Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 709 Come out, little potato

Zhuo Bufan had sensed someone on the right mountain long ago.

When the two rushed down, he immediately called upon the power of faith that Yi Meng and the others had passed on to him, and then cleverly dodged the two's joint attack.

Zhuo Bufan's dodging made Xu Huang and Lu Da both confused.

At this time, Feng Zhan, a fourth-level Yan Nu on the opposite hillside, suddenly brightened up after seeing the two third-level Yan Nu.

"Good guy, the fish finally took the bait."

Feng Zhan had been waiting on this hillside for three days. He knew that his prey was hiding nearby, but he had no way to stop the other party from showing up.

Now, the two fish finally couldn't wait any longer. After Zhuo Bufan, the prey, appeared, the two of them took the risk and flew out.

After watching the two rush out, Feng Zhan also fell from the sky in a whirlwind.


Feng Zhan appeared in a whirlwind, with flying sand and rocks, stirring up huge waves.

"Hahahaha, you two finally came out."

Feng Zhan looked at Xu Huang and Lu Da, and was extremely happy.

"So far, I have killed eight fourth-level and eighteen third-level. I only need you two to advance to the fifth level."

"You two, do you want to obediently sacrifice your slave seals or be killed by me? It's your choice!"

Feng Zhan is only one step away from the fifth-level Yan slave, just two third-level ones in front of him.

"Damn it, I'll fight you!"

Seeing Feng Zhan appear, Xu Huang and Lu Da were indeed shocked and stunned for a moment.

But at this point, they had no choice.

So, the two of them joined forces to kill Feng Zhan.

This was also their original plan.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and took Yi Meng and the others to the side, ready to watch the show. He, the prey at the beginning, was ignored.

"Join hands? Hahahaha, you two are too proud of yourselves. Just a small character like you, even if there are ten more, you are still not my opponent."

Feng Zhan is very confident in his strength.

After all, he killed eight fourth-level Yan slaves of the same level as him.

In the same realm, he is a very strong one.

So facing Xu Huang and Lu Da, he was not afraid at all, and just sneered.

"Haha, is that so? I have killed eight third-level warriors and nineteen second-level warriors."

Xu Huang is also a master, which means that he only needs to kill Zhuo Bufan to advance to the fourth level.

He actually planned to attack Lu Da at the beginning, but Lu Da was at least a friend he had known for a few days.

In this world where it's either you die or I live, friends are hard to come by.

"Lu Da, join forces, his life is for you."

Xu Huang knew that Lu Da was weaker than him, so in this battle, he was willing to give Feng Zhan's head to him and let him advance to the fourth level first.

And Xu Huang only needed to turn around and kill Zhuo Bufan, a second-level warrior, to advance to the fourth level.

Friends should advance and retreat together.

However, Xu Huang never expected that when he rushed out to fight Feng Zhan.

Lu Da, who had always trusted him, suddenly ran away at this time.

Lu Da ran very fast and disappeared in a flash.

Seeing Lu Da fleeing, Xu Huang was stunned.

Feng Zhan laughed.

"Hahaha, kid, you've been abandoned."

"How can you fight me now?"

Lu Da's escape made Xu Huang desperate.

Originally, he and Lu Da had joined forces and had the strength to fight.

However, Lu Da, this guy, fled at the critical moment, leaving Xu Huang in prison.

"Haha, I'm really blind to meet such a coward."

"I actually regarded such a guy as a brother."

Xu Huang wanted to cry but had no tears, regretting it.

He knew very well that he had no chance of winning against Feng Zhan alone.

So he was desperate!

"Boy, I, Feng Zhan, am not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. Contribute your slave seal to me, and I will spare your life."

In Feng Zhan's view, Xu Huang had obviously given up.

And after listening to Feng Zhan's proposal, Xu Huang did show a look of despair.

He really wanted to give up his slave seal.

It's better to give up the slave seal than to die.

Many people will give up the slave seal when faced with this choice.

"I admit it!"

Feng Zhan is very strong. The aura on his body can suppress Xu Huang. This battle is impossible to fight.

However, just when Feng Zhan admitted defeat and was about to give up the slave seal.

Suddenly Zhuo Bufan stood up and said.

"Hey, give me your slave seal, and I will help you kill this guy."

Zhuo Bufan actually ran out at this time and said something that made many people puzzled.

Even the girls behind him were stunned.

"Huh? You are a second-level person, are you running out to die?"

Feng Zhan saw Zhuo Bufan standing up, and obviously thought that Zhuo Bufan was crazy.

And Xu Huang gave Zhuo Bufan a blank look. To them, Zhuo Bufan was just a small character, and Feng Zhan was even too lazy to kill him.

"Haha, what? Don't you believe me?"

"Go ahead, Pikachu, oh no, Little Potato!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly took Little Potato out of his pocket and threw it to the ground.

Little Potato fell to the ground, then bared its teeth and chirped at Feng Zhan and Xu Huang in front of it.

Feng Zhan and Xu Huang couldn't help but widen their eyes after seeing the slave mark on Little Potato's forehead.

"Level 5?"

The two said in unison, obviously frightened by Little Potato.

"Haha, are you scared? He was originally Level 6, but when he met me, he offered his slave seal and became my little brother."

"Boy, now you have a choice, either give me your slave seal first, or I kill you and then get your slave seal."

Zhuo Bufan folded his hands and smiled calmly.

This time, Xu Huang became the person at the bottom of the food chain.

Facing Zhuo Bufan, he was stunned.

It was hard for him to imagine why a Level 5 Yan slave was willing to obey the orders of a Level 2 Yan slave.

But that was the fact.

Little Potato really obeyed Zhuo Bufan's orders.

"I'll count to three. If you don't give me the slave seal first, I'll let Little Potato swallow you."

Xu Huang was stunned. He was hesitating whether to give it to Zhuo Bufan.

"You, kill him first, and I'll give it to you."

Xu Huang suddenly lit up a light above his head, and a flash of inspiration came to him.

He actually thought of a self-righteous trick, wanting Zhuo Bufan and Feng Zhan to fight each other, and see if he could get the upper hand.

"Haha, do you think I'm an idiot?"

"I kill him first, then get your slave seal, so I can only be promoted to the third level in the end."

"But if I get your slave seal first, then kill it, I can be promoted to the fourth level."

Zhuo Bufan obviously planned to get the slave seals of two people from the beginning.

But the order of getting them is different, and the results are also different.


Zhuo Bufan began to count down.

Xu Huang was stunned. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan didn't follow his little idea.


The fifth-level Yan slave Xiaotudou in front of Zhuo Bufan had his hair standing up and was ready to attack.

Xu Huang was wronged like a child, wanting to cry but without tears.


When Zhuo Bufan shouted one, Xu Huang knelt down to Zhuo Bufan without saying a word.

"I'll give it, I'll give it!"

As Xu Huang said this, he began to contribute the slave seal on his forehead.

The three concentric circles on his forehead turned into two.

Zhuo Bufan felt his forehead begin to heat up, and the two concentric circles slowly turned into three.

Zhuo Bufan's threat was successful!

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