Xuanyuan Hao took an extraordinary step and came to the hell world.

He fell into the endless forest in the south.

It is different from Zhuo Bufan who made great efforts to develop the power of his crazy family.

As a man who has also mastered divine power, Xuanyuan Hao has never thought about developing followers in this world.

Instead, he followed the cultivation system of this world and practiced the slave mark.

Therefore, now his slave seal level has reached the eighth level. And Zhuo Bufan is only at the seventh level.

I have to say that Xuanyuan Hao is definitely a genius.

Whether in the world of cultivation or in the world of hell, Xuanyuan Hao can become the world's top combat power in any way.

From the first level of Yama to the current eighth level.

He almost killed all the high-level monsters in the endless forest.

This man is simply synonymous with invincibility.

Now, Xuanyuan Hao is almost invincible in the endless forest.

Invincible is lonely, and he has already experienced this loneliness in the world of cultivation.

So he decided to leave the Endless Forest and leave this killing field!

Go to the Haikou sky outside to find more opponents and achieve supreme invincibility.

As a result, when he was about to walk out of the endless forest, he met a helpless little girl.

Xuanyuan Hao is a girl-controller, which is well known in the world of immortal cultivation.

When he saw the helpless little girl, he thought of his sister.

Ever since, Xuanyuan Hao appeared.

He helped the little girl and killed the Huo beast.

This little girl is the real Lu Xue!

Lu Xue looked at the man in front of her, a little scared, but couldn't help but want to get closer to him.

When a first-level Yama slave encounters an eighth-level person, there is indeed a kind of class oppression.

But Lu Xue stood beside Xuanyuan Hao, looking very safe.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Lu Xue bowed deeply towards Xuanyuan Hao.

Xuanyuan Hao squinted his eyes, looked at Lu Xue, and replied coldly.

"It's dangerous here, I'll take you out."

Since you have already helped her, let's help her to the end.

What's more, Xuanyuan Hao loves his sister very much, and he will definitely protect his little sister in every possible way.

"Thank you, big brother!"

When Lu Xue heard that she wanted to protect herself from this land of right and wrong, she naturally decided to hug Xuanyuan Hao's thigh.

Along the way, no monster dared to attack Lu Xue.

Even within a thousand meters of Xuanyuan Hao, not even a bird dared to fall.

His aura is too strong, and he is an absolute powerhouse with an eighth-level slave seal.

There will be mutual reactions between the slaves.

Especially the orcs have stronger senses.

Low-level ones will sense the presence of higher-level ones and avoid them.

Therefore, wherever Xuanyuan Hao passed, no life dared to appear.

With Xuanyuan Hao's protection, Lu Xue would naturally be absolutely safe.

"Brother, can we go to Wangchuan?"

Seeing that he was about to walk out of the endless forest, Lu Xue suddenly turned around and looked at Xuanyuan Hao.

Her two watery eyes seemed to be begging, begging Xuanyuan Hao to take her to Wangchuan.

The River of Forgetfulness is the nearest resurrection spring nearby, and her two brothers will be resurrected there.

However, the area around Wangchuan was filled with eager hunters.

Lu Xue is just like a little lamb. If she goes alone, she will definitely fall into the tiger's mouth.

So she wanted to ask Xuanyuan Hao to go with her.

Xuanyuan Hao felt soft when he saw Lu Xue's pitiful appearance.

Thinking that he had nowhere to go now, he said calmly.

"Lead the way!"

When Lu Xue heard this, she screamed with joy.

"That's great, big brother, you are such a good person. Thank you."

Lu Xue once again bent 90 degrees and bowed, deeply grateful to Xuanyuan Hao for his help.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't care, he didn't know where he was going anyway.

He thought about looking for his apprentice Bai Zifan, or Zhuo Bufan and the others.

However, he didn't know how to find it in the vast hell.

In addition, he didn't know much about the world, so he planned to follow this little girl and let her take him wherever he went.

