Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 731: Liberating the Mine

Zhuo Bufan came with a fierce murderous aura.

The moment the other party saw Zhuo Bufan, he immediately noticed the seventh-level slave mark on his forehead.

Zhuo Bufan is a seventh-level slave, and he is only a sixth-level slave. How can he fight?

However, he can't escape at this time.

He is the Ghost Emperor's man, and it is also the Ghost Emperor's order to guard this place.

The Ghost Emperor's order to him is that he can't leave the mining area even if he dies.

So when Zhuo Bufan appeared, he was afraid, but he had to be tough.

"Sky Fire City? Are you the guy who liberated Sky Fire City? Did you destroy the Gui family?"

The other party knew that the Gui family was destroyed.

They didn't intervene in this matter.

Because in their eyes, the Gui family is not as important as this mining area.

Zhuo Bufan responded.

"Yes, I am Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the Crazy Sect."

"This place was originally the territory of my Tianhuo City. Now, as the lord of Tianhuo City, I have come here specially to recapture this place."

"You have two choices, either leave here on your own initiative, or be wiped out by me."

Zhuo Bufan said calmly while looking at the leader of the Ghost Shadow Group in front of him.

It can be seen that he is the leader of the Ghost Shadow Group.

When the other party heard it, he laughed.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, do you know who this mining area belongs to now?"

"Is it the Ghost Emperor of Xiaonan Kingdom?"

Zhuo Bufan answered calmly.

The other party was stunned and shouted.

"Since you know it belongs to the Ghost Emperor, why don't you get out of here?"

"Dare to provoke us, aren't you afraid of being wiped out by the Ghost Emperor?"

The other party wanted to use the title of the Ghost Emperor to suppress Zhuo Bufan.

However, what was Zhuo Bufan afraid of?

"Ghost Emperor? Why should I be afraid of him?"

"Not to mention, he is in Ghost Emperor City thousands of miles away. Even if he comes to Hongyuan in person, why should I be afraid?"

"Luoxia Mountain originally belongs to Hongyuan, to my Tianhuo City."

"You want to occupy the magpie's nest? Now that the master is back, why don't you get out of here?"

In Zhuo Bufan's dictionary, there has never been a word for fear.

He has come to this point today without being afraid of anyone.

The little ninth-level Ghost Emperor is not enough to make him afraid.

However, in the eyes of the other party, Zhuo Bufan is just an arrogant person.

"You are so arrogant? It seems that you don't know how powerful the Ghost Emperor is!"

"There was once an eighth-level expert who provoked our Ghost Emperor and was eventually killed to the first level and reincarnated forever."

"There is also a seventh-level expert like you, who is also thousands of miles away from you. Because of inappropriate words, he angered the Ghost Emperor. In the end, he was chased by the Ghost Emperor for thousands of miles and is now the most humble slave in the Ghost Emperor's devil cave."

The other party wanted to scare Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan was not easily scared.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan rushed towards him and twisted his neck.

"Are you threatening me?"

Zhuo Bufan's cold eyes were murderous.

The other party was frightened and said quickly.

"I'm not threatening you, I'm warning you. It's not easy for you to cultivate to the seventh level. Don't provoke the Ghost Emperor and cause trouble for yourself."

"You can kill us today, but maybe tomorrow, the Ghost Emperor will destroy your Tianhuo City."

The other party was twisted by Zhuo Bufan's neck, and he dared to say that.

The more Zhuo Bufan listened, the more unhappy he became.

Finally, he squeezed hard!

This time he did not use divine power, but the power of the mark.

The next second, the guy's neck was broken by him and he was killed on the spot.

"Sure enough, you are still threatening me!"

Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

"Kill them all and drive these guys out of Hongyuan!"

After Zhuo Bufan killed the sixth-level master of the Ghost Shadow Group.

The girls of the Crazy Gate suddenly became eager to fight and their blood boiled.

Zhuo Bufan's inspiring words made them all feel like chicken blood.

Next, the Ghost Shadow Group began to collapse across the board.

Especially the slaves, who actually began to resist at this time.

They actually picked up the Thunderbolt Mine and started to deal with the Ghost Shadow Group.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

The Thunderbolt Mine is extremely powerful and has no restrictions.

Even the first-level slaves can use it.

Under the main attack of the Crazy Gate Women's Group and the resistance of the slaves, the Ghost Shadow Group was quickly wiped out.

In the end, the flag of the Crazy Gate was planted on the top of Luoxia Mountain.

With the help of Zhuo Bufan, this battle was easily won.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not let the Ghost Shadow Group go.

They came to the resurrection spring in the back mountain and started guarding the corpse!

Resurrect one and kill one.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan had a purpose.

For example, if the resurrected one is the fourth level, then he will let the third-level girl kill it!

In this way, the third-level girl can be promoted to the fourth level.

If the resurrected one is the fifth level, then the fourth-level will kill it, so the women's group can have another fifth-level.

In short, everything Zhuo Bufan did was to improve the strength of the women's group.

Once, these girls were slaves slaughtered by others.

And now, they have become the butchers!

In this world, the strong make the rules. If you want to survive, you have to become stronger.

In the end, Zhuo Bufan completely killed the people of the Ghost Shadow Group to the lowest level.

Then he did not kill them again, but let everyone go.

In this way, the Hongyuan sweep operation of the Crazy Gate Girls Group ended here.

The three wild groups were all killed, which greatly improved the overall strength of the women's group.

Not only that, they also conquered the Luoxia Mountain Mining Area.

From the slaves here, we learned that the Luoxia Mountain Mining Area is rich in thunderbolt ore, and it is also one of the few thunderbolt ore producing areas in the South.

This thunderbolt ore is very rare and naturally very precious.

Each fist-sized thunderbolt ore is worth 100 gold coins.

You know, the annual income of an ordinary family in Tianhuo City is less than 100 gold coins.

In short, things are precious because they are rare, and the Luoxia Mountain Mining Area must be recovered.

"According to estimates, less than 30% of the thunderbolt ore in Luoxia Mountain has been mined. There are still a lot of thunderbolt ore waiting to be collected."

An old slave said to Zhuo Bufan.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan patted his shoulder and said.

"From now on, you can freely choose whether to continue mining here."

"You are no longer slaves, but living people."

"If you decide to stay and continue mining, I will not treat you unfairly."

"Thirty percent of the minerals collected belong to you."

Zhuo Bufan treats the laborers well.

After hearing this, these slaves asked to stay.

Because, they didn't know what to do except mining.

In the past, they got nothing from mining.

But now, they can get extremely generous rewards.

With the rewards, they can return to the city, buy a home, buy a piece of land, and marry a wife. Zhuo Bufan outlined such a life for them in detail.

Who doesn't yearn for a good life!

So, in the end, everyone decided to stay and continue mining.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan handed over the Luoxia Mountain mining area to the deputy city lord Lu Sheng.

This is the main source of income for Tianhuo City.

In addition to sending soldiers to guard, factories and dormitories were also built to give preferential treatment to mining workers.

In this way, the economic lifeline of Tianhuo City was revived.

However, Zhuo Bufan also offended a character that no one in the South dared to offend, the Ghost Emperor.

Next, what awaits him will be the revenge of the Sand King and the wrath of the Ghost Emperor.

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