The sun was high in the sky, the sky was filled with yellow sand, and inside the Sand King City——

The former master of this city, the Sand King, now wore a tattered cloak and stepped into the gate of the Sand King City.

As a result, he was stopped by the wine glass just at the gate!

"Stop, who is it?"

Faced with the guard's question, the Sand King raised his face, then revealed a pair of cold pupils, staring at the guard in front of him.

When the two guards saw the Sand King, they were so scared that they knelt down directly.

"Sand King, I deserve to die, I deserve to die!"

The slave mark on the Sand King's forehead was covered, so the two guards did not see that he was no longer the seventh-level Yan slave.

When they recalled the brutal rule of the Sand King, the two were so scared that they almost peed.

"Send this king back to the palace!"

To their surprise, the Sand King did not get angry.

It was obvious that he had been beaten back to the third level and was no longer as majestic as before.

He did not dare to show off his power.

The two of them trembled and sent King Sha back to the palace.

But they didn't expect that as soon as they returned to the palace, they found that everything had changed.

King Sha's Palace was changed to King He's Palace.

When King Sha saw the plaque on the door of the palace, he couldn't help but frown.

"He Tianliang!"

Coincidentally, at this time, a long man in a white robe walked out of the palace.

He wore a hair crown like a long-necked crane, and the long robe he wore was also embroidered with white cranes.

When King Sha saw him, his eyes almost popped out.

"It's you, He Tianliang!"

King Sha was very shocked. This He Tianliang was originally a military advisor under his command and a sixth-level Yan slave.

And now, he dared to occupy his own city lord's palace.

He, the former King Sha, is already yesterday's flower and has cooled down.

"Haha, Old Sha, you're back?"

As soon as He Tianliang finished speaking, he gently waved his right hand, pounced on the cloak on King Sha's head.

Finally, the slave seal of King Sha was revealed, the third-level Yan Nu.

The two guards next to him were also stunned when they saw this.

The third level, the same realm as them.

For some reason, the two guards instantly became confident.

And after seeing the slave seal on King Sha's forehead, He Tianliang suddenly became tough.

"It seems that my information is correct. You really failed in Tianhuo City, and now you have become a mere third level. Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really miserable!"

As King Sha's former military advisor, He Tianliang was obviously completely fearless.

"He Tianliang, you despicable villain, take advantage of others' misfortune to occupy my city lord's mansion?"

He Tianliang touched his goatee and laughed when he heard it.

"Hahaha, Lao Sha, you can't say that! Oh no, you don't even have the qualifications to talk to me now."

"You are just a third-level Yan slave, and you dare to jump in front of me, a sixth-level one? If it weren't for our old acquaintance, I would have slapped you to death long ago."

This world is so cruel.

Even if you were once a great hero, you will still not be treated as a human being after becoming a low-level Yan slave.

The King of Sand gnashed his teeth and looked at Tsuruta Ryo.

He was very angry, but he had to suppress this anger in his heart.

"Tsuruta Ryo, I have nothing to say about this misfortune."

"What can you do with this King of Sand City! But I am unwilling to accept it. I have only one request when I come back this time, to help me get revenge."

When Tsuruta Ryo heard this, he narrowed his eyes slightly and laughed.

"Old Sha, why should I help you get revenge? Do you think you are still the King of Sand?"

"Why? Because I have ruled the King of Sand City for 80 years and collected endless treasures!"

When the King of Sand finished speaking, Tsuruta Ryo's eyes lit up.

As the King of Sand's military advisor, he certainly knew how much wealth the King of Sand had collected over the years.

But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it.

This huge wealth really tempted him.

"Tell me, where are the treasures you hide?"

Tsuruta Ryo suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the King of Sand's neck.

However, before Tsuruta Ryo's coercion, the King of Sand remained indifferent.

"I said, if you help me get revenge, I will tell you the treasures. Otherwise, you will never get those treasures!"

When Tsuruta Ryo heard this, he stared at the King of Sand with a pair of scarlet eyes.

The two glared at each other without giving in.

Finally, Tsuruta Ryo suddenly threw the King of Sand out.

"Okay, I'll help you get revenge! However, the other party is a master who killed you. You let me go, don't you want to harm me?"

Tsuruta Liang hesitated.

After hearing this, the King of Sand said quickly.

"Don't worry, I have tested that kid's skills. He is indeed very strong and very strange, but not invincible."

"Last time I went alone, I didn't know the other party's strength in advance, and I suffered a loss."

"This time, you bring my carefully trained Sandstorm Corps, and unite with our wild group Storm Eagle Cavalry Corps in Hongyuan, you will definitely be able to kill that kid."

"At that time, you will not only get all my treasures, but also the entire Tianhuo City."

The King of Sand began to tempt Tsuruta Liang.

After thinking about it, Tsuruta Liang finally clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and replied.

"Okay, I will trust you again."

"If you dare to trick me, I will definitely let you reincarnate in the first level forever."

Tsuruta Liang finally couldn't resist the temptation.

After all, with the treasure of the King of Sand and the wealth of the entire Skyfire City, he will definitely become a powerful force in the northern part of the Southern Kingdom.

This is an opportunity, and he cannot miss it.

"Very good, you immediately send the Sandstorm Corps to Hongyuan to unite with the Storm Eagle Cavalry."

"The leader of the Storm Eagle Cavalry is my friend. The two of you will definitely be able to sweep the Skyfire City together."

The King of Sand is only for revenge, so this time, he completely gave everything.

He hated, he hated Zhuo Bufan for destroying everything for him.

He worked hard to build a force for hundreds of years and practiced for hundreds of years, but it was destroyed in one day.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must die, even if he has to pay any price.

After summoning the most powerful Sandstorm Corps in the King of Sand City, Tsuruta Ryo immediately headed for Hongyuan.

Now there is only the last wild group left on Hongyuan, the Storm Eagle Cavalry.

Unlike other wild groups that have fixed camps, the Eagle Cavalry has no fixed camps, so it is not easy to find them.

The Crazy Gate Men's Group led by Xu Huang searched for them for five days but couldn't find them.

But King Sha knew the leader of the Eagle Cavalry Group and had a special way of contact, so King Sha's Sandstorm Corps found the Eagle Cavalry Group before Xu Huang.

On a barren mountain in Hongyuan, King Sha and others found the Eagle Cavalry Group.

He Yuan, the leader of the Eagle Cavalry Group, was not actually a close friend of King Sha. They even had a feud.

But this time, he decided to cooperate with King Sha's Sandstorm Corps.

Because Zhuo Bufan's sweep in Hongyuan had seriously threatened the survival of his Eagle Cavalry Group.

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