Lu Xue just went to Wangchuan with a big boss.

After walking for nearly two hours, they came to a huge mountain range.

This mountain range extends for thousands of miles and intercepts the entire grassland.

In the center of the mountains, there is a deep canyon.

This is the only passage from the endless grassland to thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"Brother, ahead is Wangchuan."

The so-called River of Forgetfulness is located in this canyon.

Walking in the canyon, Xuanyuan Hao had already felt that there were many creatures in the canyon, watching eagerly.

He deliberately hid his aura and put on his cloak.

"Brother, we are almost there, right under that bridge."

The little girl Lu Xue raised her hand and pointed at a natural stone bridge over the canyon.

"That bridge is called Naihe, and below it is the Wangchuan River! My brother and brother Zhang Jian were killed by the Huo beast before, and they will be resurrected there later."

"I wonder if my brother and the others will still remember me when they wake up."

Lu Xue looked a little sad. What she feared most was that her two brothers would forget about her after they woke up.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't say anything more, and the deacon continued walking with the little girl.

When they arrived at the Wangchuan River, they saw people constantly crawling out of the turbid water.

As soon as they arrived, several people came out in fear.

But without exception, the people who crawled out were all first-level Yan slaves.

The hunters hiding in the dark had no interest in first-level Yan slaves.

Their targets were second-level, third-level, or fourth-level Yan slaves.

After waiting for half an hour, suddenly, a person floated up from the Wangchuan River.

The first time Lu Xue saw that person, she rushed up.

"It's Brother Zhang Jian!"

The resurrected person was Zhang Jian.

Zhang Jian climbed out of the river, covered in mud.

Seeing this, Lu Xue hurried over.

"Brother Zhang Jian, great, you are resurrected!"

Zhang Jian, a silent swordsman.

When he saw Lu Xue, he couldn't help but reach out and touch Lu Xue's head.

"Xue'er, where is your brother?"

Lu Xue was moved to tears when she heard it.

"Great, Brother Zhang Jian, you still remember me, you didn't lose your memory."

Lu Xue was most happy that Zhang Jian still remembered her.

"Brother Zhang Jian, this is your sword!"

Lu Xue always carried Zhang Jian's sword with her just to give it back to him.

Zhang Jian took the sword and stroked it.

"Is this my sword?"

It turned out that he still lost his memory and forgot his sword.

Just when Lu Xue was about to comfort Zhang Jian, suddenly, he saw another person popping out of the Wangchuan River.

Seeing this, Lu Xue hurried over.


This time, it was her biological brother, Lu Yang, who was resurrected.

When Lu Yang woke up, he also saw his sister.

"Brother, do you still remember me?"

Lu Xue was very scared, very scared that her brother had forgotten her.

Lu Yang thought and thought, and finally reached out his hand and touched Lu Xue's head.

"Xue'er, I remember, you are my sister!"

At that moment, Lu Xue hugged her brother tightly.

"Hahaha, what a warm and romantic moment. Unfortunately, you met me."

Just when Lu Yang and Lu Xue recognized each other, a man suddenly jumped out from the edge of the cliff.

There was a three-ring and one-dot slave mark on his forehead.

"Fourth-level Yan Nu!"

Lu Xue was stunned when she saw this.

The other party was big and small again.

"I've waited for so long, and finally I've waited for a third-level. Kill you, and I can be promoted to the fifth level!"

As soon as the guy finished speaking, he raised the killing knife and chopped at Lu Yang who had just resurrected.

"Brother, be careful!"

Seeing this, Lu Xue stood behind her brother without hesitation.

Before, it was her brother who protected her. Now, it's her turn to protect her brother.

It happened in a flash, and when the man's knife was about to chop Lu Xue,

Suddenly, countless gravel condensed into rocks and flew through the air.

Puff puff puff puff!

The fourth-rank Yan Nu who had just appeared was instantly beaten into a pulp, and finally turned into dust and disappeared into ashes.

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