When the leader of the Eagle Cavalry saw the distressed Sand King, he sneered twice.

Then, he no longer looked at the sand king, but looked at Tsuruda Ryo beside him.

"Commander He, you're fine!"

"Captain He, I've seen him before!"

In this world, only the strong are qualified to compete on the same stage and drink together.

The former sand king could despise everyone present.

But now, he could only stand beside Tsuruta Ryo and watch Tsuruta Ryo and He Yuan discuss the big plan.

At the wine table, He Yuan said through gritted teeth after taking a sip of spicy wine.

"This crazy guy really deceives people too much."

"They swept away the entire Red Plains, and now I am the only wild group left on the Red Plains!"

"Hongyuan, there is no room for such an awesome person!"

He Yuan obviously also intends to form an alliance with the Sandstorm Legion.

When Tsuruta Ryo heard this, he quickly said.

"Captain He, didn't I come to help you with the most powerful sandstorm army in the royal city?"

"This Sandstorm Legion has 1,800 people, and the lowest level is fourth level. Plus the thousand eagles from your Eagle Cavalry, it will be more than enough to attack the Kuangmen."

Upon hearing this, He Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Commander Crane, oh no, you should be called King Crane! King Crane, you really like me!"

"Cooperation is fine, but I have a request."

He Yuan began to make demands.

When Tsuruta Ryo heard this, he was slightly confused and said.

"Commander He, come and listen."

"After Skyfire City is captured, it belongs to me!"

"It's yours? Commander He, don't be too big on your appetite. What benefits can I, the Crane King City, get from it?"

"The good thing is that the most valuable thunderbolt mine in Skyfire City belongs to you!"

This He Yuan wants to occupy the city and become the king.

"As far as I know, Kuangmen captured the Pili Mine in Luoxia Mountain Area two days ago. Now this Pili Mine is the private property of Kuangmen."

"If we can wipe out the Mad Clan this time, then the Skyfire City belongs to me and the Thunderbolt Mine belongs to you. You and I can each get what we need. Why not?"

Tsuruta Ryo looked at He Yuan's persistence and thought about it.

It seemed that if He Yuan did not agree, it would be impossible for the other party to cooperate with him.

In fact, the most important thing in Ryo Tsuruda's heart is the Sand King's treasure! The Sand King's treasure is the most important wealth.

Finally, Ryo Tsuruta made the final decision.

"Okay, that's a happy decision. Once the Kuang Clan is destroyed, Tianhuo City belongs to you, and the Luoxia Mountain Mining Area belongs to me."

After some trading, the two parties finally signed a letter and agreement and formed an alliance.


As soon as the two signed the agreement, they didn't have time to be happy.

Suddenly, a report came from the Eagle Cavalry scouts outside the door.

"Report to the leader, the man from the Kuang Clan has finally arrived!"

When He Yuan and Tsuruta Ryo heard this, they frowned.

"So fast? Where are they?"

"Reporting to the captain, we are in Fengjianhe and are heading towards our Bald Eagle Mountain."

"Visually there are more than 800 people on the other side, and they are relatively strong."

The Eagle Riders' reconnaissance capabilities are the most powerful among all wild groups in the Red Plains.

Because they can ride eagles and conduct reconnaissance in the air.

When He Yuan heard this, he suddenly smiled ferociously.

"It seems that the group of people who destroyed the Tiger Cavalry are not afraid of these people!"

"They are attacking the Tiger Cavalry, and they are using a conspiracy to attack from both front and rear. In this case, I will treat them the same way I treat them!"

"Luo Cheng, you lead 300 elites and retreat from the air. Mamu, you lead 200 elites and support them from the air. Shuhe, you lead 500 elites and fight from the front!"

He Yuan has already gone down, and the three generals under his command have taken orders one after another.

"Captain He, do you need support from our Sandstorm Legion?"

Tsuruta Ryo on the side asked at this time.

Upon hearing this, He Yuan raised his hand and said.

"No, since you and I have formed an alliance, let me show you the true strength of our Eagle Cavalry in the Red Plains."

