When Zhuo Bufan came to the front hall, he happened to see the mysterious messenger Chu Fan from the capital of God.

Chu Fan is not a simple person, his identity is mysterious.

If Yi Meng's memory is correct, this Chu Fan is likely to be the leader of the rebels.

There are also rebels in this world who want to liberate slaves.

As long as there is oppression, there will be resistance.

Therefore, before Zhuo Bufan came to this world, there were rebel forces.

If it is true, then Chu Fan is likely to be the same person as Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing the other party with his back to him, wearing a black robe, his back gives people a strong breath like a mountain.

Regardless of whether the other party is the leader of the rebels, the other party's strength is definitely not weak.

An eighth-level Yan slave, Zhuo Bufan may need to consume a lot of divine power to fight him.

After quickly examining the other party's identity, Zhuo Bufan's action of entering the room caused the other party's reaction.

Probably feeling Zhuo Bufan's breath, Chu Fan turned around slowly and looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Chu Fan, who was standing in front of him, was smiling, his eyes were almost narrowed into a slit.

Zhuo Bufan's intuition told him that people with narrowed eyes were not easy to deal with.

"Messenger from the capital of the gods? Zhuo Bufan, the city lord of Zhuowang City, I'm honored to meet you!"

Zhuo Bufan did not show too much servility, but introduced his identity very calmly.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Chu Fan smiled with his eyes wide open.

"You are extraordinary, I am ordinary! Brother Zhuo's name is naturally superior to mine!"

If Chu Fan hadn't said it, Zhuo Bufan would not have noticed that he was called Bufan, while the other party was ordinary.

"Extraordinary people are born ordinary. Ordinary people are born extraordinary!"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to praise the other party, and in the end, Chu Fan had to laugh.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhuo, we don't need to argue here about who is Bufan. Today, I am here at the request of Lord Jiu Wushen to pay a special visit to Lord Zhuo Wang, the leader of the Kuang Sect in Hongyuan, the northern part of the Southern Kingdom, and the lord of Tianhuo City and Zhuo Wang City."

"Zhuo Wang, come forward and listen to the noise!"

As soon as Chu Fan finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out a scroll from under his cloak.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and did not twist it slightly. This scene was a bit like the emperor's decree.

"Do I need to kneel down?"

Zhuo Bufan said with great reluctance.

Chu Fan smiled and said, "Zhuo Wang, please do as you please. In principle, you need to kneel down, but Zhuo Wang's transformation does not require kneeling!"

"Oh? It seems that I still have privileges? Well, tell me, what exactly does Jiu Wushen want to sentence me to?"

Jiu Wushen, the Eight Palace Gods of the Capital of Gods, one of the spokespersons of the King of Hell.

His words almost conveyed the will of the King of Hell.

So, Zhuo Bufan regarded this announcement as a sentence.

This time, Chu Fan did not say much, but directly unfolded the scroll and began to read.

"Appeal to the King of Hell, and shout to the slaves of Hell. The Ninth Palace God Jiu Wu, shout——"

"Zhuo Bufan, the leader of the Kuang Sect, is mighty and brave, and unified Hongyuan. Confer the title of Hongyuan Overlord, and make Jiu Wushen the seventh God General. Accept the order!"

After Chu Fan announced Jiu Wushen's will, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly and did not speak.

"King Zhuo, accept the order!"

Chu Fan said to Zhuo Bufan again.

However, Zhuo Bufan was still indifferent.

"I'm afraid this order cannot be accepted! I don't want to be the Overlord of Hongyuan, the seventh God General."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that this was actually a recruitment letter.

Jiu Wushen actually wanted to recruit him to be the seventh God General.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's indifference, Chu Fan was embarrassed.

However, he still had a squinting smile and said

"King Zhuo is indeed unique. I have great respect for him."

"However, if he does not accept this divine will, King Zhuo will go against the will of Jiu Wushen. This may anger Jiu Wushen."

"What if Jiu Wushen is angry?"

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan said such words directly in front of Chu Fan.

He was clearly going to rebel!

"I, Zhuo Bufan, will never be controlled by anyone in my life. Go back and tell your Jiu Wushen that I thank him for his kindness.

However, Zhuo likes freedom. I can accept the title of Hongyuan Overlord. As for the position of the seventh general, let's give it to other people who need it!"

Zhuo Bufan was outspoken. He did not expect the other party to send him a letter of amnesty.

If he agreed, then his great cause of liberating slaves would not be able to continue.

In this way, people who are full of faith and hope in him will be greatly disappointed.

The faith he has built up with great difficulty may collapse in an instant.

Faith in divine power is the source of his power.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan would not agree to Jiu Wushen's letter of amnesty.

Zhuo Bufan's refusal was somewhat unexpected to Chu Fan, but reasonable.

"Hahaha, you have courage!"

"It seems that the rumors are true. Brother Zhuo's heart to liberate slaves is really touching."

"Brother Zhuo really wants to liberate this world?"

Chu Fan said with a smile as he looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not respond, but said calmly.

"This world does not need me to liberate it!"

"I am just doing what I want to do."

"I am not as great as you think. I am just fighting for myself!"

"Of course, this world will be liberated sooner or later. This is the inevitable process of world development. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. I believe that someone will come to liberate this world, and I am at most a promoter."

What Zhuo Bufan said was actually testing Chu Fan.

From Chu Fan's slightly narrowed eyes, he could be sure that Chu Fan was definitely not an ordinary general.

Yi Meng's memory should be true. This Chu Fan is the leader of the "Dawn" organization.

"I see!"

"Brother Zhuo, I will bring your words to Jiu Wushen truthfully."

"You and I feel like old friends at first sight, and we regret meeting each other later. As a friend, I would like to give you a piece of advice."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said, "I would like to hear the details!"

"Brother Zhuo, no one has ever dared to violate the laws of the temple god. Brother Zhuo rejected Jiu Wushen this time. I think Jiu Wushen will not give up."

"If Brother Zhuo is desperate one day, he can go to Shura Valley and find a girl named Lingxi."

After Jiu Wushen finished speaking, he raised his hand, then said goodbye and left.

Zhuo Bufan did not stop Chu Fan from leaving.

However, based on what Chu Fan said before leaving, Zhuo Bufan was almost certain that this Chu Fan was the leader of the People's Liberation Army.

Seeing Chu Fan leave, Yi Meng walked out from behind the screen.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Yi Meng and asked.

"Did you remember something?"

There seemed to be light shining in Yi Meng's eyes again.

"Yes, he is the leader of Dawn. The Lingxi in his mouth is my sister!"

When Yi Meng said that Lingxi was her sister, you could see two lines of tears welling up from Yi Meng's eyes and falling down.

It turns out that Yi Meng was also a member of Dawn.

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