Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 730 Luoxia Mine Area

Zhuo Bufan didn't care about what Yi Meng said about the group of white-clothed ghosts in Luoxia Mountain.

What he cares about is the Thunderbolt Mine that Yi Meng mentioned!

According to what Yi Meng said, the Gui family has been producing thunderbolt mines for the Ghost Emperor, one of the four emperors of the Southern Kingdom!

This white-clothed ghost group is equivalent to the status of supervisor.

As for the ghost family's trouble, Zhuo Bufan has no idea why the white-clothed ghost shadow group did not come forward.

"This thunderbolt mine should be an explosive similar to gunpowder."

Zhuo Bufan knew that there were many strange things in this world, so he could completely understand things like thunderbolt mines.

"The Thunderbolt Mine that the three Gui brothers are even willing to use themselves must be a rare thing!"

Zhuo Bufan thought.

When he brought the girls from the Crazy Girl Group to Luoxia Mountain.

Looking around, I saw that under the setting sun, the mountains were full of slaves mining.

The entire mining area is still operating normally and working normally.

"There are still slaves? What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan has liberated all the slaves in Tianhuo City. Logically speaking, all the slaves in the Gui family should also be liberated.

However, in the Luoxia Mountain mining area, there are still some labor slaves all over the mountains and plains, suffering from oppression.

In addition to the labor slaves, there were many people wearing white cloaks.

They were holding whips and whipping slaves who were a little slack.

"Luoxia Mountain is far away from Tianhuo City, and there is a Resurrection Spring behind Luoxia Mountain."

"After the slaves here die, they will not be resurrected in Tianhuo City, but will be resurrected behind Luoxia Mountain."

“So, it’s a separate existence here.”

"This Luoxia Mountain mining area was the territory of Tianhuo City a long time ago, but later the Gui Family occupied this area."

"The ghost family sold it to the evil Ghost Emperor City. It can be said that the current Luoxia Mountain belongs to the Ghost Emperor City thousands of miles away and is completely controlled by the Ghost Shadow Group."

After Yi Meng's explanation, Zhuo Bufan understood the gray area of ​​Luoxia Mountain.

"So, if we, the Kuang Sect, attack the White Clothed Ghost Shadow Group, will we still be able to defeat Wu Ming?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of this question.

The purpose of their Kuangmen expedition at the beginning was to clear out all the wild groups that existed in the territory of Tianhuo City.

However, the Luoxia Mountain where the ghost group is located is not the territory of Skyfire City, and he, the Lord of Skyfire City, has no right to interfere.

However, Zhuo Bufan had already set his sights on the Pili Mine in Luoxia Mountain.

What's more, his desire to rescue the slaves became even stronger.

"Sect Master, then why don't we attack Luoxia Mountain and bring this gray area back into the territory of Skyfire City?"

Yi Meng suddenly suggested.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he looked at Yi Meng thoughtfully.

He found that Yi Meng was becoming more and more proactive now.

There must be many stories about this girl.

"Aren't you worried about the Ghost Emperor behind this ghost group?"

Zhuo Bufan asked with a smile.

The Ghost Emperor is the overlord of the four imperial cities in the Southern Kingdom and the legendary ninth-level slave of hell.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan doesn't seem to have much confidence in fighting against the ninth level.

Although his divine power was powerful, during the battle with the seventh level, Zhuo Bufan had already found that he was about to touch the ceiling.

With his current divine power, he can deal with the eighth-level Yama slave at most, and fight with the ninth-level demon. He is afraid that the demon will go all out and empty the storage of divine power.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhuo Bufan is afraid of the Ghost Emperor.

He just wanted to see Yi Meng's reaction.

Upon hearing this, Yi Meng replied firmly.

"In order to fulfill your dream, Master, Yi Meng is not afraid of the earth falling apart!"

When Yi Meng said this, Zhuo Bufan was a little shocked.

This Yi Meng obviously really wanted him to express her loyalty.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt the divine power of faith brought to him by Yi Meng, which suddenly increased sharply.

Looking at Yi Meng again, Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched her face, then smiled lightly.

"Well, let's go and build a dazzling mountain and river for me!"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to see how far Yi Meng would go for him.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan didn't realize that there was a trace of evil charm in him without even realizing it.

Upon hearing this, Yi Meng turned around and pulled out the long sword from her waist.

Hunting in windbreaker, with heroic appearance, drawing sword and singing——

"Everyone obeys the order, dismounts, and draws swords!"

Yi Meng was like a female war goddess, with incomparable domineering majesty. As soon as she finished speaking, all the girls on the hillside jumped off their horses.

Then they all drew their swords.

But when he saw Yi Meng holding the sword in front of his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes showed an extremely determined look.

"Fight for the sect master!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the crazy female disciples raised their swords and swore an oath!

"Fight for the sect master!"

This kind of ritual-like action made the blood in Zhuo Bufan's body begin to burn.


As Yi Meng shouted the word "kill", all the female disciples raised their swords and surged with the power of slave seals. With an extremely majestic and fierce momentum, they killed towards the Luoxia Mountain in front of them.

Zhuo Bufan stood on the hillside, looking at the group of girls who were fighting bloody battles for him with a smile.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt an inexplicable sense of vanity.

"Little Potato, go help!"

This time, Zhuo Bufan allowed Xiaotuo to play.

For a moment, Little Tudou turned into a sandstorm giant and rushed toward the entire Luoxia Mountain.

However, this battle was obviously not as easy as Zhuo Bufan imagined.

There were actually two sixth-level masters in the white-clothed ghost shadow group.

One of them fought as well as a Sandstorm Giant.

The other person actually suppressed Yi Meng and Xu'er, who were also at the sixth level.

Although Yi Meng and Xu'er are both at the sixth level, they don't have much combat experience.

The opponent was one against two, but he didn't lose.

And what's even more surprising is that their weapons are extremely powerful.

The Thunderbolt Mine was just as Zhuo Bufan guessed, like a grenade that exploded across the mountain range with loud bangs.

Zhuo Bufan naturally would not see his girl group being threatened with death.

He kept rescuing girls who were worthy of their lives.

"Is this the Thunderbolt Mine? Very good, very powerful!"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the power of the Thunderbolt Mine was greater than he imagined. Each fist-sized Thunderbolt Mine was as powerful as one percent of his divine power.

Seeing that the girl group was struggling, Zhuo Bufan finally decided to take action.


The sixth-level man in white picked up the yellow sand and knocked Xu'er away with one palm.

Xu'er flew up upside down and was caught by Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you okay?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xu'er and said.

This is the second time he has picked up Xu'er like this. The last time was when Xu'er was chased by the Wolf Cavalry.

After being rescued by Zhuo Bufan again, Xuer quickly replied.

"I'm fine!"

"I'm sorry, Master, I've let you down!"

Xuer was trained hard by Zhuo Bufan, because Zhuo Bufan found that she was a natural warrior.

So I have placed hope on her.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan touched her head and said.

"You've done a great job. Now, leave it to me!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a white light and shadow, shuttled through the battlefield.

Then he quickly rushed to the sixth-level man in white.

The other person was wearing a white cloak and a white mask, looking at Zhuo Bufan with cold eyes.

"Who are you? Dare you come to Luoxia Mountain to cause trouble?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan motioned to Yi Meng to step back.

"I'm here to get back what belongs to my Skyfire City."

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