Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 707 The First Believers in Hell

"Kill Yan Nu!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the way to improve the level of the slave seal in this world was to kill other slaves.

"Killing the slaves is the most basic way to improve the level of the slave seal."

"A high-level person needs to kill a hundred slaves of a lower level than himself in order to advance to a higher level."

"Killing ten slaves of the same level can also raise you to a level."

"Killing slaves who are higher than your own level, you only need to kill one to level up."

"For example - a third-level hell slave needs to kill a hundred second-level hell slaves to be promoted to the fourth level."

"And if a third-level Yama slave kills ten third-level Yama slaves of the same level, he can reach the fourth level."

"But you only need to kill a fourth-level or higher Yan slave to directly advance to one level."

"In addition, it is ineffective if the level of the Yama slaves killed is too low. For example, even if you kill 10,000 first-order Hell slaves of the third-order Hell slaves, it will be useless. The difference must be only one level."

"So those second-level slaves just now will hunt us."

The leading girl told Zhuo Bufan exactly how to improve the slave seal.

The reason why she was worried was precisely because she saw the slave mark on Zhuo Bufan's forehead, which was also of the second level.

Because of this, Zhuo Bufan is their natural enemy.

Zhuo Bufan also understood the other party's fear. With a faint smile, he looked at the girls in front of him and said.

"Don't be afraid, I won't kill you."

"Let me ask you, besides killing people, are there any other ways to improve the slave mark?"

Zhuo Bufan's second-level slave seal was not obtained by killing.

"Indeed, there is one more thing, that is, by voluntarily offering your slave mark, you can avoid the disaster of killing."

"Whether you actively offer the slave mark or are killed, you will drop one level."

"But we, the first-order slaves of hell, are the only ones who cannot take the initiative to give up the slave seal and can only accept the fate of being killed."

"After rebirth, I will once again become the prey of others and be reincarnated on the edge of death forever."

After the woman finished speaking, her face became filled with resentment and hatred.

"Rebirth? You just said rebirth? What does that mean?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up.

The woman was frightened by Zhuo Bufan's astonished expression.

"It means being reborn from the spring of rebirth!"

"No living thing in this world will die! Even after death, they will be resurrected from the rebirth spring."

"There are many rebirth springs in this world. After death, you will be resurrected from the nearest rebirth spring. However, the level of Yama will be reduced by one level."

"After the first-level slave is reborn, his level remains unchanged and he is still first-level!"

"So many people are guarding the spring, specifically hunting low-level Yama slaves."

Spring water of rebirth, this should be the most important information Zhuo Bufan heard.

"So that's it! In order to expand Hell, the King of Hell set up this rebirth spring. In this way, there will only be more and more creatures in this world. Then through continuous competition, the overall strength will become stronger and stronger."

"Is this King of Hell planning some conspiracy?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he had discovered some terrible conspiracy.

"So that's it, you little potato, have you surrendered to me?"

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why his slave mark was upgraded.

It turned out to be a contribution from Little Potato. It may be afraid that Zhuo Bufan will kill him, so before Zhuo Bufan kills it, he contributes honestly to avoid death.

"My dear benefactor, are you really not going to kill us?"

The woman asked again. After all, Zhuo Bufan already knew how to improve the level of the slave seal. If it were anyone else, it might be detrimental to them.

"Haha, I, Zhuo Bufan, keep my word. I won't touch a hair of yours."

"Don't worry! By the way, what's your name?"

When the girl heard this, she quickly replied.

"My name is Yi Meng. Yi Meng formally thanks my benefactor for saving his life."

The girl named Yi Meng knelt down to Zhuo Bufan again and thanked him.

"Miss Yi Meng, get up! You don't have to do this."

"You are already very pitiful."

Zhuo Bufan really felt sorry for them.

These first-order hell slaves should be the most pitiful class in the world.

They will always be someone else's prey.

Dead and alive again, alive and dead again.

I live a life of being hunted every day, and I don’t know when I will be killed.

This is the lower level of this world, and they are really worse off than dead.

So Zhuo Bufan pitied them.

"Miss Yi Meng, I have just come to this world and I am not so familiar with it."

"How about this? You be my tour guide and I will be responsible for protecting your safety?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't bear it and thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

If he wants to find Zifan's whereabouts, he needs to understand the world first.

If possible, maybe we can rely on Yimeng and the others to find Zifan quickly.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan really felt sorry for them and wanted to help.

After hearing this, Yi Meng was moved to tears.

She covered her mouth and nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you, my benefactor, thank you, my benefactor!"

If Zhuo Bufan didn't help them, their next fate would still be to be hunted down like beasts by the second-level slaves.

This is a hierarchical world, a pyramid-like royal order.

The people at the bottom are obviously the most oppressed.

They are like the bottom cornerstone of a pyramid, bearing the heaviest weight.

When Zhuo Bufan promised them that he could protect them, all the poor girls were moved.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the altar in his body began to gather divine photons again.

That comes from having a little faith with these girls.

They believed in Zhuo Bufan, so they gave their faith and belief to Zhuo Bufan.

The extraordinary altar was rekindled.

At this time his first followers came from hell.

In this way, you really get the best of both worlds.

"Okay, let's get out of here!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he was ready to take the girls on a journey.

But at this moment, the girls behind him exclaimed.

"Sister Meng, Sister Meng, Xu'er can't hold on any longer."

Zhuo Bufan looked back and saw the woman who had been hit by an arrow and was lying in his arms, lying on the ground, dying, and her body began to emit a faint white light.


Yi Meng knelt beside Na Xu'er, then held Na Xu'er's hand tightly, watching her turn into fly ash and disappear between heaven and earth.

Xu'er was her friend, and it was heartbreaking for her to watch her friend die in her arms during the night shift.

There was one thing that Yi Meng did not tell Zhuo Bufan, that is, in this world, after death, one can be reborn.

However, some of the most important memories before rebirth will be lost.

"Let's go, let's go to the nearest rebirth spring and rescue all your sisters."

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan made his first decision.

After hearing this, Yi Meng burst into tears and shed tears of gratitude.

"thanks, thanks!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan began to take a group of girls on a journey to hell.

They rushed towards the nearest spring of rebirth.

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