Hu Er took Xu Huang's order and escaped from the battlefield.

When he returned to the Kuangmen of Tianhuo City, Zhuo Bufan happened to be arranging matters in the Luoxia Mountain Mining Area.

He was preparing to contact Xu Huang after completing the Luoxia Mountain matter.

As a result, Hu Er rushed back with bad news.

Hu Er told Zhuo Bufan the cause and effect of the incident, and Zhuo Bufan smiled happily after hearing this.

"Alliance? This Sand King is really capable. I killed him to the third level, and he can still make an alliance!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly.

He knows the laws of this world, the typical law of the jungle.

The former Sand King was a strong man who ate others.

Now he is just a weakling, being eaten by others.

Such a weak person can still promote the alliance between the two major forces, which shows that the Sand King has a backup plan.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have expected this result.

Later, Zhuo Bufan asked the girls of the women's team to prepare for another battle.

"Yimeng, let all the girls bring their bows and arrows. The enemy we face this time is a group of birdmen."

Zhuo Bufan's thinking is very clear.

In this war, it is useless to be anxious. It depends on who is more stable.

After Yi Meng heard this, she immediately went down and started to prepare.

Then Zhuo Bufan looked at Hu Er who was standing aside and said.

"Your name is Hu Er, right! I will now make you the commander of the Pioneer Battalion, and you will be responsible for leading the remaining disciples of the Kuang Clan."

When Hu Er heard this, he immediately knelt down on one knee and kowtowed.

"I obey my orders!"

"There is no need for these false gifts at this time. Give me the map of Hongyuan. Can you point to where they are currently fighting?"

Zhuo Bufan unfolded the map, then Hu Ershou pointed to the area of ​​Vulture Mountain and said.

"Master, this is the area. There is a Fengjian River here. Lord Xu Huang and the others fought with the enemy here!"

"How long do you think they can last?"

Zhuo Bufan asked again.

He wanted to see if Hu Er had leadership skills and vision. He now urgently needed to train a group of important cadres.

After hearing this, Hu Er narrowed his eyes and replied.

"Report to the Sect Master, this time we are facing the two powerful forces of the Eagle Riders and the Storm Legion."

"I think Mr. Xu will definitely use the scattered guerrilla fighting method to delay time."

"But it can only delay for an hour at most."

"And our Skyfire City is at least an hour and a half away from the Fengjian River battlefield. I'm afraid we won't be able to make it in time!"

Zhuo Bufan was very satisfied with Hu Er's analysis.

Zhuo Bufan touched his chin, then pointed to a blue spring on the map and said.

"There's enough time!"

"This is the resurrection spring closest to their battlefield, the Fountain of Youth."

"Whether they are the enemy or our people, they will definitely be reborn here after death!"

"So, the battlefield at Fengjian River should be just the first battlefield! This resurrection spring is the ultimate battlefield!"

"We're not going to the Fengjian River, we're going directly here. We'll have enough time in an hour."

When Hu Er heard this, he suddenly realized.

"The master of the sect is famous!"

"Haha, no need to flatter you, go down and prepare. Let's set off immediately without further ado!"

In Zhuo Bufan's view, the current situation did not require him to show off his power.

So he decided to let the girl group and the disciples of Kuangmen grow up again.

Soon, the crazy disciples gathered together.

Then the army of madmen began to rush towards the Fountain of Youth.

At this moment, on the other side of the Fengjianhe battlefield, the Kuangmen boy band suffered an unprecedented blow.

Xu Huang and the others were unable to fight back when facing the Eagle Riders flying around in the air.

The most important thing is that the people of the Eagle Riders actually attacked from all sides and defeated them one by one.

In less than two hours, the Kuangmen people lost most of their money.

"This won't work. Hu Er should have returned to Kuangmen."

"After the sect master gets the news, he should come to rescue us as soon as possible."

Xu Huang can only place his hope on Zhuo Bufan now.

"No, with the wisdom of the sect master, he will definitely not rush directly to the battlefield. He may rush directly to the resurrection spring where we are resurrected."

"Yes, that should be it!"

Xu Huang is still very smart at critical moments.

He also guessed that Table Bu Fu'an would most likely go to the Fountain of Youth to wait for their resurrection.

The battlefield of Fengjian River is only the first battlefield.

If the Eagle Riders wipe out all the people from the Kuang Clan, they will definitely go to the Fountain of Youth to guard the bodies. They will drive out all the people from the Kuang Clan.

Thinking of this, Xu Huang immediately thought that the sect leader would definitely go directly to the Fountain of Youth to wait and see.

"Everyone listen to the order and move towards the Fountain of Youth!"

Xu Huang began to lead the remaining people towards the Fountain of Youth.

The transfer action here attracted the attention of He Yuan and Tsuruta Ryo.

"They want to go to the Fountain of Youth?"

"You are really looking for death!"

Seeing Xu Huang and the others moving towards the Fountain of Youth, He Yuan and Tsuruda Ryo each led their armies to pursue them.

With the Fountain of Youth as the resurrection point, there will obviously be a brutal battle.

Now, everyone is heading towards the Fountain of Youth.

According to the resurrection rules of the hell world, one will not be resurrected until three hours after death.

Therefore, those who died before have not yet been resurrected.

The first people to arrive at the Fountain of Youth were Zhuo Bufan and the others.

The Fountain of Youth is located in a valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but it is a peaceful place.

However, the war is about to ignite, and the tranquility here will soon be broken.

When Zhuo Bufan, Yi Meng, Hu Er and other disciples arrived at the Fountain of Youth, no one was resurrected.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan asked everyone to hide and wait for the people in the Fountain of Youth to be resurrected.

This was an encounter around the spring, and the surprise attack was obviously effective.

Everyone hid as Zhuo Bufan said, and soon, a large number of people and horses rushed towards the defense line of the Fountain of Youth.

"Master, it seems to be Lord Xu and his people."

Hu Er, who was standing aside, saw Xu Huang riding a horse, so he said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked closely and found that it was Xu Huang and his people.

The number of people led by Xu Huang was less than 100, and behind them were enemies riding eagles and chasing fiercely.

"Master, let's go and rescue Lord Xu and his people!"

Xu Huang had been kind to Hu Er, so Hu Er would naturally not see Xu Huang suffer.

However, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

"No hurry, showing up now will make the enemy prepared."

"We should take advantage of the regional advantages here and launch a surprise attack on the enemy!"

"After they enter the valley, all the flying eagles will land. When they all land, we will launch a surprise attack."

Zhuo Bufan said.

He has his own tactics.

Although Zhuo Bufan's ability is very strong, facing such a large-scale battle, one person's power is limited.

He must learn how to use the power of the Crazy Gate.

After hearing this, Hu Er could only grit his teeth.

Now he can only listen to Zhuo Bufan, after all, Zhuo Bufan is his boss.

So, everyone could only watch as Xu Huang was chased and killed to the point of no return.

In the end, all of them were forced to the edge of the Fountain of Youth, looking back at the pursuers behind them, they had no way to escape.

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