Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 729: Destroy the Tiger

Xu Huang is a cautious person, and Zhuo Bufan focused on cultivating him because of this quality in him.

It is necessary to plan the attack on the Tiger Cavalry Regiment in the long run and understand the opponent's strength.

This Lu Da should have recently joined the Tiger Cavalry Regiment. Xu Huang wanted to find out some things about the Tiger Cavalry Regiment from him.

When Lu Da saw that Xu Huang was now in a high position and doing so well, he was naturally excited and wanted to curry favor with Xu Huang.

So when faced with Xu Huang's question, he did not hesitate and answered quickly.

"Brother Xu, you should ask me this!"

"This Tiger Cavalry Regiment is just a broken group with a strong appearance but a weak heart! How can it be as strong as your team, Brother Xu?"

"The Tiger Cavalry leader is said to be a fifth-level master, but no one has ever seen him take action."

"I looked at him, he is thin and short, and looks so weak that he is definitely not a match for you, Brother Xu."

"Brother Xu, do you want to attack the Tiger Cavalry Regiment?"

"Let me lead the team for you. I know there is a small path behind the Tiger Cavalry Regiment. We can rush into the camp behind them and kill them by surprise."

This Lu Da worked very hard to win the credit. He was eager to lead the team and rush into the Tiger Cavalry Regiment camp to take the head of the leader and give it to Xu Huang.

Xu Huang looked at him so impatient and didn't say much.

In fact, what Lu Da said was all bullshit, and none of it was useful.

Xu Huang actually knew that this guy should have just joined the Tiger Cavalry Regiment and must know nothing about the Tiger Cavalry Regiment.

It was a mistake to capture him.

However, seeing that he wanted to take credit so much, Xu Huang gave him a chance.

"Okay, I'll let you lead the team and attack from the back!"

Just now, Xu Huang thought of a two-pronged strategy.

This battle will be fought sooner or later, and it is meaningless to continue dragging it on.

Although they don't know much about the Tiger Cavalry Regiment, the Tiger Cavalry Regiment also knows nothing about them.

So, after hearing Xu Huang's promise, Lu Da jumped up excitedly.

"Brother Xu, don't worry, I will definitely help you defeat the Tiger Cavalry Regiment."

"Okay, then wait a moment, I'll go to count the troops."

After Xu Huang finished speaking, he turned and looked at Hu Er next to him, and then took Hu Er aside and talked in detail.

"Xiao Er, bring some elite brothers, you and I will attack from the front and back, and you don't have to listen to this guy's command."

Hu Er nodded when he heard it.

"I understand, sir!"

"Okay, get ready, we'll set off immediately."

Next, Xu Huang led the large army to charge to the front, while Lu Da and Hu Er led the elite troops to encircle from the back.

The battle was about to break out--

When Xu Huang's large army launched a charge on the grassland, the sentinels of the Overlord Tiger Cavalry Regiment immediately discovered the large number of people and horses that suddenly appeared on the grassland.

Then, the battle horn sounded.

The Overlord Tiger Cavalry Regiment reacted in time and began to fight back.

Xu Huang led a large number of people and horses to charge into battle, killing anyone they saw, with swords and swords, heads rolling, and blood flowing like a river.


As the high-pitched war sounds rang out, Xu Huang fired a flare into the air.

The next second, the elite troops hiding behind the Tiger Cavalry Regiment camp, led by Hu Er, rushed out.

Boom boom boom!

The flames of war were instantly ignited behind the enemy.

For a time, the Tiger Cavalry Regiment was attacked from all sides, and had no power to fight back in the face of Xu Huang's surprise attack.

When they came to their senses, they had already died.


Half an hour later, the battle was over!

Wars are cruel. There were also casualties among the people of the Crazy Gate!

More than one hundred of the eight hundred disciples died.

But the price was that the arrogant Tiger Cavalry Regiment was wiped out.

"Hu Er, count the brothers who have been lost, and we will go to the nearest resurrection spring immediately."

Xu Huang will not let the Tiger Cavalry Regiment have any chance of rebirth.

This battle is not over yet, he will go to the resurrection spring to guard the corpse!

Only by killing all the members of the Tiger Cavalry Regiment to the first level can this wild group be completely disintegrated!

After hearing this, Hu Er clasped his fists and replied.

"Yes, sir!"

"By the way, sir, your friend is also dead!"

Hu Er suddenly talked about Lu Da, and Xu Huang frowned slightly when he heard it.

"He didn't lie to us, the enemy really had no defense behind him!"

"He was very brave, but as soon as he rushed out, he was killed by one of the enemy's generals."

Xu Huang was silent for a moment when he heard it.

For him, Lu Da's leading the way this time was equal to the betrayal that day!

"Okay, don't worry about him! Go to the resurrection spring."

Xu Huang did not continue to embarrass Lu Da, but from now on, he would have nothing to do with Lu Da.

In fact, after Lu Da was resurrected, he even forgot who Xu Huang was!

Every time he was resurrected from the resurrection spring, he would forget some important memories.

The fact that Lu Da forgot Xu Huang showed that Xu Huang was still very important in his mind.

He felt very guilty about the betrayal that day.

Finally, Xu Huang took Lu Da under his command!

So far, there is one less wild group in Hongyuan.

On the other hand, the Crazy Gate Women's Group led by Zhuo Bufan is simply invincible.

They easily killed the second wild group, the Evil Fang Group, in the Hongyuan Swamp!

And so far, the women's group has not lost a single person.

Zhuo Bufan was naturally very pleased with this result.

In his opinion, every member of the Crazy Gate Girls Group is a female warrior!

"Master, we won!"

Yi Meng walked to Zhuo Bufan's horse with the flag of victory, then knelt on one knee and told Zhuo Bufan the good news.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan got off the horse and touched her head with satisfaction.

"Well done!"

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was like a godfather!

Yi Meng was touched on the head by Zhuo Bufan, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"But the battle has just begun, you still have a goal - the White Ghost Shadow Group!"

"This wild group is located in Luoxia Mountain in the north of Hongyuan. The information Xu Huang gave me shows that this is a very mysterious wild group."

Zhuo Bufan did not let the girls rest. They must be given enough pressure so that Zhuo Bufan can see their potential.

He helped Yi Meng up and said.

"Now, your last goal is to destroy this ghost group."

Yi Meng replied after hearing this.

"Master, I have also investigated this White Ghost Shadow Group. The Luoxia Mountain where they are located was originally the mining area of ​​the Gui family."

"Luoxia Mountain is rich in Thunderbolt Ore!"

"Thunderbolt Ore?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"What is that?"

"Thunderbolt Ore contains extremely unstable energy. Once triggered by the power of the slave seal, it will explode in a very short time with great power!"

"Before, the Gui family occupied the Thunderbolt Ore in Luoxia Mountain, and then the Thunderbolt Ore produced was transported to the Ghost Emperor City, one of the four imperial cities of Xiaonan Kingdom!"

"And from what some slaves who used to work in the mining area said, this White Ghost Shadow Group is an organization specially sent by the Ghost Emperor to supervise the mining of the Gui family."

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes, touched his chin, and then smiled slightly.

"Thunderbolt Ore? Interesting!"

After listening to Yi Meng's words, he immediately associated the Thunderbolt Ore with grenades.

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about the Ghost Emperor that Yi Meng was talking about.

Instead, he was very interested in the Thunderbolt Mine.

"Why, are you scared?"

Zhuo Bufan asked Yi Meng with a smile.

Yi Meng immediately fixed her gaze and answered.

"Not afraid!"

"Well, let's go!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan led the team again, taking the Crazy Gate Girls Group to Luoxia Mountain.


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