Ryo Tsuruta really wanted to see if the Eagle Riders were as powerful as the legend said.

"Well, I will wait and see!"

On the other side, under the leadership of Xu Huang, the Crazy Men boy band found the hiding place of the Eagle Riders, Vulture Mountain!

However, they did not launch an attack immediately, but stopped at the Windjian River ten miles away from Bald Eagle Mountain.

"Sir, our people discovered that the Sandstorm Legion from Sand King City seems to have also reached the territory of the Eagle Riders."

"The bare mountain in front is the hiding place of the Eagle Riders."

Hu Er pointed to the mountain peak in the distance and said.

"Sandstorm Legion? Why are they here? Is it to deal with my Kuangmen?"

"I don't know, sir, should we still fight?" Hu Er asked.

"This Eagle Cavalry Group is difficult to fight!"

Xu Huang looked at the mountain and said.

He had already investigated the Eagle Riders before arriving.

The reason why the Eagle Riders are very difficult to fight is because the mounts of the Eagle Riders are all eagles that can soar in the air.

Land versus air is inherently at a disadvantage, not to mention the Eagle Cavalry itself is not weak either.

And now, the Eagle Riders have joined forces with the Sandstorm Legion.

It's not that Xu Huang has no confidence, but that this battle is really not good for them.

Just when Xu Huang was thinking about whether to fight, he suddenly saw a group of eagles flying from the sky.

"Look, sir, it's the Eagle Riders, they've found us."

Hu Er pointed at the group of flying eagles in the sky and said.

On top of the flying eagle, elite hunters were riding.

"No, this battle makes me feel uneasy!"

"Boy, you go back immediately and inform the sect master! Just say that the people from the Sandstorm Legion have joined forces with the people from the Storm Eagle Cavalry."

Xu Huang became less and less confident about this battle.

"Sir, why don't we all withdraw!"

Hu Er said.

"It's too late, you ride my horse and go back quickly!"

"Since the other party has discovered us, it is impossible for us to evacuate collectively."

"You can go back and report the news to the sect master, and I can rest assured. Let's go quickly!"

After Xu Huang finished speaking, he twisted Hu Er up and threw him onto his horse.


Upon hearing this, Hu Er looked at Xu Huang, and then at the eagles flying from the sky.

Then he quickened his horse and started galloping towards the Sky Fire City.

Above the sky——

Luo Cheng, one of the generals of the Eagle Cavalry, was responsible for leading the three hundred elites to circle back and wanted to attack the Kuangmen Men's team from both front and rear.

The unwilling Second Corps behind him was responsible for conducting aerial strikes in the sky.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Seeing that Luo Cheng was far away, Xu Huang looked at the enemies riding flying eagles all over the sky, he narrowed his eyes and said.

"Everyone spread out, don't gather together. If you can survive, return to Skyfire City."

Facing the air cavalry of the Eagle Cavalry, the best way to fight is to disperse to avoid encountering concentrated fire.

Fortunately, the vegetation on the Red Plains was all blood red. The Kuangmen's clothes are red and black, so they have a good concealment effect.

However, the flying eagle that the Eagle Cavalry rides is the second-order Yama slave, the Wilderness Goshawk!

This goshawk has excellent eyesight.

Just when the members of Kuangmen began to disperse, preparing to fight guerrilla warfare.

The flying eagles in the sky swooped down one by one like arrows.

The moment it landed, it took the life of a member of the Kuang Clan.

Either stabbed to death, thrown to death, caught to death, or shot to death...

In short, from the beginning of this battle, Kuangmen was at an absolute disadvantage.

On the distant Bald Eagle Mountain, after seeing this scene, He Yuan, the leader of the Eagle Cavalry, confidently said to Ryo Tsuruta who was standing beside him.

"Commander He, what do you think of our Eagle Cavalry?"

Tsuruta Ryo clapped his hands when he saw the Eagle Riders showing off their power.

"As expected of the first regiment in Hongyuan. With your help, Captain He, we, He King City, will be able to defeat Tianhuo City in just a short time."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two laughed loudly, seeming to be singing for the next victory.

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