Faced with Zhuo Bufan's threat, Xu Huang was forced to have no choice.

He could only honestly offer his slave seal.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan's slave seal level was upgraded to the third level, while Xu Huang was downgraded to the second level.

Then, Zhuo Bufan stepped forward, facing Feng Zhan, he clenched his fists and feet, shook his head, and said.

"I heard that you are good at fighting, right? Now, I will fight with you!"

Zhuo Bufan said, taking Little Potato, and walked towards Feng Zhan step by step.

Feng Zhan looked at Zhuo Bufan, and then looked at Little Potato at Zhuo Bufan's feet.

At this moment, Feng Zhan was simply confused.

Let's not talk about Little Potato being a fifth-level Yan slave.

What's the matter with the mysterious man next to Little Potato?

Why was he originally a second-level Yan slave, but he could control Little Potato, a fifth-level Yan slave?

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and Little Potato coming, Feng Zhan first tentatively moved his hands and feet.

He still didn't want to surrender.

In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan, who had just been promoted to the third level, was not to be feared.

What he was mainly afraid of was the little potato at Zhuo Bufan's feet.

The fifth-level Yan slave was definitely not so easy to deal with.

However, Feng Zhan had been through hundreds of battles and had killed many strong men so far.

So he didn't think he would definitely lose.

Until the little potato suddenly transformed into its true form...

"Roar, roar, roar!"

With only a roar, the little potato suddenly began to wrap around its body in a circle of yellow sand.



The yellow sand rushed into the sky and condensed into a huge sandstorm giant.

The sandstorm giant was so huge that it enveloped the entire valley.

It covered the sky and the sun, leaving everyone stunned.

No one could have imagined that such a cute little potato could be so terrifying. .

When Feng Zhan saw the little potato reveal its true form.

Finally, he knelt down with a plop, and then said sadly.

"I admit it, and I also contribute my slave seal."

Feng Zhan admitted it, he admitted defeat.

If he still had a little confidence before and dared to fight against the fifth-level Yan slave, then now, he is really desperate.

After the little potato revealed its true form, it was obvious that the deterrent power was even stronger.

"Very good, give me your slaves!"

"I can follow you, but you must promise that you can't kill me again after I give it to you."

"Why should I kill you? I don't kill people, I win people over with virtue."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he made the sandstorm giant return to the appearance of a little potato

Seeing this, Feng Zhan closed his eyes helplessly, and then offered his slave seal to Zhuo Bufan.

Soon, the black spot in the center of the slave seal on his forehead disappeared.

Instead, there was a small black spot in the center of Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

Zhuo Bufan quickly promoted from the third level to the fourth level.

"Haha, you are quite sensible."

Zhuo Bufan was promoted two levels in less than ten minutes.

If this were spread out, no one would believe it.

Two levels, you know, to upgrade one level, you have to kill 100 Yan slaves one level lower than yourself, or 10 Yan slaves of the same level, or one Yan slave of a higher level.

Many people, to upgrade one level, can be said to have gone through untold hardships.

Because once you fail to kill someone and get killed instead, it is not just as simple as a one-level reduction.

All the slavery earned by the people you killed before will be reset to zero.

For example, Feng Zhan, he only needs to kill two more three-levels to upgrade to the fifth level.

But now, he has offered his slave seal to Zhuo Bufan.

In this way, he will have to start again from the third-level Yan slave.

This is a huge blow to him, almost equivalent to a two-level reduction.

He wants to cry, no, he really cries.

Xingxing worked hard for a year, but not only did he drop one level, but he was also beaten back to his original form.

It would be unbearable for anyone.

However, he had to continue to cheer up.

If he didn't work hard to improve himself, he would only become the prey of others again.

Finally, he fell into a vicious cycle and returned to the first-level Yan slave.

He finally jumped out of the big pit of the first-level Yan slave, and he never wanted to go back to that pit again.

The first-level Yan slave is the most miserable class in hell.

"Thank you both."

Some are sad, some are happy.

After Zhuo Bufan upgraded the slave seal to the fourth level, he really felt that the power of the slave seal in his body was even stronger.

In this world, the power of all Yan slaves comes from the King of Hell.

The higher the level, the stronger the power obtained.

Zhuo Bufan can now fight with the power of the slave seal without using divine power.

"I keep my word, and I will never kill you again. Go!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the two looked at each other.

Finally, Feng Zhan looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Why do you bring so many first-level Yan slaves with you, and why can you command the fifth-level Yan slaves?"

After seeing that Zhuo Bufan would not kill him, Feng Zhan finally plucked up the courage to ask Zhuo Bufan this question.

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he heard it.

"You have two questions, so I can only answer your first one."

"I can't bear to see these girls suffer, so I help them."

"Are you trying to build a power?"

"Building power?"

After hearing Feng Zhan's unintentional words, Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he turned around and looked at Yi Meng and the others behind him, and said.

"Are you willing to follow me and establish a force of your own?"

"In this world, weak people can only avoid being bullied if they unite."

"I think it is indeed a good idea to build a united force."

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's suggestion, Yi Meng frowned and said.

"However, no one in this world has ever united us, the first-order slaves of hell."

"We will only be a burden!"

Of course Yi Meng and the others want to unite and protect themselves.

Yi Meng has been working hard towards this goal.

However, they are too weak. If there is no strong person to protect them, even if they are united, they can only become prey for others.

Just like before, they met the second-level hunter group, but were hunted to death with no way to escape.

If they hadn't met Zhuo Bufan, they would all have been hunted down long ago.

"I'm here to protect you. It just so happens that I also want to build a team."

Just now, Zhuo Bufan thought of a plan.

Instead of letting himself find Zifan, it is better to let Zifan come to him.

After all, finding Bai Zifan alone in the vast sea of ​​people is obviously more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

However, if you build a powerful force, you will be famous enough in this world.

Then Zifan will naturally be able to find him when the time comes.

And after having his own power, Zhuo Bufan will be able to mobilize more resources, which will also be of great help in finding Zifan.

"If our benefactor is willing to take us in, we are willing."

"Well, starting from today, our Kuang Sect will be officially established."

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