Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 728 Meeting an old friend

The first battle of the Crazy Gate Women's Group was a great victory.

Facing the Skeleton Cannibal Group, these girls of the Crazy Gate Women's Group are no longer weak women.

Each of them turned into a goddess of revenge, with a heart full of anger, and no hesitation.

The dirty blood may splash on their bodies, faces, and clothes.

But it will not pollute their firm hearts.

Looking at the high-flying Crazy Gate flag, Zhuo Bufan smiled knowingly while riding on his horse.

These girls of his have grown up!

"Report to the leader, the Crazy Gate Women's Group has completely wiped out the thieves and won a great victory! No one was injured or killed!"

Yi Meng proudly reported to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, girls, after this battle, you have grown rapidly."

"The Skeleton Wolf Riders are a thing of the past. Next, your mission is to sweep the Red Plain."

"In the territory of my Tianhuo City, no wild groups that kill innocent people are allowed to exist."

The area within a radius of 200 miles of Tianhuo City is called the Red Plain.

On the Red Plain, there grows a kind of blood-red weed.

The Red Plain is also the territory of Tianhuo City.

Now Tianhuo City has been ruled by Zhuo Bufan and has become a slave-free city.

This means that Zhuo Bufan will not allow any wild groups to exist in the territory of Tianhuo City.

The wild group is actually a group of bandits who like to hunt low-level Yan slaves.

They like to besiege the resurrection spring and hunt the Yan slaves who are resurrected from the resurrection spring to improve their own level.

They are the culprits who created countless slaves.

"The investigation report Xu Huang gave me marked five wild groups on Hongyuan."

"Among them, the Skeleton Cannibal Group has been destroyed."

"Then the Overlord Tiger Cavalry Group and the Storm Eagle Cavalry Group were handed over to Xu Huang to deal with."

"So girls, there are still two wild groups left, and you need to solve them. Do you have confidence?"

Zhuo Bufan was still very gentle to the girls.

When the girls heard this, they were like chicken blood.

"Yes, Master, we will definitely make Hongyuan, no more evil groups!"

The girls responded to Zhuo Bufan's call.

"Well, now we will go and destroy the second wild group, the Evil Venomous Fang Group!"

"This wild group is located in Hongyuan Zaoze and occupies the only passage on the Zaoze."

"Our Tianhuo City caravans are often robbed and killed by them!"

"So this time, we have to destroy the Venomous Fang Group to clear the troubles for our caravan."

"Let's go, sweep across Hongyuan and destroy the wild groups."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the girls waved flags and shouted again.

"Sweep across Hongyuan and wipe out the wild groups!"

"Sweep across Hongyuan and wipe out the wild groups!"

Seeing the girls so enthusiastic, Zhuo Bufan nodded calmly.

"Then let's go!"

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan led the women's group of the Crazy Gate and headed towards Hongyuan Zaoze.


On the other side, the other team of the Crazy Gate, let's call it the Crazy Gate Men's Group for the time being!

Because there is no woman in this team, all men.

And they are all elites of the Crazy Gate, more than 800 people.

The lowest cultivation is also the third level!

Led by the Xuanwu Deacon Xu Huang himself, their mission is to wipe out the two most powerful wild groups on Hongyuan.

The Overlord Tiger Cavalry Group and the Storm Eagle Cavalry Group.

Because these two wild groups have a fifth-level leader, all the people around them can be said to be terrified.

Especially the Storm Eagle Cavalry Group, the accomplishment of this wild group is all riding eagles that can carry people and can fight in the sky.

The overall strength is extremely strong.

Therefore, although Xu Huang was a sixth-level Yan Nu, he did not have 100% confidence in facing these two powerful wild groups.

"Sir, the Overlord Tiger Cavalry Group is ahead!"

"Just now, the scout reported that a small team of the Tiger Cavalry Group went to Luoyan River, probably to hunt. What should we do now?"

