Yi Meng's memory is slowly recovering.

She recalled that she was once a member of Dawn.

That's why she knew that Chu Fan was the leader of Dawn.

It can be seen that Yi Meng was once a senior cadre of Dawn, otherwise she would not know Chu Fan's true identity.

"Then why didn't you come out and meet your former allies just now?"

Yi Meng shook her head.

"My memory has long been fragmented. Even if I meet them, what can I do?"

"Now, I just want to follow you."

Yi Meng looked at Zhuo Bufan, her eyes full of determination.

For her, the past her has gone with the wind, and now she just wants to follow Zhuo Bufan.

No matter if she was a senior executive of "Dawn" before, or an important person.

Now she is the deputy leader of the Crazy Sect and a follower of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yi Meng and couldn't help sighing.

"You don't have to do this. If your memory is fully restored, you can choose to leave."

"I will leave this world sooner or later."

Zhuo Bufan knew the special feelings Yi Meng had for him.

Maybe at the beginning, Yi Meng's feelings for him were a kind of respect, love, and faith.

But now, Yi Meng has begun to have feelings for Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is no longer the young boy at the beginning.

Now he has his own wife, his own children, and his own family.

So, Zhuo Bufan must let Yi Meng give up that idea.

However, Yi Meng chose not to care.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Yi Meng said, turned around and left.

That being said, Yi Meng was actually very scared, very scared that Zhuo Bufan would leave.

She knew that Zhuo Bufan was not from this world, and she also knew that he would leave this world sooner or later.

So, she didn't dare to think, didn't dare to imagine what she would do after Zhuo Bufan left!

Watching Yi Meng leave in a trance, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

Zhuo Bufan is a man who is loyal to his feelings. He will not betray Bai Su's feelings.

Therefore, he can only give Yi Meng despair.

Fortunately, Yi Meng's memory is slowly recovering. Perhaps one day, she will fully recover her memory.

Perhaps, Yi Meng will find that she once had her own lover.

For Yi Meng, Zhuo Bufan chose a close and distant relationship.

After Chu Fan, the messenger of Shendu, left, Zhuo Bufan did not stop the development of Kuangmen!

Instead, he accelerated the development of Kuangmen.

Kuangmen has formed a certain scale of development rhythm and began to expand to the south.

More and more capable people have appeared in Kuangmen.

In less than half a month, Kuangmen has established branch altars in 35 cities!

Every time a branch altar is established, it will surely be worshipped by countless people.

Zhuo Bufan's name has almost spread to half of the South Country.

Zhuo Bufan believes that if Zifan is in the South Country, he must have known where Zhuo Bufan, the father, is.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan's expansion of the Crazy Sect with such fanfare has indeed spread his reputation to some people.


South of the South Country, there are endless deep mountains and old forests.

Here, there are demon insects everywhere, monsters everywhere, and it is a natural arena.

Prey and hunters are constantly playing the game of killing and escaping here.

Of course, in addition to various powerful monsters, there are also many bounty hunters who come here for fame.

"Brother, the front is the territory of the Huo beast. According to Grandma Mu's information, this Huo beast is a fourth-level beast. Can the three of us do it?"

In the dense forest, there are three bounty hunters in green robes, shuttling between the branches of the jungle.

These three people are a small team, and the leader is called Lu Yang, a Yan slave who has just been promoted to the fourth level.

On his left is a little girl with a bun, named Lu Xue, Lu Yang's sister, a second-level Yan slave.

On the right is a man younger than Lu Yang, named Zhang Jian, a silent swordsman, a third-level.

The three received a bounty mission to hunt down the Huo beast. An extremely terrifying creature.

This Huo beast will release powerful corrosive magic that can poison all creatures around it.

The jungles near the Huo beast withered and turned into rotten wood.

This monster that can change the earth is not ordinary powerful.

They are stronger than monsters of the same level.

"Okay, believe me, sister!"

"After completing this mission, we will have money to buy a spaceship ticket to Tianhuo City!"

"I promise you, I will take you to Tianhuo City, to the slave-free city."

"Brother, do you think we can join the Crazy Gate?"

"I heard that King Zhuo is a very good person. Not only did he liberate all the slaves, but he also helped them rebuild their homes."

"His Crazy Gate welcomes all believers."

Lu Xue admired Zhuo Bufan, who was far away in Tianhuo City.

Zhuo Bufan's reputation has almost spread throughout the entire South Country.

Many weak people admired him in every way.

Especially Lu Xue, when she heard that there was a slave-free city in the north, she dreamed of going to that sacred place.

However, the journey from the southernmost land of the South to the northernmost land is long, and only by taking the Liuyun flying ship of the capital of God can you reach the north.

Deacon, the ticket for this Liuyun flying ship is too high.

One person needs one thousand gold coins!

For the three of them, that would cost three thousand!

So, they had to work hard to make money to buy a boat ticket to Tianhuo City.

Now, they have saved two thousand five hundred gold coins, and they still need five hundred.

The reward for this mission is exactly five hundred.

As long as they complete this mission, they can go to Tianhuo City.

"Don't worry, sister, I can do it!"

"When we fight later, you stay with Zhang Jian. I will deal with Huo***."

Lu Yang is a good brother. In order to fulfill his sister's wish, he went through life and death.

It is precisely with this obsession that he has reached the fourth level now!

"It's almost there!"

Zhang Jian is a silent swordsman who was rescued by Lu Yang from a resurrection spring.

Zhang Jian lost all his memories and only remembered his name.

When he was reborn, he only had a sword in his hand.

He loves swords as his life, and he is also a sword genius. In less than a month, he has reached the third level.

His training speed is even stronger than Lu Yang.

His intuition is very accurate and he feels the existence of Huo Beast.


Lu Yang stretched out his hand and stopped on a tree.

Lu Xue and Zhang Jian behind him also stopped.

At this time, they saw a black mud not far ahead.

In the mud, there was a huge beast lying.

It looked ugly, like a combination of a toad and a hippopotamus, with tumors all over its body.

It crawled in the mud, and every breath it took, it exhaled terrible poisonous gas, corroding the forest in front of it.

The trees around it had already rotted and turned black, which was enough to prove that the information Lu Yang and his team had obtained was true. This was an extremely terrible monster.

"Prepare for battle!"

After Lu Yang finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out a soft sword from his waist.

But at the moment the sword was pulled out, the Huo beast suddenly opened his eyes, then turned his head and looked at the three people on the treetops.

"Not good, this guy's five senses are so powerful!"

Before he finished speaking, the Huo beast suddenly opened his mouth.

From his mouth, an extremely terrifying black poisonous mist spewed out...

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