Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 723 The Power of the Sand King

When Xu Huang's report was passed to the inner courtyard, the VIPs in the inner courtyard were also shocked by the gifts from the three major families.

Zhuo Bufan was greeting the people of the Lu family. When he heard the gifts from the three major families, a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Zhuo, they are not here with good intentions!"

Lu Sheng knew that the three major families were not here with good intentions from the gifts sent by the three major families.

How could Zhuo Bufan not know?

"Haha, let's go and have a look!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he brought a group of people to the door in person.

I saw that the people of the three major families were standing outside the gate, and no one entered the door.

There were many of them, and they were carrying a mysterious sedan chair. Obviously, there was an important person sitting in the sedan chair.

"Oh, it turns out that the people of the three major families are here, please come in quickly!"

Zhuo Bufan saw the people of the three major families standing outside the door, so he invited them warmly.

However, at this time!

The second son of the Gui family, Gui Jiao, stood up.

He held a silver fan, looked at Zhuo Bufan, and said coldly.

"Master of the Kuang Sect, right? You invited my three major families to attend the opening ceremony of your Kuang Sect."

"We are here now, and the gifts have been delivered."

"This gift was carefully prepared by my three major families. If you don't accept it, we won't go in."

After the ghost dragon finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and then a large group of slaves wearing rags and handcuffs and shackles ran out.

The onlookers were shocked!

"This is to force the master of the Kuang Sect to accept it!"

"If he doesn't accept it, then he doesn't give face to the three major families, and a fight is likely to break out."

"If he accepts it, then the news that the Kuang Sect wants to liberate the slaves of Tianhuo City is bullshit."

"Now, it depends on what the master of the Kuang Sect will choose."

Everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan, the master of the Kuang Sect, waiting for Zhuo Bufan to respond.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at the people of the three major families, then looked at the group of slaves, and finally looked at the onlookers.

Then he laughed.

"Haha, accept, why not?"

"The three major families knew that my Kuangmen sent people, and they sent so many people to me. I am really grateful."

Zhuo Bufan accepted it, he actually accepted it.

For a moment, the onlookers showed disappointment.


At this time, Gui Jiao laughed.

He turned his head to look at the people behind him, and then shouted.

"Did you all hear it? He Zhuo Bufan accepted the slaves!"

"What bullshit liberation, what slave-free city. Do you really think he will liberate the slaves?"

Ghost Jiao was very happy about the result that Zhuo Bufan accepted the slaves.

People showed helplessness.

However, before he finished being proud, Zhuo Bufan behind him said.

"Haha, Ghost Second Master, why are you so excited?"

"I didn't say, let them come to my Kuangmen to be slaves!"

As soon as this was said, the scene instantly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes looked at Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan said to Xu Huang on the side.

"Xiao Xu, take them all to the backyard, wash them up, and then put on the uniforms of my Kuangmen. From now on, they are my Kuangmen disciples."

"Yes, Master!"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, everyone was stunned, including the ghost dragon.

Seeing Xu Huang bring the group of slaves into the backyard, people exclaimed.


"Well done, Master of Kuangmen, we support you!"

Thunderous applause suddenly broke out in the crowd.

No one thought that although Zhuo Bufan took in slaves, he did not treat them as slaves, but took them in as disciples.

What are disciples? This means that they will no longer be treated as slaves like animals.

They can live like real humans.

"Hahaha, disciples, I didn't expect that the leader of the Crazy Sect would actually take these slaves as disciples."

"It seems that the rumors are true. The leader of the Crazy Sect really intends to liberate the slaves in Tianhuo City."

"Now, we, the vulnerable groups, have hope!"

People regained confidence in Zhuo Bufan.

And the people of the three major families were furious after hearing what Zhuo Bufan said!

The ghost dragon turned around, pointed at Zhuo Bufan, and cursed!

"Zhuo Bufan, you did it on purpose, right?"

"You are really good, taking slaves as disciples. Do you know that if you do this, will you have a terrible result?"

"This world can't accommodate someone as awesome as you!"

The ghost dragon was furious, but Zhuo Bufan looked calm.

"Haha, you also know that I am awesome?"

"The one in the sedan, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan actually didn't take the people of the three major families seriously at all. His eyes were locked on the mysterious sedan a long time ago.

After hearing this, the people in the sedan suddenly burst into laughter.



Then, with a loud bang, the sedan exploded out of thin air.

A cloud of yellow sand flew out from the sedan!

The yellow sand filled the sky, and a huge human face condensed in the air.

"Boy, I heard that you, the demon, liberated slaves?"

"This is the funniest joke I've heard this year!"

The guy with the yellow sand in the sky is the Lord of Sand King City, the Sand King, who the ghost dragon begged for with great effort!

Sand King City is one of the nine king cities in the South!

And the King of Sand is the only seventh-level Yan slave within a radius of 800 miles.

His appearance brought extremely strong pressure to Tianhuo City.

For a time, the sandstorm began to gather in Tianhuo City, and the people were at a loss, running around like mice.

"It's the King of Sand, they actually invited the King of Sand!"

When the Lu family father and son saw the King of Sand, they were shocked and stunned.

"King of Sand!"

"Is it awesome?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the face of the sandstorm in the sky and said calmly.

"He is a seventh-level Yan slave, a king!"

Lu Sheng also began to feel afraid. He didn't expect that the people of the three major families could actually invite this King of Sand.

Just to deal with Zhuo Bufan?

"Son, we were wrong!"

Lu Zhengdao regretted it even more. He shouldn't have been with Zhuo Bufan.

"King of Sand, we were wrong. Spare our Lu family!"

Before the fight started, Lu Zhengdao surrendered directly.

"Lu Zhengdao, it's too late to surrender now!"

"You actually violated the covenant and joined forces with this guy. Today is the day your Lu family will be exterminated."

At this time, the people of the three major families began to exclude the Lu family, and at the same time, they also showed their weapons.

"Zhuo Bufan, I said, this world can't accommodate someone as awesome as you!"

"Today, I will push you to the bottom, and let you be a first-level slave forever, and never turn over!"

After the ghost dragon finished speaking, he held up the silver fan and led all the masters of the three major families to rush into the Kuangmen.

"Boy, I heard you are very powerful?"

"Take this move of mine, Hell Meteorite!"

The King of Sand in the sky suddenly condensed a big move.

I saw him merge the two forces of the Fire Mark and the Earth Mark together to form a huge lava meteorite.

The meteorite, like a hill, rushed down from the sky and crushed towards the Kuangmen.

At that moment, the people on the earth seemed to have seen the end of the world.

They all knelt on the ground with their heads in their hands, wailing!

Facing this absolute power, it seemed that only death was waiting for them!

A seventh-level Yan Nu, who could fuse the power of two marks, was too strong, incredibly strong!

"It's over! Everything is over!"

People were wailing, and for them, it was all over.

At this moment, a whisper sounded quietly among the chaotic voices.

"Ten percent!"


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