
When Zhuo Bufan saw Bai Zifan, his soul power began to become extremely unstable.

The Earth Demon found the right time and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.

Zhuo Bufan's body was too perfect, and he was extremely eager to take over this body.

The Earth Demon believed that as long as he took over Zhuo Bufan's body, he would be able to practice the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death to the peak.

He would be able to raise his soul to the Dao Yang God Realm and become a saint!

However, Zhuo Bufan's soul was stronger than he thought.

Zhuo Bufan's soul, after all, was a soul that had gone through the six reincarnations. How could it be so easy to be taken over?

"Boy, don't be ungrateful. If you are still stubborn, I will let your precious son fall into the endless abyss."

The Earth Demon was threatening Zhuo Bufan. He wanted Zhuo Bufan's soul to compromise.


Zhuo Bufan was indeed entangled in all kinds of entanglements.

But he had not given up yet.

He quietly opened the Xuan Gu Ring, and Xuanyuan Hao and Chu Mubai who were hiding in Meicheng received Zhuo Bufan's signal for help at the first time.

For a moment, two rays of light, one red and one white, flew out from Zhuo Bufan's Xuan Gu Ring.

The white light flew directly towards Bai Zifan above the whirlpool.

The red light wrapped around Zhuo Bufan and then transformed into Chu Mubai.

Xuanyuan Hao went to save Bai Zifan!

"Possession? Boy, wait, I'll destroy his body."

Chu Mubai discovered at the first time that Zhuo Bufan and the Earth Demon were fighting for possession.

Unlike other battles, Chu Mubai could not help directly in the battle for possession.

His only way was to find the Earth Demon's body and then destroy it.

At this time, the Earth Demon hidden deep in Zhuo Bufan's soul sensed the helper Zhuo Bufan invited.

"Boy, you dare to bring people here?"

"In that case, let's all die together!"

The Earth Demon said, and suddenly used his clone to perform a secret method.

Then, the floating stone that bound Bai Zifan suddenly exploded.

The next second, Bai Zifan, who was tied to the stone, fell directly into the abyss.

"Father, Master!"

Bai Zifan shouted hard.

Xuanyuan Hao, who arrived immediately, turned into a white light and drilled into the whirlpool.

"Not good, Zifan!"

Zhuo Bufan saw Bai Zifan fall into the abyss, and his soul was instantly turbulent.

At this time, the Earth Demon finally found the moment when Zhuo Bufan's soul was the weakest.

"Boy, your body, I accept it."

Just when the Earth Demon was about to fully invade Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Suddenly, the Earth Demon screamed.


Then, the Earth Demon's soul began to struggle in Zhuo Bufan's soul.

This demon never expected that his true body would be found so quickly.

Of course, he had never expected that the evil god Chu Mubai was here.

Finding its true body was easy for Chu Mubai.

Destroying it was even easier.

Chu Mubai found the true body of the demon and slapped it into ashes.

Once the true body was destroyed, the soul would certainly be severely damaged.

"Boy, don't be distracted, take the opportunity to destroy it!"

At this time, the warning from Chu Mubai made Zhuo Bufan calm down quickly.

Then, Zhuo Bufan began to concentrate, gathered all his strength together, and then began to eat away at the demon's soul.

"Damn it, damn it!"

"Stinky boy, don't even think about destroying me, don't even think about it!"

The demon's soul roared for the last time between heaven and earth.

The next second, he was completely crushed by Zhuo Bufan's soul until he turned into ashes.

After Zhuo Bufan eroded and merged the soul of the Earth Demon, his soul power once again broke through the limit of the Six-Pass Realm.

That was the soul of the Earth Demon, extremely powerful.

However, Zhuo Bufan had no time to be happy now, he flew towards the sky above the whirlpool.

At this time, Chu Mubai also caught up and looked at the abyss below.

"Wait a minute, the kid went down to save him."

"If they can't come back within half an hour, then they may have fallen into hell."

Chu Mubai said so to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows twisted together when he heard it.

He just knew that the whirlpool was the gate to hell.

If Xiaofan fell into hell, then Zhuo Bufan would naturally chase him without hesitation.

"What is hell like?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Chu Mubai was a person who returned from hell after all, and he obviously knew more about hell.

Chu Mubai answered after hearing it.

"Perhaps the environment of hell is the fusion of the world of cultivation and the world of Yunmeng!"

"Hell is not as simple as you think. This world is full of crises."

"The most important thing is that there is a strict class system in hell. Those who enter hell will be marked as ghost slaves."

"In hell, the cultivation of the world of cultivation is not of much use, because all the power of the creatures in hell comes from the King of Hell!"

"So, everything in hell belongs to the King of Hell."

"The higher your status, the more powerful the power of the King of Hell you get."

Chu Mubai told Zhuo Bufan about the situation in hell.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows were twisted together.

Hell is not as simple as he thought.

Hell is the hell of the King of Hell, with an extremely strict hierarchy.

Even Chu Mubai, the most powerful existence in the world of cultivation, can only start from scratch after entering hell.

"So boy, think it over carefully. If your son can't get out, do you really want to go to hell?"

The choice Chu Mubai gave Zhuo Bufan was obviously a bit difficult.

However, Zhuo Bufan recalled what Qingdi had said to him at this time.

Qingdi suggested that Zhuo Bufan go to hell if he wanted to make a breakthrough.

Since Qingdi said so, Zhuo Bufan naturally chose to believe Qingdi.


Time passed by minute by minute.

Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai became nervous.

Soon, half disappeared. Xuanyuan Hao did not bring Bai Zifan back from the whirlpool.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Chu Mubai on the side and said.

"I'm going to go down, what about you?"

Chu Mubai replied after hearing this.

"I'll go with you! I'm in hell, and I have something very important to deal with."

The reason why Chu Mubai followed Zhuo Bufan to the Great Whirlpool was that he had decided to return to hell from the beginning.

He was in hell, and there were people waiting for him to come back.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's go!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he silently said in his heart, save!

He overwrote the archive of the first archive door.

Now, the archives of the three archive doors are-

The Great Whirlpool, Meicheng, and Mass Grave.

Zhuo Bufan has never touched the archive of the Mass Grave.

As for the archive of the second Meicheng, it was saved when he handed Nian Nian to Qingdi.

It was just in case.

And the archive of the Great Whirlpool was the archive before he decided to enter hell.

These three archives are all very important. It can be said that they basically cannot be overwritten until Zhuo Bufan returns from hell.

So, this trip to hell is a journey that cannot be saved!

After saving, Zhuo Bufan and Chu Mubai jumped into the whirlpool without hesitation.

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