Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 727: Crazy Sect Goes Out

Xu Huang was ordered by Zhuo Bufan to go on an expedition to destroy the wild forces around Tianhuo City and establish the prestige of the Kuangmen.

Of course, for Zhuo Bufan, he wanted to train Xu Huang more.

So Zhuo Bufan didn't really care whether Xu Huang could succeed in this expedition.

Xu Huang took away 800 disciples, most of whom were level 3 Yan slaves.

Of course, he didn't take the female disciples of the Kuangmen with him, and the female disciples would be trained by Zhuo Bufan himself.

The number of female disciples of the Kuangmen has now increased to 100, and the overall strength of the female disciples is very high, even higher than that of the male disciples.

Because Zhuo Bufan is deliberately training these female disciples.

Now, the leader of the female disciples is still the deputy sect master Yi Meng, and Yi Meng's slave seal level has reached an unprecedented level 6.

In addition, Xu'er, A Jin and other female disciples who followed Zhuo Bufan at the highest level have now reached the fifth level.

It can be said that they have benefited the most from the change in Tianhuo City.

The current girl group is already a powerful force. Next, Zhuo Bufan will make good use of this power.

When Zhuo Bufan came to the training academy, he found that Yi Meng was leading the female disciples to practice hard.

In the battle of Tianhuo City, Yi Meng and others witnessed the invincible power of the sect master Zhuo Bufan.

However, Yi Meng also clearly found that they could not help at all.

They did not want to be protected by Zhuo Bufan all the time, so they did not dare to slack off. The slaves practiced to hone themselves, hoping that one day, they could become a sharp sword in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

And now, it is time to show this sharp sword.

"Girls, you practiced well!"

When Zhuo Bufan came to the training ground, he saw these female disciples practicing the Su Nu Sword that he taught, so he decided to let them fight once.

"Master, you are here."

When the girls saw the sect master Zhuo Bufan, they were particularly excited.

Every woman here worships Zhuo Bufan as a god.

They all want to get Zhuo Bufan's favor.

Zhuo Bufan could feel their respect and love for him from the power of faith they gave him.

Among them, the one Zhuo Bufan felt the most deeply was Yi Meng.

Yi Meng looked like a calm lake on the surface, but her heart was turbulent.

She respected Zhuo Bufan the most.

So much so that Zhuo Bufan could feel that the power of faith reflected by Yi Meng was very strong.

Zhuo Bufan had become Yi Meng's greatest belief and spiritual pillar.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan was her reliance and belief to survive.


A girl from the sect came forward in a blue training suit.

Her beautiful eyes showed her admiration for Zhuo Bufan.

Feeling Yi Meng's eager gaze, Zhuo Bufan smiled and asked.

"How is the practice?"

"Well, everyone has practiced the Su Nu Sword taught by the master very well, but they are suffering from the lack of actual combat, and they don't know how powerful they are."

Yi Meng replied.

"Then are you ready for actual combat?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

Yi Meng's eyes widened a bit when she heard it.

It was obvious that Zhuo Bufan was ready to let his women's group fight.

"Be prepared at all times and serve the master!"

Yi Meng said with a fist.

The girls behind him also shouted in unison, serving Zhuo Bufan.

"Very good, then everyone get ready, take your weapons and equipment, we will set off now! This master will personally lead you in actual combat!"

"But, let me make one thing clear first, unless your life is at stake, otherwise this master will not help!"

"You need to grow, so you will definitely go through hardships!"

"Do you understand?"

Yi Meng took the lead and answered.



Then, Zhuo Bufan personally led the team and left Tianhuo City with the women's group of the Crazy Sect.

At this time, Xu Huang and his team had already left Tianhuo City. According to Zhuo Bufan's order, they wiped out the Overlord Tiger Cavalry Group and the Storm Eagle Cavalry Group.

However, Zhuo Bufan and Xu Huang had different goals.

Xu Huang wants to eliminate two tough guys, which is a challenge for him.

The female group led by Zhuo Bufan is only responsible for eliminating other weaker wild groups, which is relatively speaking just a kind of exercise.

It seems that Zhuo Bufan is still very friendly to girls.

"According to the intelligence, it seems that there is a wild group behind this Humen Pass, called the Skeleton Cannibal Group!"

"They specialize in eating human flesh, cutting off the flesh from people piece by piece. As long as the person is not dead, they will not disappear, and the cut flesh will still exist."

Zhuo Bufan said, holding the intelligence obtained by Xu Huang's previous investigation.

The girls on the side gnashed their teeth after hearing this.

"I know this group, I have also been, by them..."

One girl said with tears in her eyes.

Her experience was miserable. Before she met Zhuo Bufan, she was ravaged by all kinds of people.

Once caught, she was either raped or tortured.

Once, she was caught by this skeleton cannibal group, and then became a plaything for everyone in it, and finally, she was ravaged to death.

Although the body can be reborn, the spirit is suffering.

Sometimes, after rebirth, the memories will be forgotten, which is still good.

But some people are reborn with those memories, which is worse than death.

"So, should such beasts be killed?"

Zhuo Bufan rode on the horseback, looking at the blue-dressed and heroic girls behind him.

"They deserve to be cut into pieces!"

"Well, take out your weapons!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the girls drew their swords.

The bright swords, under the sunlight, exuded the light of justice.

"Turn your anger and hatred into your fighting power!"

"Open the power of your mark and bless the sword in your hand."

Every time Zhuo Bufan said a word, the girls behind him followed suit.

Everyone's slave seal was opened, and powerful energy was poured into the sword in their hands.

"Go in and kill them all!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Yi Meng held a sharp sword, galloped, and led the girls behind him, rushing towards the cannibal group like lightning.

"Little Potato, don't go!"

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Little Potato who was about to rush in.

This battle is a revenge battle for the girls, and they must fight bloody battles on their own.

If Little Potato joins the battle, then there will be no suspense in this battle.

In fact, whether Little Potato is there or not, there is no suspense in this battle.

The strength of this girl group is no longer what it used to be.

After rushing into the canyon, after a while, Zhuo Bufan outside the canyon only heard bursts of wailing coming from inside.

The miserable voice resounded through the clouds.

In the end, Yi Meng and the others, covered in blood, rode war horses and walked out of the canyon.

Seeing them, they held up the flag of the Crazy Gate and waved it excitedly in the air.

This exciting battle vented all the anger hidden in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently.

He knew that in the future, this girl group would become the invincible sword of his Crazy Gate!

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