Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 722 Good luck in getting started

Three days passed quickly.

In three days, Zhuo Bufan completely imprinted the name Kuangmen in the minds of everyone in Tianhuo City.

The people of Skyfire City, especially the slaves who were treated like animals, were full of hope for Zhuo Bufan's Kuangmen.

The name of the crazy family has completely spread among the people.

Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the mad family, wanted to liberate the slaves, which also caused a great response.

"Hey, have you heard that Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the Mad Sect, decided to make Skyfire City a slave-free city."

"Haha, this is just wishful thinking on his part!"

"Is he serious about making Kuangmen a slave-free city?"

"This world is a slave world, and no one can change the rules."

People are not optimistic about Zhuo Bufan's desire to liberate slaves.

After all, hell is a slave world, and all creatures in this world are slaves of the King of Hell.

In such a slave world, if you want to liberate the slaves, you are making an enemy of the King of Hell.

Unless the king of this world is defeated, how can it be possible to free the slaves?

Of course, there are still supporters of Zhuo Bufan, and that is the slaves of hell who are oppressed at the bottom.

However, if Zhuo Bufan wants to liberate the slaves, he will definitely infringe on the interests of some people.

The four major families were obviously furious immediately.

Even the Lu family of the alliance immediately sent Lu Sheng to lobby.

"Brother Zhuo, there are rumors that your crazy family wants to free the slaves. Is it true?"

Zhuo Bufan heard this and responded.

"Brother Lu is joking. This is just a rumor. My Kuangmen has never made such a statement."

"Haha, Brother Zhuo, whether it's true or not, my Lu family and your Kuang Sect are now considered grasshoppers on the same rope. I think Brother Zhuo can tell me something clearly."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Lu Sheng's appearance and thought that this kid must be unable to hold himself back.

After all, Zhuo Bufan wanted to liberate the slaves, which would also harm the interests of the Lu family.

Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment and then said.

"Brother Lu, I want to ask you, how do you feel about this world?"

Lu Sheng was stunned by Zhuo Bufan's question.

"This world? Cruel, ruthless, survival of the fittest."

"Then do you want to change the world?"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Lu Sheng's expression obviously changed and became incredible.

"Brother Zhuo, is it possible that you really want to..."

Lu Sheng wanted to ask him, did he really want to free the slaves?

Zhuo Bufan's answer was an intriguing smile.

"Brother Lu, I am actually not as great as you think."

"But there are some things I have to do."

"You can rest assured that I, Zhuo Bufan, will never harm the interests of the Lu family."

"In the future, your Lu family will only become stronger and stronger."

At this time, Zhuo Bufan made a promise to Lu Sheng.

For Zhuo Bufan, he came to this world to grow.

When he first arrived, he had no direction.

But now, he could vaguely feel where his direction was.

To free the slaves, Zhuo Bufan has to do something that no one has dared to do throughout the ages.

This is an open provocation to the royal power and the rule of heaven.

"Brother Zhuo, you are too bold. You are a crazy person, you can really be called crazy."

Lu Sheng discovered that Zhuo Bufan was even more unattainable than he imagined.

"Tomorrow is the grand opening ceremony of my Kuangmen. When the time comes, Brother Lu is welcome to be our guest."

"Haha, I must come, I must come."

After Lu Sheng finished speaking, he stood up and left.

When he left Kuangmen, he had a feeling that Skyfire City was about to change.

Slaves may soon turn over and become masters.

Lu Sheng returned to the Lu Mansion. Under his strong request, the Lu family began to adjust the treatment of slaves.

Before, all slaves in Skyfire City were treated the same way.

They were exploited like robots, without food, clothing or use until they died.

After death, people from each family would take the resurrection water back to each family and continue to use it.

Anyway, the first-order Hell slaves can be resurrected after death, so they are equivalent to unlimited labor force.

These slaves lived such a miserable life until they died.

And Lu Sheng gave their slaves a completely new treatment.

Give them food, clothing, and shelter!

This is already a great favor to the slaves.

The slaves began to feel grateful to Lu Sheng. When they walked to the slave camp and heard the slaves praising him, Lu Sheng felt that this feeling was unprecedented.

The next day, the sun was just right and the sky was clear.

With the attention of the whole city, the opening ceremony of Kuangmen finally began.

Early in the morning, there were people standing outside Kuangmen.

The huge crowds of people blocked the entrance to Kuangmen.

In Tianhuo City, respectable people began to appear in turn.

Zhuo Bufan erected his statue in the courtyard where he entered.

Everyone who entered the door was in awe when they saw the statue.

"The head of the Lu family, Lu Zhengdao, gives you tens of thousands of gold coins, a hundred acres of fertile land, a hundred sets of weapons, and a Fuxi Street. I wish Kuangmen a happy opening!"

The Lu family, one of the four major families, appeared on the stage and immediately attracted the attention of the entire audience.

"The Lu family arrived first. Sure enough, the rumors are true. The Lu family has formed an alliance with the Kuang Clan."

When Lu Zhengdao and his son appeared, the onlookers outside the gate were excited.

The four major families were invited to the Kuangmen Opening Ceremony, and obviously everyone from each major family would be present.

The appearance of the Lu family means that the Lu family has acknowledged the existence of the Kuang Clan.

Skyfire City is about to usher in the fifth major force.

However, after the Lu family, people from the other three major families have not been seen for a long time.

Xu Huang stood outside the door and waited for a long time.

The people outside the door were also speculating whether the people from these three major families would come back.

"Hey, do you think the other three families will come?"

"It's hard to say, but the Gui family will definitely not come. Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the Kuang Clan, killed all three Gui family brothers."

"Haha, that's right. If people from the ghost family come, then there will be ghosts."

"Moreover, there are rumors that the Kuangmen want to liberate all the slaves in Skyfire City. Isn't this a slap in the face of the four major families?"

"The Gui family has not only three thousand, but also two thousand slaves. If the Kuang family wants to liberate the slaves, the Gui family will definitely be the first to object."

"I'm afraid there's going to be a big battle!"

Some smart people have already sensed that Skyfire City is about to change.

Just when everyone thought that the other three major families would not come again.

Suddenly, Xu Huang, who was in charge of reporting outside the door, shouted.

"Gui Long, the master of the Gui Family, is giving away one hundred slaves, and wishes the Kuangmen a happy opening!"

"Qi Duanyun, the head of the Qi family, is giving away one hundred slaves and wishes the Kuangmen a happy opening!"

"The head of the Feng family is going to send a hundred slaves as a gift, and I wish Kuangmen a happy opening!"

The three major families arrived at the same time.

Moreover, the three families had discussed it in advance, and they actually sent Kuangmen a hundred slaves at the same time.

This time, the onlookers became excited.

"The three major families are here!"

"These three major families are sending slaves at the same time. This is provoking the mad family!"

"Isn't the Master of the Kuang Clan a demon who freed his slaves? Now the three major families directly gave him 300 slaves."

"No, that means you don't give face. If you do, how can Kuangmen talk about liberating slaves?"

The three major families sent slaves at the same time, obviously targeting Zhuo Bufan deliberately.

For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on Zhuo Bufan. They wanted to see if this crazy sect leader who was flying the banner of liberation dared to accept the congratulatory gifts from the three major families!

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