As the leader of the Crazy Gate Men's Group, Xu Huang now needs to give instructions for all actions.

"So, Hu Er, you take a few dozen brothers to kill that small team for me. Remember, bring back a live person. I want to know the situation of the Overlord Tiger Cavalry Group."

That Hu Er was a fourth-level master, and Xu Huang also intended to train him to be his right-hand man.

Just like Zhuo Bufan trained him and Yi Meng.

Hu Er was a smart man. He knew that Lord Xu Huang wanted to train him, so he immediately accepted the order.

Then, he took twenty disciples and began to chase and kill the small team of the Tiger Cavalry Group.

On this side, Xu Huang continued to observe the Tiger Cavalry Group camp not far away.

Not long after, Hu Er came back.

They succeeded in the raid and won a great victory. They killed almost all the members of the Tiger Cavalry Regiment, leaving only one alive.

"Sir, we are back, no one is injured!"

"We brought back a survivor, do you want to ask?"

"Bring him up!"

Xu Huang said.

Then, a long-haired man in black armor was escorted up.

Xu Huang looked at the person and was shocked.

"It's you, Lu Da!"

The man who was escorted up was none other than Lu Da, who was in the same team with Xu Huang.

When Lu Da saw Xu Huang, he was also stunned.

"Xu Huang? Why is it you?"

"Haha, Lu Da, we are really destined to meet!"

Xu Huang looked at Lu Da with a cold look.

At first, he was on the same team with Lu Da, and they had planned to fight against the fourth-level Feng Zhan together.

However, at the last minute, Lu Da ran away and left Xu Huang there!

"Xu Huang, is it really you? You, you are their leader?"

Lu Da was a little surprised when he saw Xu Huang in a domineering armor.

"Hehe, yes, I am their leader."

Hearing this, Lu Da quickly began to break free from the hands of the two crazy disciples.

"Let me go, I am your leader's friend, do you know what our relationship is?"

"Let me go!"

The two disciples saw this and looked at Xu Huang, who smiled at them, waved his hand, and motioned them to retreat.

When Lu Da was released, he crawled towards Xu Huang, and then looked at Xu Huang with a smile and said.

"Brother Xu, we meet again!"

"I knew that Brother Xu was a lucky person."

Lu Da obviously knew that he was too embarrassed to see Xu Huang.

However, Xu Huang ignored him.

Instead, he took off his helmet and revealed the slave mark on his forehead.

"Six, six levels?"

When Lu Da saw the six-level slave mark on Xu Huang's forehead, he was shocked.

Looking at himself, he was only three levels!

"Hehe, thanks to you, I can get to where I am today."

"If you hadn't deserted at the beginning, I wouldn't have met our sect leader, let alone followed him and achieved what I have today."

"Speaking of which, I really thank you!"

Xu Huang said so, but how could he let go of someone who betrayed him so easily?

The most untrustworthy person is a traitor!

However, Xu Huang now wants to learn about the situation of the Tiger Cavalry from Lu Da, so he did not attack Lu Da.

"Brother Xu, don't say that. I'm glad you don't blame me!"

"Seeing Brother Xu achieve what he has today, I am sincerely happy for you."

Lu Da simply couldn't imagine that in less than half a month, Xu Huang, who was once at the same level as him, had become a sixth-level Yan Nu.

Sixth level, stronger than the leader of the Tiger Cavalry Regiment he joined!

"Brother Xu, can I join your team? Considering that we once knew each other!"

Lu Da said with a pitiful look.

"Haha, don't worry about this! I want to ask you something, and I hope you can tell me the truth."

Lu Da said excitedly when he heard it.

"Brother Xu, ask me, as long as I know it, I will tell you everything I know!"

"Well, tell me, what is the situation inside the Tiger Cavalry Regiment?"

When Lu Da heard Xu Huang Yao asking about the Tiger Cavalry, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he started to use his brain again!


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