Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 735 Dominating Hongyuan

Seeing that he was desperate, Xu Huang led the remaining people and turned around to look at the chasing troops behind him.

"Hahahaha, kid, run away, why don't you run away?"

Facing Xu Huang and the others, who were less than a hundred in number, He Yuan rode down on a third-level flying eagle.

The flying eagle cavalry behind him also landed one by one.

After all, you can't fly in the sky all the time, and the flying eagle also needs to rest.

"Wait, wait!"

Zhuo Bufan watched the flying eagles fall down one after another, and his heart began to become anxious.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"The wolf is so ambitious that he actually wants to dominate the Red Plains."

He Yuan said, walking towards Xu Huang step by step.

Seeing this, Xu Huang was not afraid in the face of danger, drew his sword and shouted.

"How can my Kuang Sect be compared to a wild group like you?"

"My Kuang Sect fights to save all people in the world, and the sect leader is born to save this world!"

"One day, we will definitely be able to save the entire world, and when the time comes, people all over the world will sing our praises."

"Hahahaha, boy, are you crazy? Save the world and free all slaves. I think you are crazy!"

Faced with Xu Huang's sonorous and high-pitched speech, He Yuan laughed endlessly.

Who in this world dares to speak boldly and liberate the world?

The entire hell and all living creatures are the slaves of Yama. Whoever dares to speak in dialect to liberate slaves is the enemy of the King of Hell.

"Why are you talking nonsense to him? Kill him!"

The Sand King behind him looked at Xu Huang and others and roared hysterically.

He hates the people of the Kuang Clan so much that he wishes to kill them all.

However, there is no room for him to speak here yet.

"shut up!"

Tsuruta Ryo yelled at Sand King.

Then, he said to He Yuan.

"Commander He, there is no need to talk nonsense to them. I propose that all of them be killed and become first-order slaves of hell. They will never stand up again."

Tsuruta Ryo's words made Na He Yuan smile coldly.

"Hahaha, what Commander He said makes sense, I want to make sure that the Kuangmen will never be reincarnated!"

"Boy, have you ever experienced despair?"

"Fortunately, the cultivation that I have gained through hard work has been destroyed in an instant. This is despair!"

After Tsuruta Ryo finished speaking, he picked up a spear, waved his arm, and shouted.

"Kill me!"

Seeing the two major forces of the Eagle Cavalry and the Sandstorm Legion, they joined forces and charged towards Xu Huang and the others.

When Xu Huang saw this, he also raised his arms and shouted.

"Children of the crazy sect, come with me to fight! Kill!"

Even when facing a desperate moment with no chance of winning, Xu Huang was completely unafraid.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan showed a happy smile.

He was not wrong about Xu Huang. Xu Huang was qualified to become the leader of the Mad Sect.

"Master, all the Eagle Cavalry are down."

Hu Er has been paying attention to the flying eagles in the sky of the valley.

Until the last flying eagle landed, he couldn't wait to ask Zhuo Bufan for instructions.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand.

"Everyone, listen to my orders, take your arrows and fire your bows."

Zhuo Bufan said this again and again, and began to use the slave seal energy on his forehead.

He began to fuse the energy of the Fire Seal and the Earth Seal together.

Suddenly, the temperature in the entire valley began to rise.

The sand on the ground began to slowly rise and condense in the air.

The entire space was filled with unimaginable heat.

Even the fountain of youth began to boil.

"No, this is my hell!"

Sand King was the first to react. This move was exactly the move he used when he attacked Kuangmen.

Apart from him, he couldn't think of anyone else in Hongyuan who could master this heaven-defying trick of fusing two attributes together.

Except for one person, except for that person——

"It's him, it's him here, it's the man here!"

Looking at the top of his head, the huge meteorite was slowly condensing.

The entire meteorite began to burn with a bang.

"No, there's an ambush!"

He Yuan and Tsuruta Ryo also reacted immediately.

All the flying eagles were frightened at that moment and flew around without paying any attention to their master.

"It's the sect master, it's the sect master here, it's the sect master!"

Although I haven't seen Zhuo Bufan yet, there is only one person with such a powerful aura. Who else can it be besides Zhuo Bufan?

Xu Huang began to shout excitedly.

Watching the lava meteorite condense rapidly in the air.

"Impossible, how could this kid die from hell? Combining the power of the fire seal and the earth seal cannot be achieved overnight!"

The sand king still couldn't believe it.

Until in the valley, Zhuo Bufan's heaven-defying loud shout rang out——


With Zhuo Bufan shouting the word "kill"!


There was an explosion throughout the sky.

The next second, the meteorite from the sky fell from the sky and broke through the clouds.

With extremely powerful and devastating power, it crushed the Sandstorm Legion and Storm Eagle Cavalry on the ground.

At the same time, all the crazy disciples hiding in the valley suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, there was an overwhelming rain of arrows, falling from the sky.

"There is indeed an ambush, accept the challenge, accept the challenge!"

At this point, there is no point in escaping. The only option is to fight.

Facing the meteorite falling from the sky, He Yuan and He Tianliang joined forces to fight back.

The two of them used their mysterious skills and the power of the slave seal on their foreheads, and began to roar, causing the earth to tremble.

However, the Zhuo Bufan they faced was not just a seventh-level Yan slave.

"Ten percent!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted quietly.

Ten percent, he used his divine power again.

And this time, his divine power was directly integrated into the meteorite falling from the sky.

Divine power can be integrated into any power, so it is called divine power.

He can strengthen the energy of the Hell Meteorite, making it unstoppable.

As expected, with the fall of the Hell Meteorite, the king of the Sandstorm Legion, He Tianliang, and the leader of the Storm Eagle Cavalry, He Yuan, had no time to raise their delicate arms.

The next second, the two were like ants, hit by the meteorite, and then crushed all the way.

The two died tragically on the spot!

It was not just the two of them who died tragically, the meteorite fell, and it was a mess.

Wherever it went, everything was burned, and the power was extremely terrifying.


Yi Meng, Hu Er, and Xu Huang began to lead the disciples of the Crazy Sect to eliminate the other remnants.

In the next battle, Zhuo Bufan was no longer needed.

Zhuo Bufan casually threw a Hell Sky Meteorite, which basically killed half of the enemies in seconds. The most important thing was that the two group leaders were also killed.

"No, no, no!"

The King of Sand was also destroyed!

If he died this time, he would be directly beaten back to the second level.

The second level, falling from the seventh level to the second level, how miserable.

If you want to blame, blame him for provoking someone he shouldn't provoke.

An hour later, the battle in the Valley of the Fountain of Youth officially ended, and all the enemies were huddled and annihilated.

Not only that, the people of the Crazy Sect were still guarding the corpses here, and killed all those who still had memories of this battle until they completely forgot about this battle.

So far, all the wild groups in Hongyuan have been completely annihilated.

Tianhuo City and Sand King City both became territories gained by Zhuo Bufan through battles.

Zhuo Bufan officially dominated Hongyuan!

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