expected, when the demon said Bai Zifan, Zhuo Bufan's soul was stunned.

A person's soul will change with his emotions.

Zhuo Bufan is also a human being, and he will also change because of hearing Bai Zifan's careful soul.

Of course, it is impossible for the demon to take advantage of this.

However, this can stop Zhuo Bufan from seizing his body.

"Where is Zifan? Tell me, or I'll make you live a life worse than death."

Zhuo Bufan stopped taking over the body of the Earth Demon, because he had to know whether Zifan was still alive.

"What a deep father-son relationship! So touching."

"Boy, if you let me take over your body honestly, I will let your son go. Otherwise, your precious son will be finished."

The Earth Demon wanted Bai Zifan to threaten Zhuo Bufan and let him accept the possession.

But, is Zhuo Bufan really that stupid?

"Old devil, it seems that we don't need to talk, at worst we will die together."

"Death together? What are you doing? Boy, wait and see what is in the center of the whirlpool?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately raised his head and looked at the center of the whirlpool. He saw a black figure tied to a huge suspended stone in the center of the whirlpool.

The man tied to the suspended stone was Zhuo Bufan's son, Bai Zifan.


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