Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 708 Hunting for the Resurrection Spring

Hell is somewhat similar to Yunmeng Realm, there is no real death!

However, Yunmengjie will be offline for three months after death, while Hell will be reborn from the resurrection spring two hours later.

But after rebirth, some important memories from the past will be lost.

Yi Meng didn't know how many times he died. Anyway, in this cruel world, weak people can only be prey.

After meeting Zhuo Bufan, she seemed to see hope.

Zhuo Bufan was the first person willing to protect these weaklings.

"We are almost there. The nearest resurrection spring is in Luoli Bay."

"But benefactor, there are many high-level slaves in Luoli Bay, waiting for the resurrection of low-level slaves. We must be careful."

Yi Meng reminded.

"Watching the corpse? But it shouldn't be that simple, right?"

"The second-order Yama slaves guard the corpse of the first-order Yama slaves. The same second-order Yama slaves are also guarded by the third-order Yama slaves."

"That's why low-level slaves don't dare to wander around the Resurrection Spring, because he may also become someone else's prey."

Zhuo Bufan analyzed.

Yi Meng nodded after hearing this.

"My benefactor is right. Generally speaking, there are more third- or fourth-order Yama slaves around the Resurrection Spring."

"And they are not a threat to us. After all, if they kill our first-order slaves, it will have no effect."

The promotion rules of this hell's slave mark are very clever. Hunting high-level slaves who are two levels apart will not increase the level of the slave mark.

So generally speaking, when the third- and fourth-level Yama slaves see the first-level slaves, they basically let go.

The natural enemy of the first-order Yama slaves is the second-order Yama slaves, and they are also very afraid of the third-order Yama slaves.

They are also the prey of the third-level slaves of hell.

Therefore, the first-level slaves of hell are the safest in the Resurrection Spring.

However, Zhuo Bufan is a second-level slave of hell. If he wants to revive the spring water, it will be in danger.

However, Zhuo Bufan's younger brother Xiaodudou is a fifth-level slave of hell!

"Let's go, no problem!"

Zhuo Bufan knew what Yi Meng was worried about, but for Zhuo Bufan, even the little potato of the sixth-level Yan slave was no match for him, and Zhuo Bufan really didn't look down on the mere third- and fourth-level Yan slaves.

Soon Zhuo Bufan, led by Yi Meng, came to the nearest resurrection spring, Luoli Bay!

Luoli Bay is located in the corner of a canyon, surrounded by birds, flowers, and lush green trees.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhuo Bufan, Yimeng and the others entered the canyon, they saw a looming person on the mountainside of the canyon.

None of these people dared to approach Luoliwan, or even show their faces.

Because once you show up, your level will be exposed. Although the slave mark can be covered up, the inherent class difference between the upper-level Yama slaves and the lower-level Yama slaves can be completely sensed.

Once your level is exposed, the corresponding hunter will appear to kill the opponent.

Therefore, these people will never expose themselves easily before their prey appears.

Zhuo Bufan took a quick look and saw that on the mountainside on both sides of the canyon, there were at least three Yan slaves staring at the Resurrection Spring with eager eyes.

Only Zhuo Bufan, Xiaotuo, Yi Meng and the others appeared swaggeringly beside Luoli Bay.

Zhuo Bufan came to Luoli Bay and found that the spring water in front of him was a bit familiar, very similar to the spring water where he woke up in the desert.

It turns out that the spring is also the resurrection spring.

At this moment, a spiritual light suddenly flashed across Luoli Bay.

Then, I saw a woman in white slowly floating in Luoli Bay.

On her forehead, there is a mark of the first-order slave mark.

"It's A Li!"

When Yi Meng saw the woman, she recognized her immediately.

Then, they rushed forward and fished the woman out of the Resurrection Spring.


After the girl named A Li was rescued, she coughed twice, and then looked at the people around her with a very blank look.

"Ali, it's me, Sister Meng! Don't you remember me?"

Yi Meng said to A Li with a sad face.

A Li, however, was still shaking his head in confusion.

Yi Meng lowered her head helplessly, and the girls around her were also full of disappointment.

"It seems that she has forgotten all of us."

Although the resurrection spring water can resurrect people, in the end, many memories will be lost after being resurrected.

That is, the deeper January is, the easier it is to forget.

Yi Meng seemed to be used to it, hugged A Li in her arms, and then said.

"It's okay, sister. From now on, your name will be A Li. You are our sister."


Zhuo Bufan sighed.

She could feel Yimeng's helplessness.

Afterwards, Yi Meng and her former sisters began to resurrect one by one. Most people had forgotten them, and only a few people remembered them.

"What's going on? Why are all the first-order slaves of Hell resurrected?"

"Hey, I've been squatting in Luoli Bay for three days, and I really haven't gained much! Not even a third-level person."

Among the three Yan slaves squatting in Luoli Bay, one of them is a fourth-level one.

He was hiding alone on the mountainside on the left.

"Damn it, isn't that fourth-level guy leaving yet?"

"It's not easy for a second-level kid to appear. This fourth-level guy wants us to catch him, while they are behind."

The third-level Yan slave was actually excited when he saw Zhuo Bufan coming out.

But they didn't dare to act rashly at all.

Once they attack Zhuo Bufan, the fourth-level Yan Nu on the opposite mountain will immediately appear and hunt them down. This is a food chain.

Only those who stand at the top of the food chain have the dominance here.

These three Yan Nu obviously have their own ulterior motives.

As the girls resurrected from the spring one by one, Zhuo Bufan began to integrate the team and prepare to leave.

"Xu'er is left."

In the end, of the thirty-two girls, only Xu'er, who died last, was left.

After she resurrected, Zhuo Bufan and his team would leave Luoli Bay.

Finally, at this time, the two third-level Yan Nu could no longer hold back.

"Hey, cooperate. If that fourth-level guy makes a move later, we will join forces to kill him!"

"Join forces? Are you sure?"

"How do you know if you don't try! Killing that fourth-level guy is equivalent to killing a hundred second-level guys. Give it a try, what if it succeeds?"

"Hey, there is no guarantee for independent cultivators! After I finish the job, I will join the organization."

The two third-level guys finally decided to cooperate after discussing with each other.

If the two of them join forces, if they can kill a fourth-level guy, it will be a sure win.

So, just when Zhuo Bufan and the others were waiting for the last girl to revive.

Suddenly, two people flew down from the mountainside of the cliff on the right.

Without saying a word, they rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

The scimitar in their hands flashed a sharp cold light, and went straight for Zhuo Bufan's head.

The two thought they could kill Zhuo Bufan easily.

However, they didn't expect that the knife and the palm were all empty.

Zhuo Bufan used his agility to cleverly dodge the two's killing moves.

"What's going on?"

Xu Huang and Lu Da were both shocked, and their attacks missed.

They were obviously a little surprised that a second-level Yan slave could actually dodge the joint attack of two third-level Yan slaves.


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